Massage with spoons according to the method of Rene Koch

Koch's spoon massage is a unique massage technique that is performed using a pair of spoons.

Rene Koch is a famous cosmetologist who suggested performing massages with hot, cold and scented spoons. Massage with spoons for the face helps remove excess fluid from the tissues, improves lymph and blood circulation, the facial contour acquires a clearer structure, and the oval becomes more toned.

However, this technique will be useful not only for the face. Koch's spoon technique is very effective against sagging buttocks, cellulite on the thighs and other parts of the body, as well as against fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Spoon massage for face

A correctly performed procedure will relieve dark circles under the eyes and sagging skin.

Rules for performing massage with spoons

The main movement is circular stroking with moderate pressure. First, the movements are performed clockwise, then counterclockwise. The pressure is only applied in a clockwise circular motion. Only light pressure is applied counterclockwise to prevent the outflow of tissue fluid.

Before performing a massage, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics. As the main massage product, you can use cream or cosmetic oils: almond, peach, olive. The optimal time for massage is morning.

  1. Breast massage - place warm spoons in the center of the neckline and with soft circular movements smoothly move to the armpits, first from above, then from below.
  2. Against skin and muscle sagging of the arms - place a chilled spoon at the elbow. Using smooth circular movements, we slide along the inside of the arm, moving upward.
  3. Massage with spoons against cellulite - lubricate a cooled spoon with cream or oil. Using circular movements with pressure, massage first the inner part of the thigh, then the outer one.
  4. Against sagging buttocks - apply cold large spoons to the buttock folds. We begin circular movements from the center to the side, then from bottom to top.
  5. Against dark circles under the eyes - apply chilled spoons to the eyelids for a few seconds.
  6. For fat folds on the abdomen, apply a cooled spoon to the navel and move it clockwise in a circular motion around the navel, increasing the radius each time. After circular massaging, we go from bottom to top with effort.