Foot recovery massage

MASSAGE FOR LEGS RESTORE is best done in the evening for three days with a break of three days. This massage cleanses energy channels, regulates blood circulation in the lower extremities, has a beneficial effect on joints, strengthens muscles and prevents the onset of leg diseases.

1. Rolling in combination with pressing the Yanglinquan and Zusanli points mentioned above with your index fingers 25 times.

2. Tapping with your middle fingers on the fengshi point, which is located on the outer surface of the thigh. In a standing position with straightened and lowered arms, the middle finger of the hand will point to this point (Fig. 4) 18 times.

3. Pinching the Chengshan point, which is located in the center of the back surface of the shin, in the middle of a line drawn from the upper edge of the heel bone to the center of the popliteal fossa (Fig. 5) 9 times.

4. Tapping on the kunlun point, which is located in the depression above the heel bone, 0.3 cun back from the outer ankle, at the place of pulsation (Fig. 5) 25 times.

5. Consecutive pulling of all joints with shaking, loosening with palms, rolling and friction.

6. General light stroking of the surface of the legs.