How to prepare your body for summer?

So, you have worked hard for a whole year in the gym or fitness club, gained some muscle mass and the volumes so desired by all bodybuilders...  But at the same time you have gained excess weight, and at the same time additional subcutaneous fat. How so? - no need to scare! Because this is an inevitable process. It is impossible to grow in volume, add muscle mass and at the same time immediately dry out the body and get rid of subcutaneous fat, as any minor bodybuilding prize-winner will tell you. After all, the entire life of an athlete consists of two stages that constantly replace each other: mass and drying. So, we’ve already gained weight, let’s get down to drying...

First of all, let’s adjust our diet, because this is the main component of drying and, accordingly, our preparation for summer. Eliminate all fats, flour and sweets from your diet. Add to your menu products that increase metabolism and speed up metabolic processes. These are ginger, cereals, pineapple or natural pineapple juice, green tea and others. Eat more grains; for example, the buckwheat diet has proven itself to be very effective. Also dilute your diet with a specialized sports nutrition product - a fat burner. This natural preparation will destroy all the subcutaneous fat that has accumulated in you, and will not even give a chance for the formation of new one. With such an assistant, you can even achieve the appearance of six-pack abs, reducing subcutaneous fat to an absolute minimum...

To prepare your body for summer, diet alone is not enough; you also need to adjust your training regimen. Increase the number of repetitions in sets from 8-12 times to 15-20. Also add 2-3 additional sets to each exercise. Weights need to be reduced accordingly. In general, now by summer the emphasis is shifting towards isolating exercises and aerobics. Visit the cardio zone of the gym more often, as well as run, swim in the pool, and pedal a bicycle. Regular high-quality aerobic training will launch the natural processes of burning subcutaneous fat, given to us by Mother Nature herself. In combination with a properly planned diet, this will be a crushing blow to subcutaneous fat...

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