Individual characteristics of qualified weightlifters.

Once the volume of high-intensity work in the main exercises has been determined (we discussed this in the previous article), the training weight of the barbell in the main weight zones is calculated and the final planning of weekly cycles and then individual sessions begins. Since the variation in the volume of individual load between weekly cycles is insignificant, the intensity of the load can be distributed over the weeks according to the same option as the volume (24, 26, 22 and 28%).

When planning exercises, keep the following in mind. In the tables 2-4 we presented earlier, the number of classic lifts of the barbell and other jerking and jerking exercises is given separately. Performing the specified (or close to it) number of classic barbell lifts is a prerequisite for further growth in results.

At the same time, qualified weightlifters begin to develop individual characteristics, which results in their use of certain specially auxiliary snatch and jerk exercises. In this regard, the tables indicate only the required number of other snatch and jerk exercises that an athlete of a particular weight category must perform. The question of what these exercises should be at one or another stage of an athlete’s training must be decided by the coach. That is why, in tables 5 and 6, the total number of lifts in deadlifts and squats is given, and the methods of performing them are individual for each athlete and are determined by the coach.

Planning strength training should be combined with planning rest and nutrition. Because in the absence of the proper amount of building materials, all the work can go down the drain. Be sure to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. Dilute classic meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with protein shakes and other sports nutrition products. It’s clear that buying sports nutrition in St. Petersburg or Moscow is much easier than in the outback. However, now a huge number of specialized online stores have appeared, with the ability to deliver goods to almost anywhere in the world. So, even while training in the Gadyukino village, you can use all the achievements of sports pharmacology and successfully supplement your diet with the best sports nutrition products from world brands...

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