Foot massage

Foot massage is one of the most popular back massage methods. The technique must be carried out very carefully and competently so that the patient does not suffer. Before performing, you must thoroughly ensure that your massage therapist is qualified to perform this massage. If you feel pain or discomfort during the massage, please report it immediately.

Foot massage came to us from the East. Usually, oriental massage therapists performed it in baths. For many thousands of years, this technique has been used by Chinese, Arabian and Indian doctors as therapeutic massage.

Today, foot massage is used to massage athletes to reduce muscle tone. For people who are overweight and have significant muscle mass, foot massage is also recommended.

Foot massage

The movement of the feet should be light and soft

Execution Procedure

Before starting this procedure, a manual classic massage is performed to warm up all the muscles. In some cases, it is allowed to perform a preliminary massage with one leg with slight pressure. The duration of the preliminary massage is 5-10 minutes. The patient must be placed on a hard mat or floor.

The massage is carried out in two directions:

  1. in the direction of blood flow;
  2. against the direction.

The direction of lymph flow is also taken into account.

Basically, massage is performed with both legs. In rare cases, with one leg. Rubbing and kneading are mandatory techniques. With a gentle movement of his legs, the massage therapist stands on his back and begins to massage in the direction from the lower back to the neck.

An important condition: movements should not be intense, sharp or rigid. Under no circumstances should any force be applied to the spine.

Leg massage is carried out in the direction from the thigh to the lower leg. Experts recommend refraining from massaging the chest and abdomen using this method.

The weight of the massage therapist plays an important role. Weight affects more thorough and effective muscle development and improved metabolic processes. The session ends with a manual massage, where stroking, rubbing and kneading are performed.

One procedure lasts about an hour. It is recommended to conduct a course of 10-15 sessions.

Foot massage

The master performs a foot massage

Foot massage effect

Foot massage allows for a deeper impact on the subcutaneous layer, muscle, ligamentous and joint apparatus, when compared with classical types of massage. Thanks to a very thorough study of all muscles and joints, the body restores the functions of the musculoskeletal system and other systems in a fairly short period of time.


  1. spinal tuberculosis;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. thrombophlebitis;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  6. elderly age.

Be careful when choosing your massage therapist. A properly performed massage will have an effective healing effect.