What to do if you feel overtrained?

It often happens that in the heat of excitement we forget about moderation... Performing the exercise again and again, approach after approach, we do not even notice that we are going too far... What to do if you feel overtrained? How to minimize the risk of stagnation?

If you feel that you have gone a little overboard during training, follow the tips below, and then you will be able to recover faster and better.

During training, if you feel too much, you need to:

  1. Minimize the load on the overtrained muscle group.
  2. At the end of the session, do a short cardio cool-down - this will help get rid of lactic acid in the muscle tissues of your body as much as possible.
  3. Do not forget about the mandatory stretching exercises in this case, especially the affected muscle.

Next, proceed to enhanced rehabilitation measures:

  1. A warm bath, a contrast shower, and water procedures in general, promptly used and carried out efficiently, can reduce to zero the negative processes caused by overtraining of your muscles.
  2. Order yourself a good relaxing massage, the price of this procedure is not at all affordable these days, but the effect will be simply amazing. This will allow you to recover much more efficiently and quickly.
  3. Sauna, bathhouse, steam room - all this also has an extremely positive effect on the rehabilitation processes of your body. Together with sweat, all toxins are removed through the skin, metabolism and the processes of regeneration and overcompensation of your muscle tissue are accelerated.
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