How to get rid of acne forever



What to do if the condition of your facial skin spoils your mood every day: what causes acne, how to fight and defeat it?

In adolescence, during hormonal changes in the body, any person faces the problem of acne on the face. With age, this unpleasant phenomenon goes away or decreases in severity of the rash, but sometimes adults of both sexes continue to suffer from acne on the face. Why does this happen, how can you get rid of acne and forget about it forever?

How to diagnose the causes of acne on the face?

Acne is a disease that can be caused by many factors. That is why a cosmetologist or dermatologist often works together with an endocrinologist, gynecologist, nutritionist and even a psychotherapist to determine the causes of the scourge.

Initially, most people turn to a cosmetologist. A competent specialist must ask the patient about bad habits, existing allergies, and lifestyle. After such a consultation, it becomes clear whether it is necessary to contact other professionals and what internal problem of the body is associated with the appearance of acne on the face. This will help you approach acne treatment systematically and comprehensively and will bring quick results.

What is acne?

Despite the fact that acne is considered a companion to adolescence, some people experience facial rashes only at the age of 30: so-called late acne can occur at 40 and during menopause. Experts call this phenomenon MARSH syndrome:

M - melasma, that is, the manifestation of pigmentation on the skin, A - acne itself, which manifests itself in the form of comedones, papules, pustules with the subsequent formation of scars and spots. R - rosacea, in which inflammation occurs not in the sebaceous gland, but at the level of blood vessels, causing the appearance of mesh on the cheeks or wings of the nose and redness of the facial skin. S - seborrhea: a greasy or greasy film forms on the skin, oxygen does not get access to the cells of the epidermis, it thickens and flakes, and the complexion is uneven and unhealthy. Finally, H is hirsutism, that is, excess growth of facial hair, regardless of gender.

What is commonly called acne can manifest itself as the sum of the above symptoms or any combinations thereof. The reasons that cause them lie on completely different levels, therefore the approach to treatment must be individual in each case.

Why do acne appear?

The most common and common cause is an imbalance of sex hormones. It is manifested by cycle disturbances and weight fluctuations in any direction and can be caused, among other things, by taking incorrectly selected hormonal drugs or food additives of dubious origin, or excessive enthusiasm for strict diets.

Other reasons may include the body’s reaction to drug therapy for other diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, various pathologies of the female reproductive system, dysbiosis or certain types of infections. Don’t forget about many people’s passion for fast food, stress and the poor environment of big cities.

What causes acne?

Sweets and chocolate, spicy and fatty foods, smoked foods and fast food. Strong tea or coffee in large quantities, alcohol and even dairy products can affect the appearance of acne. This group should also include dysbacteriosis, stress and depression, excessive tanning, and improper use of decorative or skincare cosmetics.

How is acne treated?

After determining the cause of unpleasant manifestations on the skin, treatment is prescribed. This may include drug therapy - for example, retinoids, or hormonal drugs depending on the dysfunction of a particular organ, or even antibiotics. At the same time, drugs suitable for external use are determined.

In beauty clinics today, light treatment is recognized as one of the most effective - phototherapy. In 5-10 sessions in combination with medications, the condition of the facial skin improves noticeably.

How to choose home care products?

It is very important to choose the right home care products - it is best to do this together with a specialist. Quite often we choose a cream or lotion based on advertisements or advice from friends. The logic is quite the same: “if I have acne, this indicates problem skin” - accordingly, the best sellers contain products intended for oily skin. Those with young skin prone to discharge are often prescribed cosmetics with salicylic acid.

In fact, acne and inflammation can also appear on dry, sensitive skin, which is also susceptible to age-related changes, and cosmetics for oily skin will only aggravate the overall problem. Moreover, using such products can worsen the skin's immunity - in this case it is much wiser to choose cosmetics that will nourish and moisturize.

How to get rid of acne: general principles of care

It doesn’t sound too original, but such skin needs regular and proper care, then the number of acne and oily shine will noticeably decrease, and the pores will be narrower. It is very important to pay attention to the effectiveness of any chosen product - if after 3 weeks of use the skin condition has not changed in any way, the cream, lotion or tonic must be changed. If it worsens, stop using the product immediately.

Daily care

The skin must be cleansed before bed: foaming mousses or gels, then tonic. After this, be sure to moisturize the skin with a non-greasy cream with a mattifying effect.

Once a week

It is necessary to make acne masks at home. They must be properly selected according to your skin type and the causes of acne. These can be masks with clay, zinc and various phytoextracts - they will dry the skin, even out the color and remove oily shine.


It is necessary to visit a cosmetologist in a beauty salon: he will do professional cleaning, assess the general condition of the skin and give professional recommendations on further care at home and the choice of topical products.

Every 6 months

Acid peelings, gommages - that is, enzymatic cleansing, mesotherapy and other salon procedures that can only be performed by professionals in the salon.

What are the most persistent myths about acne?

Here are the main myths that you need to immediately stop believing if you want your victory over acne to be quick and quick.

Clay masks are a must for everyone

Clay really does a great job of drawing out excess fat and reducing sebum secretion, especially in the warm season. But in case of exacerbations of acne and infectious causes of its appearance, such masks cannot be used. They are not sterile and can cause germs to appear on already damaged skin. As a result, the acne problem will only worsen and it will be more difficult to cure it.

The more often you clean, the better.

A very common mistake. With frequent washing and endless lubrication, the natural protective barrier of the skin is disrupted, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Pimples need to be squeezed out

If you do this at home yourself, there is a risk of spreading the infection over the entire surface of your face. As a result, together one inconspicuous pimple will be five huge and painful ones. The use of abrasive scrubs and cleansing brushes can lead to similar consequences.

Diet will definitely help

Of course, it is very important to eat healthily and nutritiously. But food cannot directly affect the condition of facial skin. Acne must be treated comprehensively - both outside and inside.

Acne is an exclusively external disease

Sometimes it turns out that no efforts aimed at external treatment of acne problems work. In such cases, it makes sense to look at the ecology of the home - perhaps an allergy to dust or mites, household chemicals, or even the materials from which bed or underwear is made manifests itself in such an unpleasant way. An air conditioner or ventilation system that is contaminated with fungus or simply has not been cleaned for a long time can also be a source of rashes on the face.

There are cases where acne was caused by fillings in mattresses or pillows, allergenic insulation, which were used by builders when constructing a house. Possible causes may include soil contamination, which acne sufferers encounter when gardening and walking in the park, or handling large amounts of old and dusty paper contaminated with fungus.

Psychology does not affect the appearance of acne

Sometimes the final cure depends on solving psychological problems. It is important to understand what kind of psychosomatic processes are launched by the person with skin problems or his immediate environment. Psychologists assure that anger, rejection of oneself, one’s body or parents, denial of one’s nature and immaturity, resentment and fears can come out in this way.

It is very important at any age to understand such mental phenomena and adjust your behavior: perhaps, after psychotherapy with a competent specialist, eating habits and daily routine will be normalized, which will also help get rid of acne and in any case will be very useful for any person.

Home life hacks to get rid of acne

Sometimes there are situations when you need urgent “ambulance”: according to the law of meanness, a huge pimple right in the center of the nose or forehead can pop out on the eve of an important interview, date or wedding. In this case, folk methods of express help can help.

Shaving foam

As a rule, it contains antiseptics and moisturizing components that do not add oiliness to the epidermis, so washing with it will relieve irritation from the skin - in any case, it will definitely not get worse. The technique is also suitable for those cases when your usual mousse or facial wash has suddenly run out, and there is no time to run to the store.

Ice cubes

Any herbal extract or lotion that is recommended by a cosmetologist can be poured into molds and wiped with an ice cube instead of a cotton pad. This method perfectly tones the skin and tightens pores, and even helps you wake up faster in the morning.


Sometimes it can bring quick relief from the sudden appearance of a large and painful pimple. The active components of toothpaste are whitening and antiseptic, cooling and soothing. Apply directly to the problem area and leave to dry, then rinse carefully.

Visin eye drops

It is impossible to explain with certainty why, but the remedy works. Eye drops, which are used to relieve redness and fatigue, can quickly relieve inflammation from the skin. They need to be applied directly to the inflamed area with a cotton swab, and within an hour it will noticeably subside. The pimple itself may not go away - and will require competent treatment in the future, but the redness and bulge of the area around it will definitely become smaller or disappear altogether, and the face will seem cleaner and fresher.

Perhaps this phrase from my mother was the first beauty horror story in every person’s life: “Don’t crush pimples, otherwise in the morning they will be twice as large.” It seems that we have grown up, and have already become mothers ourselves, but for some reason this did not reduce the problems, or rather the acne. A guest expert told us what the reason is and how to win this unequal battle.

Natalia Medvedeva, dermatologist, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand

Both at 15 and at 35

Modern researchers have removed the label of “teenage disease” from acne and expanded the boundaries of the disease. The fact that a mother with a teenage child comes to the store and asks the consultant to choose a product for both her 13-year-old son and her is a completely common story. Starting from the age of 25, the problem of acne moves from the category of teenagers to adults due to reasons such as poor-quality sleep, unbalanced diet, stress, eternal deadlines, and ill-chosen cosmetics.

Experts say the main cause of acne is hormonal changes in the body, when sebum production increases. It is this that clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands, where after some time blackheads and pustules grow. In addition, dead skin cells also contribute: if they are not removed in time, they accumulate in the pores, preventing the sebum from allowing air to pass through. This means a guaranteed increase in pores, the appearance of inflammation and the formation of acne.

When to sound the alarm

The complexity of the situation is not even that at the moment there is no approved unified classification of acne (there are 25 classifications in total) and that the diagnosis of the form of the disease can be significantly influenced by many factors. Acne treatment is complicated by the fact that at the initial stage of the problem a person will not even think about seeing a doctor. Most likely, he will wash his hands, arm himself with a mirror with a magnifying glass and begin to squeeze out pimples! For some reason, it seems to us that if we force the comedone out, it will instantly become clear and tomorrow morning there will be no trace left of the former red tubercle. Not so!


Products in the photo: Serum for problem skin, ELIZABETH ARDEN PRO; Antibacterial soap with nanoparticles for face and body, EVOLUT; Cleansing gel for face “Juicy Mandarin”, ALINA ZANSKAR; Multifunctional clay mask, DIPTYQUE; Mattifying toner for oily skin, NIVEA, Facial foam with matting effect, GERMAINE DE CAPUCCINI; Cleansing gel for problem and oily skin, CIEL; 3-in-1 scrub mask “Tea tree”, THE BODY SHOP; Lotion for reducing and preventing skin imperfections, KIEHL’S; Cream-active for the face against acne, PURE LINE.

Experts agree that in some cases, treating acne in adults is a more complex and global task than in young people. It's all about the condition of the skin, which, for obvious reasons, does not improve over time - every year it becomes more sensitive and dehydrated. And besides, the skin of an adult requires a more delicate attitude. That is, you will have to forget about such aggressive methods of combating acne, such as rough exfoliation or the use of thermonuclear agents.

To maintain a healthy balance in mature skin, choose products that include a mix of both anti-inflammatory and moisturizing ingredients. For example, vitamin A derivatives, zinc, salicylic and lipohydroxy acid, plant extracts.

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Glad to welcome everyone again! I haven’t visited you for a long time, my friends, but I thought it might be interesting. As far as I know, many of us here have problematic skin, into which episodic inflammation seems to have taken root. I fought this with everything I could. But the medicine appeared unexpectedly and turned out to be completely different from what I expected to see. Wikipedia also does not list this as one of the causes of acne.

All twenty-three years of my life passed under the banner of struggle. Well, okay, not twenty-three - but the last thirteen for sure. I've had skin inflammation for as long as I can remember. At an earlier age, these were small small pimples, in adolescence - localized acne, as a rule, appearing here and there, in adolescence - it deepened and spread, and a couple of years ago it happened that there was no side of the face that would I didn't suffer from acne. Occasionally, the skin would clear up a little and just as occasionally, total and merciless horror would set in, during which I did not take pictures and tried to do at least something with my poor skin. I learned to cure my face with courses of masks and strict discipline (which is what the article is about here), but one thing was for sure - they always came back. Large, small, open, subcutaneous, quickly healing and long lasting, bright and almost invisible pimples. Any drug treatment led to me being cured for a short period of time, thinning my skin and suffering from hypersensitivity, walking around happy for a couple of months, but then everything gradually started again.

The main and key thing was that I could not leave my skin unattended - even a two-three day hike, in which I did not use several super-products, gave me new clogged pores and new inflammations. With experience, I found out that the problem was not in the cosmetics I used, but in my own skin - it was the structure of the pores or my own sebaceous secretion that caused inflammation, plus a weak hormonal factor was also noticeable. I realized that I would never get rid of acne, so I chose this strategy - first cure the inflammation (basiron + differin), and then heavily use cosmetics with light acids in order to immediately get rid of comedones. It helped, but I couldn't live under control all the time! I didn’t want a trip or an overdose of dessert to turn my face into a battlefield again, I didn’t want to be shaking over it with jars and bottles. I wanted to live freely, travel and not feel embarrassed about the way my skin looked. But, alas, it turned out that this was the only way out - dancing with tambourines. And still, despite this, sometimes I took a step to the side and the acne began to creep in again, and then went away, but a few spots and a couple of pimples accompanied me permanently. And then again. This is the cosmetological wheel of samsara.

I also had unfortunate friends in real life. One of my friends, who is passionate about psychology and all sorts of near-esoteric topics, also tried to attribute this to psychosomatics, but did not get any concrete results. I studied several articles and decided that psychosomatics is not my case.

I don’t know if you need before and after photos, since you all know about my problem, and from the after photo, where the face is close enough, I can only provide phone selfies.

And in the second half of this year, the acne simply went away. It disappeared. I could not wash my face for two days, I could fall asleep with tinting cream applied to my face (I haven’t used foundation for a long time), I could eat almost a whole bar of chocolate and wash it down with milk, and my God, I could eat sweets or fatty foods for a week in a row, I could wipe face with a towel with which I wipe my body, I could not look at myself in the mirror, in general, I could do everything that an ordinary person does and everything that is barbaric for a person with problem skin. All my past “cures” were characterized by the fact that they only worked while the medicine was being used or a little after, and provided that all the rules were followed and the face was strictly thoroughly cleaned. And now I didn’t treat my skin with anything, I used the most ordinary moisturizer or oil, and that’s it - before, my skin from this approach gave me a nightmare on Elm Street, but now it’s such that all my makeup consists of eyebrow shadow and red lipstick. Like in the profile photo.

I didn’t realize my happiness right away, but only after several months of suspicious absence of inflammation. But what did I do? It was clearly not “just age.” The acne went away abruptly enough not to attribute it to some physical factors, because nothing has changed in my life. except myself. Those of you who are my friends on VK know that this year I finally decided to BE MYSELF.

I will try not to burden you with text, of which a lot has already been written. In short, my parents never accepted and continue to not accept my identity. All my desires and initiatives met and continue to meet with fierce criticism and rejection, and in general, society was not so enthusiastic about my unusual views or desires. The consequence of this was that without even realizing it, I tried to align myself with everyone, with “normality,” in order to make other people happy, so as not to cause them discomfort, so that they would not try to change me or fight with my views. I had two faces - one, my suppressed present, and the other, the one that was “decent.” I didn’t realize that no one would burn me at the stake for my views; in the worst case, they’d just twist me at my temple and say a few affectionate things. This model was simply implanted into my mind by my relatives. Model of self-rejection - a child learns to perceive his personality by how his personality is perceived by those close to him. Unfortunately, my parents, although they were professional teachers, gave me a huge number of such psychological problems, which in turn led to the layering of other problems and which I have been intensively correcting for the last two years.

The point is that I did not accept myself. I abandoned myself, my desires, lost my dreams - just like so many of us do when we reach adulthood. I fought with myself, trying to adjust myself to life, because it’s really very difficult to achieve your dreams when you have to eat, pay for utilities, and so on. and so on.

And my relationship with acne was exactly the same – struggle and rejection. The discomfort from the suppression of my personality burst out in the form of inflammation. It sounds strange, but it's true. Pure and undisguised psychosomatics. And as soon as I, in sorting out my psychological problems, reached the point that I would no longer give up on myself under any pretext, that I would adamantly achieve what I needed, in general, I simply accepted myself for who I am - acne left me. If the constant source disappears, the chronic problem also disappears. Yes, it’s that simple, banal and easy. I would never have thought that this could be so if I had not started to correct my life and my head.

And to everyone who has chronic illnesses that return one way or another, I recommend sitting down and once again honestly answering the question - are you happy?