Effectively combating sore throat - cardio after strength training.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cardio and aerobic training for a bodybuilding athlete. Cardio introduction before training is an undeniable, unshakable rule and an obligatory component of the general warm-up - you need to prepare the body for intense work, disperse the blood, increase blood pressure, raise the temperature a little, and force the body to intensively expend energy. Then strength exercises will not become stressful, the likelihood of getting injured or contracting chronic heart disease or blood vessels will be reduced - by the way, these are the very rake that most new bodybuilders step on...

But remember - cardio before training is not a grueling run! Perhaps just a light short jog, brisk walking, an exercise bike, a rowing machine, an elliptical machine. You don't have to go all out, just sweat a little. It is important to understand that this is just preparing the body for the main part of the lesson.

So, we have warmed up and are starting this, the longest and most functionally intense phase of the training. Working with weights itself consumes a huge amount of energy, but for the harmonious development of the body, the athlete also needs aerobic exercise. For what and when?

There is an opinion that cardio exercise immediately after weight training destroys muscles, even moreover, there are athletes who completely neglect such exercises. And vice versa - there are those who like to combine everything at once - to work as hard as possible, combining both types of physical activity into one session at each lesson. They say, build muscle, and try to figure out subcutaneous fat - in a word, immediately chase two birds with one stone. Generally speaking, why not? - if you try hard and work hard, everything is quite possible.

What is the golden mean? Cardio after strength training allows you to maintain the increased metabolic rate during exercise longer, and also increases blood flow, accelerating the elimination of toxins that were formed during the process of lifting weights. With a reasonable combination of exercises, this approach can partially or completely relieve you from the so-called “strep” (it is well known to fitness enthusiasts) - slight pain that accompanies the process of muscle recovery after intense training, since aerobic exercise (5-7 minutes immediately after the main session) remove toxins accumulated during training. If you neglect such a hitch, toxins will be eliminated on their own, and this will slow down the recovery process and reduce muscle growth.

Let's give one more useful tip: it is important to understand that after working with impressive weights in the main phase of your workout and at the end of this starting cardio, for example, working out on a treadmill, it will be better not to run, but to walk very quickly - this reduces the impact on the knee joints , while maintaining all other beneficial properties of such training. Or use an ellipsoid, which imitates running movements, but protects the knee joints. Remember that by the end of the lesson you are already pretty exhausted, and not as fresh and light as during the warm-up.

Thus, the benefits of cardio in combination with strength training can hardly be overestimated. You need to remember about their correct distribution within the workout, as well as throughout the entire program, observe moderation and reasonableness in choosing a simulator - and a tangible result will not be long in coming!

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