What is a protein window? And what can you eat after working out in the gym?

Intense training depletes the supply of glycogen in the blood, which is accompanied by the release of stress hormones and leads to injury to muscle fibers. These changes serve as a powerful impetus for the body, triggering recovery processes and muscle growth.

In the first 30-35 minutes after working out in the gym, a high concentration of stress hormones remains in the body. Insulin can stop their action. Eating carbohydrates increases glucose levels and triggers recovery processes. This gap corresponds to the so-called protein window.

Arguments against and for eating.

There are different points of view on what you can eat after working out in the gym. According to some nutritionists, if you do not take carbohydrates immediately after exercise, but limit yourself to amino acids and protein mixtures, then part of the nutrition will be broken down to replenish energy costs and glucose levels.

The theory has opponents. In their opinion, it is much more important to build a proper diet, and for muscle growth it does not matter how quickly the body receives nutrition. If an athlete eats a protein powder or a regular lunch after returning home from the gym, this will not affect the results. Most nutritionists consider it correct to take advantage of the opportunity to eat during the interval corresponding to the window.

How can you close the “window”?

It is more correct to eat liquid food in the gym after exercise, while the rate of protein absorption increases further. You can restore your glucose level with a glass of grape or cranberry juice.

It is useful to eat a small portion of boiled vegetables, rice, and durum pasta. In practice, this is not very convenient to do; it’s easier to bring marmalade, an apple, a couple of bananas with you, and eat them after finishing your classes. During the protein window, an athlete can allow himself to eat:

  1. some marshmallows;
  2. cookie;
  3. condensed milk;
  4. dates;
  5. raisin.

This will not be a violation of the diet, since carbohydrates are spent on restoration processes. It is important not to consume fat after training in the gym. They slow down metabolism and reduce the rate of protein absorption. Don't get carried away with nuts. They are high in calories and contain a high percentage of fat.

The best option that you can eat after a workout in the gym is a protein-carbohydrate shake or gainer. This drink is a protein-carbohydrate mixture enriched with vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. Since the processes of muscle growth and destruction of fat occur in parallel, gainers are ideal for any type of training. Instead of a gainer, you can drink a shake with “fast” protein, or choose protein mixtures containing amino acids. Supporters of natural food can be recommended after training:

  1. milk with honey;
  2. whipped egg white;
  3. fresh fruit with nuts;
  4. cocoa with condensed milk;
  5. yogurt with berries.

Taking such mixtures during the window leads to normalization of metabolic rates and glucose levels.

Night protein window.

On the day of training in the gym, a second protein window occurs. It appears at night, this phenomenon is caused by a high need for protein. These compounds are found in cottage cheese and milk. Nighttime meals are especially necessary for bodybuilders. This need means a high level of recovery processes in the muscles. Take only natural protein or protein mixtures. In this case, there is no accumulation of subcutaneous fat deposits; all incoming amino acids are spent on muscle protein synthesis.

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