
How to pump up your lower leg?

How to pump up your lower leg?

One of the most difficult and stubborn muscle groups, practically unyielding to any influence, is the lower leg. Usually it is this that becomes the reason for losing in competitions of both regional and world scale...

How to tame it and make it grow? Read in this article... We will tell you a few tricks and useful secrets...

How to pump up calves at home for girls?

How to pump up calves at home for girls?

Tell me: what can ruin an almost flawless figure? - that's right, caviar! And the most offensive thing is that it is extremely difficult to influence the situation. It is not for nothing that the muscles of the lower leg belong to the class of so-called “difficult muscles”. They are reluctant to respond to physical influence and grow very slowly. To make progress in this zone, you simply need to shock the target muscles without even giving them a chance to get used to it. This article will tell you how to do this effectively...