Fasting for muscle growth - nonsense or reality?

As is known in any theory of bodybuilding, Weider, ancient or modern, all body builders are thoroughly struggling with hunger. For in all known theories, hunger for a jock is considered an unconditional evil, period. A real trainer simply has to eat every two hours, diluting his classic nutritional intake with sports nutrition preparations - all kinds of protein shakes, creatine, BCAA, etc., etc... It is believed that if you are training, you should never feel hungry - this is death like!

However, recently a new look at this point has appeared, which we will tell you about now...

What should a classic bodybuilder do if he has squeezed out his full maximum and sat at a dead point? Typically, a modern jock prefers to buy turinabol or some other steroid analogue, and thereby push his body to further growth...

But you must understand that by taking a pharmacological anabolic steroid, you thereby suppress your natural hormonal levels. And this process is irreversible.. Now you will have to sit on chemistry all the time, and if you refuse it, you risk getting the opposite effect..

What does the innovative approach announced above offer us? - but here’s what: you continue to train and at the same time go hungry... Your body does not receive the building materials it needs, and as a result, you initially lose... The body does not understand: what the hell is happening? He needs to provide overcompensation, but there is simply nothing to do this with... How can this be?

...but then you gradually come out of hunger and the body compensates for all its losses and stores more, what if there is a hunger strike again? In other words, if we go through a period of shortage of building materials, the body will inevitably store more, fearing that this shortage will happen again. That is, it turns out something like hyper overcompensation - the body’s reaction is more abrupt than usual overcompensation, which is naturally very much in demand for a modern bodybuilder... Try it, I think you certainly won’t be disappointed!

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