How to effectively pump up your butt?

Gone are the days when only men were interested in iron sports. Modern girls also want to be fit and athletic. But, unlike men, who need a V-shaped silhouette, round shoulders, broad chest, strong arms and powerful legs... Girls have more modest demands. Usually they are interested in how to effectively pump up their butt. We will talk about this in detail in this article...


There is a lot of information on the Internet about “butt squats,” but is this exercise really that effective for the buttocks? Squats are primarily aimed at developing the quadriceps (front of the thigh), and the gluteal muscles act as assistants, receiving an indirect load. As a result, the volume of the legs increases, and the growth of the buttocks leaves much to be desired. There is a way out - preliminary fatigue. Before you begin squats, you should perform several sets of isolation exercises to shift the payload from your legs to your glutes. Hyperextension and leg abduction on the lower block are great for this.


Unlike squats, a more effective butt exercise is the deadlift. The back surface of the thigh, as well as the gluteal muscles, receive the maximum load. This movement can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, Smith, or other machines that simulate a deadlift. You can also use the principle of pre-exhaustion or simply perform a few warm-up sets before moving on to serious lifting weights.

How to effectively pump up your butt?


No basic exercise hits the buttocks as closely as lunges. One of the best, but rarely used moves. It can be performed statically or while walking around the gym. As a weight, as in the case of deadlifts, you can use a barbell, dumbbells or a Smith machine. Include lunges in your exercise program, and within a couple of months your butt will drive the stronger sex crazy.

Features of working on the buttocks.

To effectively pump up your butt, you need to start your workout with an isolation exercise for the gluteal muscles. Next, we proceed to perform deadlifts. When the buttocks have worked well and are sufficiently tired, you can move on to squats. It is better to end the workout with lunges. Girls cannot lift heavy weights to hard failure. Therefore, progression will occur by increasing the volume of training. The working weight is selected so that at least fifteen repetitions are performed in each approach.

So, dear ladies, the recipes we have proposed will help you pump up your butt in an extremely short time, which is what we sincerely wish for you!