How to start using an exercise bike

Regular exercise on an exercise bike helps you get rid of excess weight on your stomach and legs. Even if you have not exercised before, if you follow certain rules, you can achieve excellent results within literally 2-3 months. At the same time, training on an exercise bike is not associated with heavy physical activity and therefore is suitable for absolutely everyone.

To achieve results as quickly as possible, you should develop an individual training program that takes into account the weight and health status of the student. It is also necessary to purchase quality equipment. The good news is that an exercise bike for a beginner can be purchased at a low price. With a fairly small amount at your disposal, you can purchase everything you need for full training.

How to exercise correctly

First of all, you need to choose a simulator. There are mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic models. Also, the equipment can differ in the angle of inclination - the market offers standard vertical exercise bikes, on which the athlete sits on top, as well as horizontal models that allow you to pedal while lying down.

Features of training on an exercise bike for beginners:

  1. The optimal load is considered to be the one at which you use the machine 5 times a week. It is not recommended to exercise every day, because... the body needs rest to recover.
  2. The duration of the training is selected individually. To measure the time and intensity of exercise, you can use the built-in programs that are available in most devices.
  3. It is necessary to gradually increase the pedaling speed from minimum (14-15 km/h) to maximum (over 30 km/h).
  4. It is extremely important to monitor your pulse. The formula for calculating the optimal indicator is as follows: age is subtracted from 220, which is the maximum allowable frequency. 65% of the resulting figure is considered the most appropriate heart rate.

As a training program on an exercise bike for beginners, you can use both regular and interval training. In the first case, a constant load is used, and in the second, the pedal resistance varies from time to time from low to maximum.

In order not only to quickly achieve results, but also to consolidate them for a long time, you need to eat right. If you want to stay in good shape all the time, follow these rules:

  1. Avoid high-calorie foods.
  2. Avoid consuming a lot of skim milk products.
  3. Make sure you always have protein in your diet.
  4. Eat more greens, vegetables and fruits.
  5. Drink water.

When reducing the caloric content of food, be careful. If the body does not have enough energy for training and life, you can get sick. Otherwise, exercise on an exercise bike is a great way to always stay in good shape and mood.

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