Daily exercises for weight loss.

If you need to lose excess weight, then it is wiser to do this through sports. No dubious diets or fasting will give long-term and final results. Don’t forget that what comes easily is, alas, short-lived. But daily exercises for weight loss will teach your body to burn extra calories and always be in shape. This is a difficult process that requires time and patience. But he is 100% faithful and win-win.

If you want to get yourself in order, choose any type of fitness to suit your taste. This could be bodybuilding with its squats, barbell and dumbbell presses, or it could be a treadmill or an exercise bike. That's not the point. The main thing is how and how much to exercise. In this article we will dot all the “e”s...

With food we get clean energy in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But, unfortunately, fat is the most difficult to break down and utilize. And short-term intense workouts, during which we lose water through sweat, lose our breath and quickly get tired, burn only easily accessible carbohydrates and proteins. For maximum energy expenditure, leading to the disappearance of fat, you need to train for a long time.

If this is an exercise bike, then pedal slowly, but for a long time. If you choose a treadmill, then brisk walking is preferable to light jogging. And bodybuilders need to supplement strength training with aerobic exercise. Practicing sports medicine experts have long proven that regularly received aerobic training is the best medicine for weight loss.

On the other hand, do not be afraid to build muscle mass, even if this leads to an overall increase in weight in the initial period. Paradox? Not at all. The larger the muscle size, the more energy it will expend during work and even at rest. Burning excess fat is only a matter of time.

For the first 5-7 months, it is advisable to combine the training with a decrease in the nutritional value of your daily diet, remove all flour and reduce dinner to a minimum. Then daily exercise will gradually increase your body’s energy metabolism, teach it to burn the “right” calories, and there will no longer be a need for restrictions to lose weight.

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