How does Fedor Emelianenko train?

Among modern wrestlers, Fedor Emelianenko occupies a special place,

How does Fedor Emelianenko train?

whom many experts call the strongest in mixed martial arts or, as it is now fashionable to call it, “fighting without rules.” The secret of success is how Fedor Emelianenko trains. The athlete states that he has long abandoned standard strength exercises with barbells and kettlebells and is practicing using his own method...

Features of an athlete's training.

Wrestling occupies a special place in training. It is this that Fedor considers the optimal strength training and replaces it with a barbell, dumbbells, exercise equipment and everything else... The unsurpassed Champion explains this by the fact that when he engages in wrestling, he pumps up his muscles with the weight and strength of his own opponent.

How does Fedor Emelianenko train?

In the gym, a wrestler trains on a circular basis. This involves alternating exercises on machines that involve different muscle groups. Complex classes are aimed at developing endurance, as well as practicing striking.

How Fedor Emelianenko trained in the early years of his sports career is no secret to anyone. Most of the effort was focused on strength training. The athlete's record in the bench press is 180 kg from the chest.

  1. Run. The total training distance is 15 km.
  2. Pull-ups. Considering the athlete’s heavy weight (106 kg), the 40 times per approach that he performs is simply a truly impressive result.
  3. Push ups. Various ways of performing push-ups are used.
  4. Endurance exercises. Emelianenko’s favorite exercise is with a sledgehammer and a tire.

Training on a punching bag.

How intensively a wrestler trains depends on the stage of preparation for the fight. The unsurpassed idol of modern hand-to-hand combat usually practices 2-3 times a day. Breaks are necessary for quality muscle recovery.

The highlight of Fedor’s training is his frequent trips to Kislovodsk for training camps with the whole team. A wrestler trains in rarefied air to create additional load, which he considers extremely necessary to prepare for a real serious fight with a truly worthy opponent. It’s just a pity that for this athlete there are fewer and fewer worthy ones - they all end up on the list of our athlete’s losers...