Men's and women's secrets of youth and longevity

In the conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress, every person must have good health, high physical fitness, developed sensory systems - visual and hearing acuity, fine muscle sense and correct coordination of movements, speed and accuracy of spatio-temporal components, stable vestibular reaction, speed of thinking and action, endurance, etc.

The problem of maintaining health and longevity is one of the eternal and multifaceted problems of humanity.

  1. Youth, longevity and health
  2. The influence of physical exercise, self-massage, active recreation on life expectancy
  3. There is such an interesting parable:

Youth, longevity and health

Today, among the social tasks of our State, there is no more paramount and important than caring for people's health, because our health is the wealth of the country.

Issues of physical self-education to preserve health and youth require conscious and purposeful activity: creating conditions and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, hygiene and daily routine, purposeful work, knowledge, daily physical exercise and hardening, active recreation.

This article is dedicated to this topic...

The influence of physical exercise, self-massage, active recreation on life expectancy

Strength physical exercises of fitness and bodybuilding are used for the following purposes:

  1. improving the forms and functions of our body,
  2. health promotion,
  3. development of physical abilities,
  4. formation and improvement of necessary motor skills and abilities.

They also contribute spiritual development of man, education of his moral and volitional qualities.

Under the influence of physical exercise, the muscular system is strengthened, the mobility of joints and ligaments increases, metabolism improves, and oxidative processes in tissues intensify. By contracting, stretching and relaxing, muscles, like small pumps, facilitate the work of the heart and help blood and lymph circulation.

By doing physical education, a person develops qualities such as speed, strength, agility, flexibility, balance, and endurance.

Science has proven that people who neglect physical exercise are more likely to get sick.

A person who has taken up regular physical exercise overcomes laziness, gains self-confidence, and increases productivity.

It’s not too late to exercise at any age. It acquires particular importance in the process of work.

Throughout the working day, it is useful to carry out physical exercise 1-2 times, after work - self-massage (stroking, rubbing and lightly kneading the muscles) in this order:

  1. Stroking from top to bottom - 3-5 times;
  2. Standing, bending your torso, rub and stretch your lower back - 20-30 s;
  3. Lying with your leg bent at the knee, stroke it from bottom to top from the foot through the shin and thigh towards the groin area - 3-5 times.

Self-massage can be performed using a roller massager (2-3 min). After this, it is good to carry out water procedures.

Active recreation also contributes to longevity - performing sets of daily physical exercises, hardening, mixed movement (alternating walking and running), hiking, excursions, walks, outdoor games, collecting forest products, tourism, bathing, swimming, any kind of sports.

About aesthetic education

Aesthetic education plays an important role in the development of positive emotions. The need for beauty, the ability to appreciate it, to receive pleasure from communicating with beauty, to treat it with care, the ability to see and find the good in people, to receive joy from selfless labor and social work in a team - all this enriches the personality, makes it more humane. Beauty in any form is a great educational force. Any aesthetic phenomenon affects the emotional and moral spheres, enriches the spiritual world of a person.

There is such an interesting parable:

One venerable, very elderly sage was once asked how he managed to live so long and remain in such good physical shape. To which he, without a moment’s hesitation, replied: “I have one secret! I use the seven C rule." When asked what these “seven S’s” were, the elder grinned and said the following verbatim: “sport, laughter, juice, sex, sleep, sun, sauna”...

So what are the main male and female secrets of youth and longevity? The answer is obvious - the key to success is only in a comprehensive, comprehensive impact on the body: active sports, healthy nutrition, proper daily and lifestyle regimen, adequate sleep, special wellness procedures, moderate sexual activity, emotional rest, positive mood; All in all - healthy lifestyle.

You still don’t believe and doubt this - then quickly open our “Celebrities” section. Check out the life stories of great people, real champions, look at the photos of what they were like in their youth, and what they look like at the moment - you will be shocked. After all, Corina Everson, in her sixties, looks like a girl, and Frank Zane, like many other stars, has hardly changed since his former victories. This is how sports and a healthy lifestyle have a positive effect on the body!

Well, and finally, I would like, as always, to wish you: indestructible, strong Siberian health, Caucasian longevity and may the secret of the "Seven C" will become your main life guide and guide!

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