How to render chicken fat at home

Chicken fat is a very valuable product. It is the lowest in calories and easily digestible. It is obtained by rendering during heat treatment of birds, or it is extracted from the subcutaneous layer.

Now we should talk about its beneficial properties, as well as other features related to this product.


The nutritional value of chicken fat is much higher than any other fat. It contains beta-carotene, vitamins B, A, E and PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, as well as many other useful substances. Most of all it contains the following elements:

  1. Ash.
  2. Specific protein peptide.
  3. Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids.
  4. Cholesterol.

Saturated fatty acids predominate, more than 50% of them in this product. What about energy value? The calorie content of chicken fat is 896 calories per 100 grams. If we talk about percentages, then there are no proteins or carbohydrates in this product at all, and there is only 0.2% water in it.


Chicken fat is very high in calories. This is its benefit - dishes that are cooked with it or flavored with it as an additive give a person a lot of energy necessary to perform hard work.

The esters that are part of it have a beneficial effect on the skin. They moisturize, give elasticity, and visibly smooth out wrinkles. And I must say, external use of this substance gives a much more noticeable effect than internal use.

Chicken fat also contains a lot of vitamin A. It is necessary for the rapid regeneration of soft tissues and strengthening the retina.

It is also impossible not to mention that this product promotes the rapid absorption by the body of fat-soluble vitamins, including A, E and K. If a person takes them, forgetting about fatty acids, then they simply pass through the intestines.

Application in cosmetology

Fans of homemade beauty recipes often use chicken fat for a variety of purposes. It can be added to face masks. It is enough to combine one egg yolk with sour cream and fat (1 tablespoon each), beat thoroughly and apply the resulting mass to cleansed skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This mask will moisturize the skin well and nourish it with beneficial substances.

Chicken fat is also good for hair. It makes them strong, strong, durable, and its systemic use eliminates problems such as fragility and loss.

This ingredient can be mixed with horse fat, onion juice, burdock oil and egg yolks, and then applied to the hair and kept for 1-2 hours under a shower cap. Then wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner or balm for final care. With regular use, the result will not take long to arrive.

In folk medicine

If you believe numerous reviews, chicken fat is an excellent basis for medicinal emulsions and ointments. Its use is especially effective for colds.

To make a healing remedy, you will need:

  1. Chicken fat – 50 g;
  2. vodka – 15 ml;
  3. essential oil (cedar or fir) – 7 drops.

The fat must be melted in a water bath, after placing it in a saucepan. Then add oil. Remove from the water bath and mix with vodka. Then cool and rub into the sick person’s chest, cover with a clean towel, wrap with a scarf, and put on something warm. The next morning the symptoms of the disease will subside.

How to use?

You can mix fat in equal proportions with honey, and eat 1 tsp every day, washed down with warm milk. Also, many people simply cook chicken broth. You can drink it plain or flavor it with herbs. It turns out to be a very tasty, light but satisfying lunch.

And by the way, fat can also make a good snack. It needs to be heated, and then mixed with garlic, previously ground with salt, and aromatic herbs. This dressing is perfect for unleavened crackers - you need to dip them in it like in a sauce.

But for children, of course, it is better to give fat with honey or broth. Salt won't do them much good. But, by the way, every child needs to receive enough unsaturated acids. Their deficiency slows down growth, leads to eczematous changes in the skin, and also strengthens the body's defenses.

The main beneficial properties of chicken fat were discussed above. What is its harm? Paradoxically, a negative effect from consuming this product can also be achieved by consuming it, and the reason will also be its fat content, described above as a virtue.

Just regularly adding it to dishes can really provoke the development of obesity. “Bad” cholesterol tends to accumulate. And this often leads to fatty hepatosis and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Also, if the product was manufactured in violation of technology, it will contain free radicals in large quantities. And they provoke the development of cancer.

Also, consuming rendered chicken fat as a supplement in unlimited quantities leads to dysfunction of the liver and pancreas and to metabolic disorders. Cholecystitis often occurs.

How to melt it yourself?

Many people who are interested in cooking ask this question. The composition of chicken fat is impressive, and in moderation the product can actually provide benefits.

It's easy to melt it. You only need fat mass (1 kg) and water (200 ml). And the cooking method is elementary:

  1. You need to collect the trimmings of fat that remain after cleaning the meat.
  2. Chop them into small pieces. Divide into 5 servings weighing 200 g.
  3. Place each mound in turn in a frying pan and cook over low heat until melted.
  4. You should get a transparent mass. No burnt particles! You need to constantly monitor the process.
  5. The resulting mass must be poured into an enamel pan.
  6. Add water warmed to room temperature.
  7. Place the container on the fire and heat until bubbles appear.
  8. Bring to a boil and remove pan from heat.
  9. After cooling completely, place it in the refrigerator.
  10. After a few hours, take out the container and carefully remove the frozen piece of fat. The meat debris must be carefully cut off, and the finished product should be placed in a ceramic or glass container.

Chicken fat should be stored in the refrigerator. But it has a limited shelf life - 2 months maximum.

Rendered chicken fat (recipe with photos) | Chinese cuisine

Printable version of the recipe

Ji Yu, or Chicken fat, is a common ingredient in Chinese cuisine.

Chinese cuisine uses several types of oils and vegetable and animal fats - sesame oil, canola oil, soybean oil and peanut oil. Animal fats include lard (rendered lard, or simply lard), butter and beef fat, chicken fat, and tail fat. Other types of fats are also used, but less frequently.

Chicken fat in Chinese cuisine is used mainly as a flavoring; it gives the dishes with which it is cooked the aroma of chicken meat. The most famous recipes using chicken fat are Cong Yubing, or Green Onion Pancakes, and Hainan Ji Fan, or Hainanese Chicken Rice. In pancakes, a piece of rolled out dough is coated with vegetable oil, lard (melted lard) or chicken fat before sprinkling with green onion rings and rolling it into a roll. And in the Hainanese chicken rice recipe, chicken fat plays an important role - it flavors and moistens the boiled rice, which is one of the main elements of this famous dish.

Since chicken fat is not sold in our country, you can easily prepare it yourself. In China, there are two ways to obtain chicken fat: wok-rendering and steaming. The wok method is simpler, but less preferable, because you can spoil the fat if you overlook the moment when it is ready. The fat will lose its color and there will be small black spots left from the burnt particles. Cooking in a double boiler will eliminate these inconveniences, but will last longer. And you probably regularly throw away the raw materials for heating. When you buy chicken meat in carcasses in a store or market and cut it before heat treatment, you cut off pieces of fat from the meat and, most likely, do not use it. The cut pieces of fat can be placed in a separate container or bag and stored in the freezer, and when the required amount has accumulated, the fat can be melted, poured into a jar and stored in the refrigerator. Good chicken fat has a bright yellow color and a pleasant aroma. When stored in the refrigerator, it will thicken and lighten, but when heat treated it will restore its properties.

INGREDIENTS (per 100 g rendered fat):

chicken fat – 250-300 g,

green onion – 1 arrow,

garlic – 1 clove,

ginger - a piece the size of a walnut,

Rinse the green onion, peel a piece of ginger and cut into slices.

Prepare chicken fat: defrost it, if frozen, and rinse. Cut it into small pieces.

Place pieces of chicken fat into the wok, add water, slices of ginger and green onions, put the wok on the fire, let the liquid boil, reduce the heat to low and stir the contents of the wok from time to time.

After some time, the water will evaporate and the fat will begin to melt out. The melting process is not very fast and can take about 40 minutes. When the chicken cracklings begin to darken, remove the wok from the heat and strain the resulting rendered chicken fat through a metal strainer.

Let the rendered fat cool and pour it into a clean jar with a lid for easier storage in the refrigerator.

By the way, it’s a very convenient and good thing. I usually buy chicken fat from my local poultry farm. I cut it into small pieces and put it in parts into a saucepan on the fire. As it heats, I add more portions. Then I filter through a sieve and pour into half-liter jars. I store it in the refrigerator. Oh, I forgot to write, I make sure to add a couple of bay leaves when heating. Very tasty fried potatoes are made with chicken fat.

In a certain amount, chicken fat is very tasty and healthy. Personally, I try to add a teaspoon of it to potatoes (especially stewed ones) and even sometimes to soup or borscht. The thing is that in my family no one eats fatty meat, lard, or cracklings. But with vegetable oil everything is quite primitive. So I buy regular pieces of chicken fat at the store, cut it up and put it in a saucepan over low heat. I stir it periodically and when it turns into liquid I pour it into jars with twists. As a rule, these are jars of 200-250 grams (from sprat or capelin caviar). A jar of this lasts me a long time, since no one in my family eats fatty foods.
