How to do vacuum massage at home

There are many ways to achieve ideal parameters. Along with basic measures, such as physical activity and diet correction, additional measures, such as massage, can be used. Massage with vacuum cans at home is considered very effective. It helps to correct the area of ​​the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, helps fight sagging and cellulite, and reduces fat. Thanks to the vacuum effect, this massage affects the deep layers of the skin, which helps speed up metabolism and improve blood circulation.

Variety of massage cups

Before doing a cupping massage, you should decide which cups you will use. They differ depending on the material from which they are made. It influences tool design and use, and more specifically, on the method of creating a vacuum. So, massage jars are as follows:

  1. Glass. Classic option. Thanks to the reliable design and thick walls, they hold the vacuum well. It is created in a known way, namely through the use of alcoholized burning cotton wool. Glass jars are often equipped with tubes and a special pump for pumping out air.
  2. Plastic. They are equipped with a rubber bulb that pumps out air. A skin tubercle is formed inside the vacuum, which should not be more than one and a half centimeters. Otherwise, bruises will remain on the skin.
  3. Rubber. You can buy them in sets. The diameter of the cans may vary. Before use, they are placed in warm water to increase plasticity. The strength of the vacuum is determined by how hard you press down on the can.
  4. Silicone. Massage with silicone cups at home is quite popular, since they do not need to be heated. The vacuum is determined by the force of compression. To remove the jar, you need to press on the skin under the rim.
  5. There are special devices - vacuum electric massagers.

Efficiency and results of massage with vacuum cans

You need to understand how cupping massage works for weight loss. The design allows you to create a vacuum of air in the jar (vacuum, reduced pressure). Therefore, the jar sticks to the skin and also captures the deep layers of tissue. Cupping can be used both to combat excess weight and cellulite, and for health purposes. The effects are based on the fact that Vacuum massage increases blood flow to tissues and lymph outflow, saturates cells with oxygen and valuable substances, stimulates metabolic processes. The effect of cupping is similar to that of a regular manual massage.

Properly performed weight loss cupping massage can solve many problems. In treatment and prophylactic terms The benefits of cupping massage are as follows::

  1. relaxation of muscle fibers, decreased intensity of blinking;
  2. pain relief due to the effect on skin receptors;
  3. combating nerve conduction disorders, which is a consequence of their compression;
  4. activation of the respiratory functions of cells;
  5. reducing the severity of inflammation;
  6. reducing the rate of development of osteochondrosis and arthrosis;
  7. improvement of general immunity;
  8. normalizing blood pressure;
  9. for bronchitis, vacuum jars provide rapid removal of sputum.

In terms of cosmetology, cupping massage at home is effective due to the fact that blood circulation and lymph flow under the influence of cupping are accelerated, the penetration of oxygen into cells is enhanced, and, accordingly, metabolic processes improve. Due to this, fat deposits are broken down faster, and the effectiveness of training and other weight loss measures increases significantly.

Among other things, the cupping massage technique at home provides the following effects:

  1. Improves muscle contraction and increases their elasticity;
  2. Cleanses the body of toxins and waste;
  3. Increases skin elasticity, refreshes its color;
  4. Creates attractive body contours;
  5. Tightens the skin.

Cupping massage: indications and contraindications

Massage using vacuum cans indicated for those with excess weight, sagging skin, stretch marks, cellulite. In these cases, it can be very effective as an auxiliary method. But we need to take into account contraindications to cupping massage, which will be as follows:

  1. Pregnancy and the first couple of months after childbirth;
  2. Menstruation;
  3. Abdominal hernia;
  4. Chronic diseases of organs in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Diseases of a gynecological nature.
  6. A number of severe chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and so on.

If there are contraindications, you should not resort to this technique. If in doubt, cupping massage, the indications and contraindications for which are presented above, should be done only with the permission of a doctor.

How often to do cupping massage?

Massage with cups, how to do it correctly, which will be discussed below, should be carried out in a course for a month. This will help achieve the desired result. It is recommended to do it every day or every other day. You will see results faster if you combine massage with other methods. In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, this can include weight loss wraps, visits to baths and saunas.

How to massage with vacuum cups for weight loss?

It is important to know how to do vacuum massage with cups. First you need to lubricate the abdominal area anti-cellulite cream. If there is none, regular massage oil will do. You can prepare it yourself by mixing base olive oil with essential. Citrus esters, cinnamon, lavender, and rosemary will be useful for weight loss. If you plan to massage in the shower, a regular water treatment gel will do.

Sequence of how to do cupping correctly belly massage, the following:

  1. First, take a few jars.
  2. Then the abdominal area needs to be warmed up. To do this, you can use a warm shower or active pinching movements.
  3. Next, the cupping massage technique involves applying cream or massage oil to the stomach. This should be done with uniform rubbing movements. Place the jars on both sides of the navel. They cannot be placed on the center of the abdomen. Grease the edges of the jars. On the abdomen, the skin should retract no more than one and a half centimeters.
  4. Lie on your back and start a little at a time move the jars in a circle (clockwise). The process of how to properly massage with vacuum cans should take 6-10 minutes.
  5. Banks must move to the sides and back.
  6. After this procedure, apply the cream to the skin of the abdomen. After you have already finished doing cupping massage at home, lie under a warm blanket for 15-20 minutes.

This was a massage technique for the abdomen. In case of other zones you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. By buttocks You need to make circular movements with the banks for 8-10 minutes, and then make short vertical movements for another three minutes.
  2. Back massaged from bottom to top with various movements: straight, circular, zigzag and spiral. They are performed horizontally from the sides to the spine, from the center of the spine to the shoulder joint, from the shoulders to the middle of the neck.
  3. Doing a massage legs, please note that a vacuum cannot be used on the inner thigh. The cans should slide along the legs from bottom to top from the knee. A massage of both legs should take no more than 45 minutes.
  4. Hands are also massaged from bottom to top. Each should take approximately seven minutes. Movements must be clearly straight.

Please note that cupping massage, which you already know how to do, is not the most pleasant procedure. The skin may turn red and bruises may appear. But don’t worry about this: these phenomena will pass quickly.

If you are planning to do cupping massage, contraindications and all the rules must be taken into account. The effectiveness of manipulations depends on the correct technique. You can watch a video of massage with vacuum cups at home, which will allow you to see the correct technique. If you doubt that you can handle it yourself, you can entrust the procedure to a specialist.

Self-vacuum massage with cups on video

According to statistics, 95% of women experience cellulite, regardless of age and size. Almost every female representative has this cosmetic defect to one degree or another. There are many ways to deal with unsightly bumps. Vacuum massage for cellulite at home is one of the most effective and inexpensive remedies. In the article we will tell you how vacuum massage for cellulite affects problem areas, how to do the procedure correctly and how much time you need to devote to it.

How vacuum massage helps fight cellulite

Cellulite is a change in the structure of fat located under the skin due to impaired outflow of blood and lymph. In problem areas, metabolism is disrupted, toxins accumulate, and pits and bumps appear, resembling an orange peel.

Vacuum massage increases blood circulation, which helps break down fat cells and remove fat from the body. After the procedure, the skin strengthens and becomes more elastic, which also improves its appearance. Another plus is that using the procedure you can correct and model your figure.

Vacuum massage at home: necessary accessories

To carry out vacuum massage at home you will need:

  1. Massage jars: silicone (the most comfortable), with a rubber tip or glass;
  2. Oil or massage cream.

Natural oils are the best product for cupping procedures, as they glide better and contain substances that improve skin tone and affect the bumps. Good for these purposes:

  1. olive oil
  2. vegetable oil.

If you drop a few drops of essential oil into such a base, the effect will be even better. The following ethers are suitable for massage:

It is recommended to periodically change the composition of the oil so that the skin does not get used to it.

Massage cream is absorbed and glides worse than oil. To enhance gliding, you can dilute it with vegetable oil.

Preparation for the procedure

Before performing a cupping massage, you need to prepare:

  1. Take a contrast shower;
  2. Treat problem areas with a scrub or a hard washcloth. This step is not necessary, but it helps make the skin firmer and less prone to unsightly bumps;
  3. Lubricate the skin with oil or cream and massage problem areas manually.

Cupping massage for cellulite at home, technique

After the skin is prepared, you can begin the vacuum massage for cellulite.

At home, cupping should not be applied to the groin area, inner thighs and area under the knees. These places need to be massaged carefully by hand so as not to damage the lymph nodes.

Vacuum massage technique for cellulite:

  1. We lubricate the skin well with oil in those places where the vacuum massage for cellulite will be performed. Typically these are the thighs, buttocks, sides and abdomen.

Important! Poor skin lubrication can lead to bruising.

  1. We take a silicone jar, squeeze it and apply it to the skin at the site of the procedure. You should get a small tubercle of skin pulled in by a vacuum. At the same time, you can adjust the force of pressing: the procedure should not cause pain.

Note! The skin under the jar should be raised no more than 1 cm.

  1. We make careful movements in the direction of the massage lines. After each drawing of a line, we tear the jar off the skin, and securing it again, we begin a new movement. The next time you pass the same place, you need to increase the suction of the jar. The diagram and technique for maintaining a jar is shown in the picture:

4. Movements should start from the bottom, rising to the top in the direction of lymph movement. Thus, we go through all the areas affected by the “orange peel” in the following sequence:

  1. Legs — we carry the jar from the bottom up, excluding the inner thigh area;
  2. Buttocks massage with rotational movements clockwise, then in the opposite direction, then from the tailbone to the hips in straight lines;
  3. Stomach – twist the jar clockwise around the navel, then point it to the sides;
  4. Back – we direct movements from bottom to top, excluding the area of ​​the spine.
  1. After completing the procedure, you need to gently massage the body with your hands again, remove the remaining oil and lie down for 10-15 minutes.

The following video shows the technique of performing vacuum massage at home:

How often can you do a vacuum massage for cellulite, duration of the procedure

For the procedure to be beneficial, you need to do everything in moderation. Thus, doctors recommend conducting the first massage session no longer than 5-10 minutes, allocating no more than 1-1.5 minutes to each zone. With each subsequent session, you can increase the work on problem areas by half a minute. If redness appears, you need to move to the next area to avoid bruising. The procedure itself can take up to 40 minutes, it all depends on the size of the cellulite.

For the effect to be noticeable, vacuum massage for cellulite should be done every other day or three times a week. It is recommended to do a course of 15-20 procedures. If necessary, you need to repeat it 2-3 times a year.


Vacuum massage also has contraindications:

  1. a large number of moles in areas with cellulite;
  2. varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. The procedure can intensify the manifestation of these diseases and make the vascular pattern on the legs more noticeable;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. inflammatory processes on the skin;
  5. menstruation;
  6. infectious diseases, fever;
  7. high blood pressure;
  8. tumors.

If there are contraindications, you can use alternative methods of combating cellulite.

If you do a vacuum massage for cellulite at home correctly, the result will definitely be noticeable in 2-3 weeks. In addition to it, you should perform exercises to improve muscle tone, monitor proper nutrition and drink more water.

Today, despite the popularity of vacuum massage in modern spa salons, not everyone (due to busyness or the high cost of the service offered) has a chance to take advantage of this offer. But everyone wants to look good and be healthy. Fortunately, cupping massage can be easily done yourself at home.

Where to begin?

In order for a vacuum body massage, carried out independently, to turn out “without a hitch”, you need to prepare for it. The basis for success is correctly selected jars and massage oils.

Vacuum cans

At home, jars with a simple design are used. Control valves that can change the strength of vacuum pressure during a session require special skills. It's better to do without them. Much more convenient are ordinary jars made of glass, rubber, silicone, latex, plastic with a bulb for pumping out air.

For vacuum massage at home, it is most practical to purchase a set consisting of containers of different diameters from 1 cm to 8 cm. With a round and oval hole. With and without magnetic pad. To all areas of the body. The best solution for this is a polymer jar. It is hygienic and easy to use. It's not expensive.

Massage oil

The main feature of oils for vacuum therapy at home is their light consistency. It ensures the can glides smoothly over the skin and does not clog its pores. You can buy massage oil in the store, or you can prepare it yourself. But always The best base is considered to be cold-pressed olive oil.

A few drops of your favorite aroma, a squeeze of medicinal herbs and flowers are dissolved in the oil. They have additional medicinal properties. They help to relax, relieve spasms and pain, disinfect and aromatize the skin, affect blood vessels, fat deposits, and the respiratory tract. Removes toxins and excess fluid.

At home, regardless of the chosen massage area, it is more beneficial to use oil rather than cream. The vacuum conducts the nutrient solution deep into the tissue, so its beneficial properties are of particular importance. Grape, peach, apricot kernel, avocado, jojoba, and sesame oils are popular. Coconut, almond, flaxseed oil.

Indications for use

The impact on the human body with the help of cups is carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Vacuum massage at home is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes and is indicated for:

  1. As a prevention of premature skin aging, maintaining the slimness of body contours.
  2. For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, radiculitis, neuralgia, muscle spasms in athletes and everyone involved in heavy physical work.
  3. For the purpose of treating pain syndromes in osteochondrosis.
  4. For obesity, cellulite, scars on the skin.
  5. For the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  6. In a complex of rehabilitation measures after a long illness or surgery.
  7. In order to increase immunity.

Basic rules for home vacuum massage

When you give a massage at home, everything needs to be carefully thought out. The necessary attributes must be at hand and arranged in a certain sequence. The room is ventilated, the air is heated to 25*, humidity – 65%. The jars are washed and sterilized. Their integrity has been checked. Hands are treated with antiseptic. A skin test was performed.

The skin is cleansed, warmed up (hot bath, shower, steam bath for facial skin), and a massage area is selected. It is oiled. Everything is in place? This means they take a jar of the required diameter (depending on the affected area) and begin the vacuum massage.

The vessel is either squeezed along the edges with your hands, or the air is sucked out using a bulb and applied to the skin. A glass jar is “set on fire” from the inside with a cotton swab on a stick dipped in alcohol and also applied to the skin. If, after all, the massage is carried out with a jar with a valve, then the air is pumped out through it.

The suction of the skin into the jar does not exceed 1 cm. The movements of the jar are slow, smooth, strictly in accordance with the massage lines of the treated area. Glides on the skin freely. When you repeatedly pass through areas that have already been massaged, the pressure increases. The session does not exceed 5 minutes. It is imperative to control pain.

If the jar has lost its tight contact with the skin, it is better to stop the massage. Sometimes, when working on large surfaces, they create a vacuum again and continue the session. In this case, the quality of the procedure does not suffer.

Step-by-step diagram of zonal cupping massage

Vacuum body massage is carried out in segments. There are several zones that have their own characteristics in the methodology. In this case, manual and hardware vacuum massage is used. A portable device that discharges air is chosen solely on the recommendation (after consultation) of the attending physician.

Most often, it is used by athletes to treat post-traumatic swelling, scars, and seals. But devices of this type also give excellent results in the treatment of local colds, help to lose extra pounds, rejuvenate the skin, and cope with the “orange peel”. Yes, and just relax, relieve fatigue.

Back area

Self-massage of the back with cups is not possible. It can be performed even at home by a specialist. It is indicated for everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, suffers from stoop, osteochondrosis, and diseases of the peripheral nervous system. It is carried out in containers from 40 to 200 ml. When moving, they should not be torn off from the back (tightness!).

The direction of movement is along the lymphatic vessels, to the lymph nodes, without affecting them. When performed correctly, a pleasant warmth spreads over the entire surface of the back. The first procedure takes only 5 minutes. By the end of the course, the session lasts about 30 minutes. The vacuum pressure increases gradually.

The choice of technique depends on the disease. For osteochondrosis, they slide the jar in a straight line, from the cervical vertebra, and also in clockwise circles, at the level of the seventh vertebra. In this case, the spine itself is not affected. Respiratory tract diseases require massage from the shoulder to the lower corner of the scapula and working out the lateral surfaces of the chest.

To help remove mucus better, drink a cup of tea with honey before the session. Back massage is also effective as part of anti-cellulite therapy. In this case, the cups are placed on the back, in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs (excluding the inner surface). Perform straight, circular and zigzag movements.

Hips and buttocks area

The diameter of the jar does not exceed 5 cm. Material – silicone or plastic. Rubber is not recommended due to the possibility of microbial growth in cracks and the development of pustular skin diseases. The direction of movement is only upward. Slowly, from the popliteal fossa to the buttocks. Zigzags, circles in a straight line.

In the area of ​​the buttocks, the jar is torn off and again suctioned above the popliteal fossa. Do this several times. The buttocks themselves are massaged in circles. Vacuum massage against cellulite instantly breaks fat cells and capillaries, causing a compensatory reaction of tissue restoration with the help of proteins such as collagen.

These proteins replace fat and make the skin smooth and toned. Bruises occur during the massage, but this is inevitable, and they pass quickly. The effectiveness of the session is confirmed by the even redness of the skin and the feeling of its steaminess. At the end of the procedure, the cups are removed and an anti-cellulite wrap is applied.

Abdomen area

Vacuum abdominal massage helps to lose excess weight. To carry it out, jars of the largest diameter are used. Skin suction does not exceed 1.5 cm. The more you squeeze the jar before suction, the tighter and stronger it will be, the larger the surface you will treat. The skin of the abdomen is held with one hand. Movements are smooth.

First they are carried out in circles, clockwise. After a short pause - in the opposite direction. The mechanism of action is the same as with any anti-cellulite massage. Doing a massage on your own is not very convenient, but it is possible. For effective weight loss, vacuum therapy is combined with diet and exercise.

Face area

Every woman is familiar with facial massage at home. This is the daily application of cream in a certain sequence. Vacuum therapy is a variation of this procedure, performed using cups with a diameter of 1 cm. It is effective in combating age-related skin changes.

It is performed by static pressure on a certain point on the surface of the facial skin associated with a specific organ. Or dynamic movements along special massage lines. The result is significant rejuvenation of the skin, restoration of its elasticity, elimination of fine wrinkles and double chin.

Video lesson: how to do a vacuum massage with your own hands.

Important contraindications

  1. Due to the likelihood of bruising, it is better not to massage anyone who has sensitive skin, capillaries are located shallowly, or blood clotting is impaired.
  2. Vacuum therapy should not be used if there are signs of colds and inflammation, diseases of internal organs, infections, varicose veins, tumors, or skin pathologies.
  3. Vacuum massage is not indicated for pregnant women and women who have just given birth (less than 7 weeks ago).


Vacuum massage at home is an affordable, useful and effective procedure. It does not require expensive equipment or special education. The massage technique is simple and gives impressive results in the treatment of cellulite, obesity, prevention of colds, relieving muscle spasms and pain syndromes in adults and children.