How to pump up your chest? - a recipe from a famous bodybuilder.

Well-pumped chest muscles are the pride of many fitness center regulars and the envy of newcomers. Therefore, when a novice bodybuilder comes to the gym, he asks the question: how to pump up the chest? Which training method should I choose? How many sets and reps? Also, nutrition and recovery after exercise are equally important for muscle growth. After all, not everyone is lucky with genetics, like Flex Wheeler, nicknamed the Legend (6-time Mr. Olympia medalist, 4-time winner of the Arnold Classic tournament), who has an ideal chest shape and phenomenal muscle responsiveness to stress.

One of the best methods for pumping up the chest is rightfully considered to be the complex developed by Wheeler’s eternal rival, Kevin Levrone (four times he was second at the Mr. Olympia tournament and twice won the Arnold Classic) for recovery from a severe injury, a rupture of the chest muscle. After this injury, they managed to write him off as trash, but he completely managed to restore his physical shape and additionally gained more than 6 kilograms of clean meat! Kevin believed that to pump up your chest as quickly as possible, you need to use exclusively basic exercises. Only the base and work with impressive weights allow you to load the pectoral muscles to the maximum, and the chest grows only under extreme loads. And all sorts of simulators are needed only for cutting a “diamond”. Barbell and dumbbells are a tool for creating the perfect chest.

His recipe: five sets of 9 repetitions, with the weight on the bar such that the final 2-3 repetitions are done with inhuman tension. And always with the support of a sparring partner... Another unusual point: Kevin always performed the last set with half the amplitude (you must not lower the barbell completely to the chest). After completing the last approach, Levrone said, there should be a fiery burning sensation in the chest muscles, the muscles should “blaze and burn.”

A set of exercises for pumping the chest muscles should be performed twice a week so that the muscles can fully recover. But, as you know, weight gain occurs only during rest. So you need to rest properly too!

We hope our tips will help you pump up your unique breasts and leave your competitors far behind to bite the dust... This is what we wish for you!