How to pump up a girl’s lower abs at home and in the gym?

As a rule, beautiful ladies do not really need abs on their stomachs, but they want to pump up their abs so that their tummy is flat and elastic. But the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle is the weakest, and this weakness does not depend on gender. But how to pump up a girl’s lower abs at home and in the gym? To do this you will have to try even harder than men. That's how? — this is what this comprehensive article will tell you about.

It will not be easy for girls to pump up their lower abs with exercises for this muscle group alone. A flat stomach is achieved not only with exercise equipment and with the help of home complexes, but also in the kitchen, because it is this part of the body that reveals the abuse of cakes and other sweets, which is characteristic of almost every representative of the fair sex.

So we eat little by little six times a day, be sure to have breakfast and drink a lot of water. One third of the diet is protein, the rest is carbohydrates. Fats are also possible, but healthy ones, for example Omega-3 and Omega-6.

  1. General provisions.
  2. Reverse twist.
  3. Raising your legs.
  4. Bike.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Vacuum.
  7. Additionally.

General provisions.

In order to pump up the muscles of the lower abs, you do not need to exercise them every day: during breaks, these muscles also work, because they are involved in almost the entire complex of our daily movements, and also take an active part in working out other muscle groups. That is why specialized exercises for the abdominal area, performed at home, are done no more often than every other day.

You can eat no later than a couple of hours before class, you can drink a maximum of half an hour before it.

To burn fat, exercises are combined with cardio. For a girl, a dance or aerobics class can serve as cardio. Also, don’t forget about running, swimming, cycling and the whole group of cardio zone equipment...

It's better to practice in the morning. We do everything slowly and with constant concentration on the stomach. In exercises lying on your back, do not lift your lower back off the ground.

Reverse twist.

Very popular and effective, it allows you to quickly get a flat stomach.

We lie on the floor, hands near the body. We raise our legs perpendicular to the body up. We lift the pelvis off the floor, stretching our hips towards our chest. The pelvis, by the way, comes off only thanks to the abdominal muscles. We return to the perpendicular position. You can also do it with your knees bent. Repeat from 10 to 20 times (number of approaches – 2-3).

Raising your legs.

We lie on the floor, the lower back does not rise. The legs are raised to an angle of 70-90 degrees and lowered, not to the ground, but ten to fifteen centimeters above it.

Variation. Raising our legs, we stretch our right thigh down, trying to lower our legs to the right, then to the left. In this case, your feet should also not be placed on the floor.

An exercise that has also proven itself to be excellent is lifting straight or bent legs while hanging on a bar, rings, TRX, abs, bars, or wall bars. If possible, be sure to include it in your training program...


Hands clasped behind the head, lying on the floor. We stretch our right foot to the opposite knee and vice versa. The free leg is perfectly straight, raised and parallel to the floor.

This way you can also pump up the oblique muscles, which are important for every girl to shape her waist.


Classic abdominal exercise. We lie on the floor, our lower back is “stuck” to the floor, our arms are near our torso, we raise our legs 10 centimeters above the floor. We make horizontal swings with them, as if cutting the air with our feet.

Variation. Instead of horizontal swings with both legs, we draw a circle: with the right one - one half, with the left - the other.

Ideally, it is done while standing on all fours, but it can also be done lying on your back or sitting. They simply retract the abdominal muscles as much as possible and relax. But this exercise can be done even while you are on the bus or just standing in line. Real training never stops!


To increase the load in all of the above exercises, except the last one, we recommend using weighted cuffs with Velcro. These bracelets, which can weigh from 200 grams to 10 kilograms, are now very inexpensive and are sold in almost any sports store. They are worn and firmly fixed on the ankles, and due to their weight they complicate your physical work. We recommend! This is an excellent tool if you have already reached a certain impressive level of your training.

The techniques discussed above will suit you both for working on your body at home and for training in a gym or fitness club.

However, in specialized sports institutions your capabilities are significantly expanded by technical means. In addition to all of the above, in the gym you can use:

  1. roman chair,
  2. All kinds of inclined benches,
  3. press machine,
  4. Press bars exercise machine
  5. The simulator is analogous to crunches,
  6. Swedish wall,
  7. Horizontal bars and crossbars,
  8. Block frame.

Continue reading the “Tummy” section of our website, in which we will definitely take a detailed look at working on all these sports equipment. Don't switch...

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