Volume and intensity of weight lifter's assistance exercises

We continue to study the nuances of planning the training of weightlifters. In the previous article, we studied the nuances of the basic weightlifting exercises: the snatch and the clean and jerk. Let us now consider specially auxiliary exercises: such as squats and all kinds of presses. In squats, an athlete can consistently perform 38, 65, 50 and 34 lifts (20, 35, 27 and 18% of the monthly load) and in bench press exercises - 25, 44, 34 and 22 lifts.

Such planning ensures variation not only in the volume of the load, but also in its intensity. For example, in week 3 the load will be average for the month (27%) both in volume and intensity, since it includes approximately 100% of all barbell lifts, including high-intensity lifts with weights of 70-79 %, 80-89%, 90% and more - in snatch and jerk exercises and with a weight of 100% or more - in squats with a barbell. Naturally, the more such barbell lifts in training, the higher the intensity of the load. In the 1st week, 40 such lifts of the barbell are planned, in the 2nd - 101 and in the 4th - 47. This means that in the 1st week the training load is low intensity, in the 2nd - with a high intensity, in the 3rd - with medium and in the 4th - with small.

Thus, by selecting the option of distributing the monthly load over weekly cycles and determining its percentage, it is practically possible to determine the variation in intensity by week.

In the preparatory month under consideration, the variation in intensity by week is expressed by the ratio 20:35:27:18, and with amendments (the maximum rises from the 1st week are transferred to the 2nd) - by the ratio 16:39:27:18.

According to the information provided to us by the online store, junior athletes have a relatively small monthly load and the number of high-intensity lifts. Therefore, for them, even with a significant variation in volume (when the nature of the intensity distribution coincides with the nature of the load volume distribution), the number of barbell lifts with high intensity will always be feasible. In this regard, they do not have the need for multidirectional planning of the intensity of the monthly load in weekly cycles.

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