Calf muscles

Calf muscles has one of the most important roles in creating aesthetic and harmonious image modern athlete, so don't neglect their training.

As the canons of beauty dictate to us, in their development, ideally, the shins should be similar in volume to the biceps. At the same time, having: the ability to quickly recover, having extraordinary endurance, strength and performance, our legs are also considered the heaviest for development and training muscle group.

To achieve what you want progress when building the muscles of the lower leg, it is necessary to use such a number and variety of exercises that will make it possible to pump up all zones this group of muscles - internal, external, lower and upper.

In addition to this for quality development of the lower leg need to use a variety of techniques shocking muscles, preventing them from getting used to a monotonous constant training program, since exclusively stressful loads best stimulate “difficult muscles” to grow. In order to shock the muscles, it is necessary to constantly change and combine both the exercises themselves and the angles of impact, as well as the number of approaches and repetitions, use supersets, pyramids and forced repetitions.

Shocking the shins will also have a significant positive effect. partial repetitions. By performing half and quarter movements with serious weights, the calf muscles receive a tremendous load, which stimulates them to constant growth and leads them to high-quality development.

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