Digestive massage

The digestive system is susceptible to various diseases. In addition to medication, it is recommended to include a massage for digestion in the treatment complex. The procedure is prescribed for intestinal disorders, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and adhesions. Sessions are also performed for diseases of other organs. This means that massage supports the health of the entire body as a whole. You can do this procedure at home, following the rules, and consult with your doctor before starting - massage is not useful for everyone.


  1. Neoplasms, malignant tumors and their relapses.
  2. Diseases of the blood and lymphatic system.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  6. Hepatitis C.
  7. Cardiac aneurysms.
  8. Inflammation of the female genital organs.
  9. Pregnancy, postpartum period.
  10. Other prohibitions of the attending physician.

Specifics and rules

Massage should not be performed on an empty stomach. The procedure should be preceded by a light breakfast that does not overload the stomach. Slow and measured movements help relax the intestinal muscles; sudden movements, on the contrary, will keep the muscles tense. The internal organs are rubbed, thoroughly penetrating the abdominal cavity, and vibration warm-ups with the fingers and the entire hand will allow the abdominal cavity to echo the circulation of the hands. The massage will be deep.

If the secretory function is reduced, the techniques are performed more intensively, the patient is lightly but intermittently “beaten”.


Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage for digestion involves warming up the solar plexus, wall and abdominal organs.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are massaged in the sore area. Slow circular strokes are performed. Use your palm to describe a circle, gradually increasing its diameter. Then reduce it again. Do this for three minutes, changing hands.

For motor dysfunction colon reflex-segmental massage is used. Before the procedure, leave a heating pad on your stomach and lower back for 5-7 minutes. This will relax the abdominal muscles and colon musculature. Light strokes are performed 2-3 minutes from the navel clockwise.

To improve performance liver and gallbladder The rectus abdominis muscles are stroked clockwise, compressed in an arched manner and rubbed at the costal arches.

Massage at constipation It is rightfully considered an effective and most pleasant means of preventing and treating constipation. In order to master this technique, you only need to know the basics of special self-massage performed in case of intestinal constipation.

It is important to remember that your hands should be clean, your stomach should not be full, but not empty, and your body should be relaxed (for this it is better to lie on your back).

Only three fingers are required for therapeutic effects. For three minutes they massage the area to the left of the navel (diagonally). It is in this place that the accumulation of feces occurs. After such a massage, the urge to defecate may immediately appear.

Stomach diseases It is advisable to correct it with a combination of massage movements, acting in combination on various organs and systems.

The first type of massage affects the anterior walls of the abdominal cavity. Position – lying on your back with your head elevated, using bolsters to support your knees. The procedure begins in the navel area, from which gentle circular stroking, vibration, shading and other types of influence are performed that do not involve pressure and great effort.

Individual rectus abdominis muscles are massaged by pinching, stroking and reverse stroking. At the end, light shaking and final stroking are added.

Stomach massage is also performed in a lying position. In this case, it begins on the back and continues on the right side. Exercises are done selectively, aimed at relaxed stomach muscles. The most common is vibration with spread fingers and insensitive shaking. In this case, it is necessary to know the size of the stomach - from the left fifth midclavicular line of the rib to the navel (or rather, 2-4 centimeters higher).

Massage of the stomach, colon

Massage of the colon passes from the right to the left iliac region, bypassing the hypochondrium. First, the area is relaxed by stroking, then circular and spiral movements, rubbing, weights and pressure are used. This type ends with circular stroking and vibration.

The liver is massaged diagonally, from the lower left zone to the upper right. The fingers are launched into the hypochondrium and perform shaking and vibration.

To massage the kidneys, both hands are used, which perform symmetrical movements in the corresponding areas - shaking, stroking and rubbing.

Thus, by following an integrated approach, you can not only improve the functioning of the entire system in the body, but also prevent some diseases of the internal organs, especially those associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Self-massage combined with exercises will help improve the functioning of internal organs. The complex is best performed in the morning and, if necessary, before bed.

  1. Lie on your back with your legs pulled up towards your stomach. Even breathing plays an important role here. Slowly pull your feet towards you, then away from you, trying not to get confused as you inhale and exhale.
  2. Straighten up, stroke your stomach. Bend your legs, lift them up one at a time, pressing on your abdominal muscles in between.
  3. We lower our legs down and continue stroking the stomach.
  4. While controlling your breathing, place your left palm down your stomach. The right one is slightly higher, its little finger should be on the navel, and the thumb on the chest. As you exhale, slightly tighten your lower abdomen.
  5. Sharp swallowing movements will increase the tone of peristalsis.
  6. Jumping in place. For best effect, use a jump rope.
  7. Perform free rotations with your torso.
  8. Bends and squats.
  9. Pump up your abs.

If you have digestive problems, try to lead an active lifestyle, drink more fluids and eat a healthy diet. Let massage become an important aid to your digestion.