How to pump up your butt? - an exhaustive answer.

I think everyone has at least once heard one famous Russian singer sing in her well-worn song of the same name: “And I have the most, most beautiful butt!” Why is she so beautiful? Yes, because she regularly works on it in the gym! And eats right! So she became the most beautiful! And a visually attractive butt is an excellent ace up the sleeve of every beautiful woman! Or rather, not even a trump card, but a weapon! And even weapons of mass destruction!

All! Enough water! What follows is just specifics. In this article you will learn how to pump up your butt. Moreover, we will try to cover all aspects of this issue:

  1. training in the gym and at home,
  2. with and without equipment,
  3. nuances of nutrition and recovery,
  4. results in an extremely short time,
  5. and other useful things...

So, the outline of the article is outlined, fasten your seat belts, we’re getting going...

  1. Stretching, warming up and warming up.
  2. How to pump up your butt in the gym?
  3. Squats with weights.
  4. Lunges with weights.
  5. Hyperextension.
  6. Deadlift.
  7. Taking your legs back and to the sides.
  8. Leg abduction and abduction in the simulator.
  9. How to pump up your butt at home?
  10. Nuances of nutrition.
  11. How to achieve results in the shortest possible time?
  12. Epilogue.
  13. Table of contents:

Stretching, warming up and warming up.

It doesn’t matter whether you train at home, on the street, or in an expensive fitness center, any physical activity always begins with a warm-up, stretching and warming up...

In the case of the butt (gluteal muscles), here are a number of simple exercises that you need to add to your workout plan for the warm-up phase:

  1. Rotation of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise,
  2. Bend forward to each leg and to the floor,
  3. Swing your legs alternately to each arm extended in front of you,
  4. Swing your legs to the side, alternately with each leg,
  5. Classic style squats.

All! Once you've completed these five simple exercises in about five minutes, you're almost ready for the bulk of our butt training session. Ideally, it would be: a small cardio introduction - jump rope for five minutes, pedal a bicycle ergometer, run on a treadmill or work on an orbit track...

How to pump up your butt in the gym?

If you work out in a fitness center or gym, you will have a lot of tools at your disposal to pump up your butt - let's look at each of them in more detail...

Let's start with the basic fundamental exercises.

Squats with weights.

Nothing works the muscles of the thighs and buttocks like squats, so this exercise comes first for us. You can perform it both with a barbell and with dumbbells, if you still can’t do it with a barbell, or you are terrified of this weightlifting equipment...

Feet are shoulder-width apart, balance the apparatus on your shoulders. Inhaling slowly, we lower ourselves into a squat. Then, exhaling, we rise to a vertical position. The weight should be such that you can hardly do 10 repetitions.

It is important to remember some secrets of this exercise:

  1. If you want to increase your butt size, you need to do as deep as possible squats. Lower yourself down until the back of your thigh touches your calves and your butt almost touches the ground. Then comes the upward movement...
  2. If the goal is only to give it shape, but not to increase its size, then vice versa: under no circumstances squat deeply! Move down until your thigh is parallel to the floor. As soon as it becomes, start moving in the opposite direction.
  3. Again, if you want to increase volume, pick up a heavier weight so that you can do 8 reps per set with difficulty - working on mass.
  4. If the goal is to emphasize the shape, then take a lighter weight, but increase the number of repetitions, for example, 15 times - work on relief.

For more details about squats, read this article of ours...

If you don’t like classic squats or are contraindicated (for example, if you have a back injury), you can replace them with squats in a “hack machine” or “leg press machine” - an excellent alternative to barbells and dumbbells, and most importantly - safe. We recommend!

If the previous exercise was focused on the entire lower body (legs and butt), then this is a concentrated effect on the fifth point. You can work with both dumbbells and a barbell, but it is better to use the latter. The first approach, as, by the way, is the case with squats, is better done with an empty bar in order to get a good feel for the amplitude of the movement...

Feet shoulder-width apart, grasp and balance the apparatus. Without losing your balance, take the weightlifting position, which you can read in more detail here. In other words, lunge. In this position, perform smooth cyclic squats with rocking back and forth - 10 repetitions in a series. On the next approach, change the position of your legs. While squatting and swinging, stretch the muscles of your buttocks thoroughly, feel every centimeter of movement. A great exercise with an accentuated impact on your butt. For more details about it, read our article.


Did you know that a great exercise for the lower back, hyperextension, also has an excellent effect on the gluteal muscles? By moving through the full amplitude, you stretch the butt muscles as much as possible - and this is exactly what we need.

Install support pillows for your height, fix your legs in the machine, while the pillows should rest against your hips, the closer to the groin, the less the effect of the exercise. Simultaneously with exhalation, perform cyclic extensions of the body. In this case, adjust the load by positioning your hands:

  1. along the body - weak,
  2. crosswise on the chest - medium,
  3. behind the head - strong.

Well, for those who aren’t strong enough, take a small dumbbell or barbell disc.

Perform 12 repetitions in each series... Read more about hyperextension here.


Just like the previous exercise, the Deadlift, but in the “straight-legged” variation, which you can read more about in this article, has an excellent effect on the hamstrings and perfectly stretches the muscles of the buttocks. Therefore, we definitely include it in our training plan. At the same time, we girls don’t have to do this exercise with giant weights, like powerlifters. A load at which you can do 10-15 repetitions is quite suitable.

It is very important to perform deadlifts with straightened legs, then the load on the target muscles will be many times greater. If this is not enough for you, you can do this exercise from a step or stepper, which will allow you to further increase the working amplitude, and therefore stretch the posterior muscles of the thigh and buttocks to an even greater extent. However, this variation is very dangerous. So warm up and stretch well before performing the indicated actions.

If you don’t have a barbell or it’s unpleasant for you to work with it, use dumbbells. The main thing here is not the weight, but a good amplitude for stretching the target zone...

Taking your legs back and to the sides.

Just like dumbbell swings are great for working the deltoid muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, leg swings with weights are great for the gluteal muscles. Put weighted bracelets on your ankles and swing your legs in all available directions: forward, backward, sideways. Moreover, you can work – even at home, even on the street, even in the hall...

Moreover, the greater the amplitude, the better. The exercise will also improve the quality of your stretching. However, do not forget about the likelihood of injury, so increase the amplitude gradually and never start swinging without first warming up and warming up.

An alternative to bracelets is the block frame handle. Hook your leg on the handle, and, overcoming the resistance of the simulator, move it in the chosen direction.

Another variation of this exercise is working in a machine to move the leg back, about which you can read in more detail in our separate article - also a very effective exercise machine for the gluteal muscles.

Leg abduction and abduction in the simulator.

In addition to the above-described swings and abductions, any self-respecting fitness room has a specialized exercise machine for abducting and abducting legs. Everything is simple here, how to swing in this machine? – adjust the load level, sit down comfortably, fix your legs in the holders and, overcoming resistance, move them in and out. Here the emphasis of the impact is shifted more to the internal and external muscles of the thigh. However, the gluteal muscles also receive an effective dose of their load. So we recommend including it in your training complex, it’s not for nothing that so many representatives of the fair sex adore this simulator so much!

How to pump up your butt at home?

What about those who do not have the opportunity to visit fitness centers for financial, time and other reasons? Should we really come to terms with cellulite and give up? - No! We cannot allow this! Because all the men will get these pumped-up phyto-cutes from the gym. How can you compete with them without barbells and modern training equipment? How to pump up your butt at home without exercises or sports equipment? - there are options...

The main thing is to understand the physics of the processes. That is, how each exercise works. And then any movement can be done with improvised equipment or without them at all, increasing the load by the number of repetitions:

Squats can be done without a barbell. For example, do 20-30 times in a set. If this comes very easily to you, move on to squats on one leg. Also a great option. Or use your brother’s dumbbells as a projectile - there’s no point in them collecting dust under the bed. If you don’t have dumbbells at home, then take something heavy:

  1. a couple of bottles of milk - in hand,
  2. no milk - a couple of flower pots,
  3. load your backpack with the three-volume “War and Peace” and hang it on your back,
  4. grandfather's suitcase
  5. yes, anything that you have at home.

It’s the same with lunges - you can always find a load, just look around, and you’ll definitely find something heavy...

As for hyperextension, you can adapt your home furniture for this exercise. For example, any ordinary chair rolls out into the middle of the room, you lie down across it (your stomach and legs are on the front part). Ask someone to hold your feet, or hook them onto a sofa or something suitable, and that’s it! You can do extensions. And no worse than on a specialized simulator.

Deadlifts can be done perfectly at home with good, compact weights. Well, finding a step, I think, is not a problem at all.

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to do the abduction and extension of your legs at home - there is no way to do this without a simulator. But, if you remember, this is an auxiliary exercise that plays a small role in working out the buttocks - so no big loss! But abduction and swings of the legs, in the presence of weighted cuffs of this kind, can be completely implemented. Moreover, this sports accessory now costs mere pennies and is sold in any run-down sports store. You can also use a shoulder expander or rubber band for abduction.

Well, as we see, if you wish, you can make a beautiful butt at home!

Nuances of nutrition.

As you know, training means nothing if it is not coordinated with your diet. Therefore, in order to achieve a truly tangible result, you need to work on your diet.

We purchase volume.

If you have a lack of volume - a small butt, and you want to build it up - you need to eat a lot, mainly food containing a large amount of protein, because if you lean on fats, they will settle on your butt. When eating protein foods, the butt will be larger than meat, which will give it a visually attractive outline. Therefore, we eat: a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. Well, for those who want a generally athletic butt, add specialized sports nutrition to your diet: protein, or even better - creatine, and eat every 2 hours - you will be guaranteed an increase in volume. And don't be afraid! You still won't become Schwarzenegger! Moreover, at any moment you can stop training and gain a little fat again. Women still need him, no matter how you look at it. After all, what’s good about a sculpted, muscular, completely fat-free butt?

If you have a big butt and you are trying to reduce it or are working on your shape, then the approach is completely different. Meals need to be reduced. Also reduce the amount of food you consume. Forget about fatty foods altogether! Lean more on carbohydrates, that is, fruits and vegetables that will give you energy. And we must also spend this energy wisely. Be sure to add to your training plan, in addition to all of the above, regular aerobic exercise in large quantities:

  1. run on a stadium or treadmill.
  2. swim in the pool.
  3. pedal a bike or bicycle ergometer.
  4. in winter - skiing.
  5. jump rope.
  6. dance,
  7. aerobics, shaping,
  8. and other options for active, outdoor sports.

All this, combined with focused exercises on the butt, will drive away all that is unnecessary, including from the butt. Well, for those who need a completely ideal option, you can add a specialized sports nutrition product to your diet: a fat burner, read more about it here. This product will not even give subcutaneous fat a chance. And the existing one will be destroyed until it is completely eradicated.

How to achieve results in the shortest possible time?

As the famous proverb says: only cats reproduce quickly. Therefore, if you want to achieve truly tangible results, be patient. However, you can influence the acceleration of the processes of transformation of your butt by diligently observing all of the above.

The fact is that the muscles of the butt, also, by the way, like the chest, are little involved in everyday life. Therefore, they can even be pumped over. What you can’t do with other muscle groups. For example, if you overtrain your legs, you won’t be able to walk normally. If you overtrain your arms, you won’t be able to do your homework. And if you overtrain your butt, what can’t you do? Well, really nothing, because we do almost nothing with our butts. Well, unless we sit on it, well, when walking, it participates a little... Well, it will hurt from sore throat, so what? But this does not stop us from living and doing any business...

It turns out that you can train your butt very powerfully and intensively, and even often, which you cannot do with your arms and legs - they need to be given two days for rest and recovery anyway. And train your butt every day! The only thing you need to understand is one important point: this approach only works when working on relief and cutting! When you need to gain volume, you can’t do without high-quality restoration. And if you force things, you won’t get any increase in volume, and even vice versa – you’ll still lose what you have. Therefore, when training for volume, let your muscles rest for at least two days, and return to the gym only after complete recovery...


Well, now you know thoroughly how to pump up your butt. Well, for those who found this information not enough, you are welcome to our section, which is entirely dedicated to the fifth point of the female body. There you will definitely find everything you need. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. All the best to you, girls, and may your butts turn the heads of even the most unapproachable men!

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Warm up.
  3. In the gym.
    1. Squats.
    2. Lunges.
    3. Hyperextension.
    4. Deadlift.
    5. Leg abduction.
    6. Special trainer.
  1. At home.
  2. Nutrition.
  3. Need volume.
  4. No volume needed.
  5. The result is fast.
  6. Conclusions.
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