What is the difference between a beginner and an experienced bodybuilder?

Once upon a time, at the dawn of my youth, for the first time in my life I found myself in a gym... Of course, I was very fascinated by all this - machines that give health. And there are so many of them - a whole sports complex. Train and you will become strong, voluminous and ripped, like these beautiful people from the posters, flexing their impressive muscles...

Infected by this same enthusiasm, I entered this amazing world - the world of bodybuilding and fitness... At first I worked out without any system - I just went around all the machines in the gym in circles, trying to get the most out of myself. By the way, this is exactly what classic beginners do. Absolutely not understanding what needs to be done, without knowing any theory, they grab onto everything in a row and just stupidly try to work at least a little on each of the simulators. And the result: stagnation, lack of system, overtraining, sore throat, and, as the good Russian proverb says: “one step forward and two steps back”...

And only now, through the prism of the past time and the experience gained from my mistakes, I understand how wrong I was. After all, what is the difference between a beginner and an experienced bodybuilder? – yes, precisely the lack of knowledge. And to achieve something in this sport, they are undoubtedly needed. You can’t just mindlessly lift anything that’s heavier! After all, this is how you can kill yourself. At the same time, a possible sports injury is just the beginning. You can also develop chronic heart and vascular disease! - and this is no longer a joke...

So what is the difference between an experienced athlete and a youth?

  1. An experienced bodybuilder never begins his training without a quality warm-up, stretching and warming up. It is this part of the training process that minimizes all kinds of sports injuries, such as dislocations, sprains, muscle and ligament tears.
  2. An experienced bodybuilder will definitely include in the plan such stages as a cardio warm-up (or cardio introduction), a cardio cool-down and elements of aerobic training. All these things are needed to prepare and adapt your heart, respiratory and circulatory systems to powerful physical activity. By regularly following this step, you will protect yourself from all sorts of chronic diseases that affect almost every third bodybuilder.
  3. A true athlete always works according to the intended program.
  4. An experienced athlete will never train “everything in a row on all available machines.” Only clearly defined muscle groups, again according to the training plan.
  5. The intensity of training and the training regimen of a seasoned athlete always depends on seasonality and proceeds in a spiral: first, a long time of working on mass, strength and volume, then a short period of drying - a bias towards working out the relief and eradicating subcutaneous fat.
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