Concentrated biceps curl

Concentrated biceps curl This is an isolation exercise that works great on the shoulder flexor. It allows you to achieve "diving» effect on your biceps.

There are options from the position:

  1. Standing.
  2. Sitting.
  3. With a barbell.
  4. Dumbbell.

This exercise does not require heavy weights. The main focus is smoothness movement and full concentration at every millimeter of the trajectory. Focus on your sensations, get a good feel for your biceps. It is in this exercise that it is most appropriate to use one of the basic principles of bodybuilding: “compression peak" It is also extremely effective to supplement this exercise with partial or full supination, pronation: twist, rotation of the brush clockwise or counterclockwise.

Personally I love concentrated biceps curls. This is one of my favorite exercises. Another significant advantage is its simplicity and accessibility. You can, for example, sit comfortably at home on a kitchen stool with your favorite dumbbell, watch a movie and at the same time polish And sharpen your biceps - so to speak, combining the useful and the pleasant. I recommend!

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