Basic means of sports training

TO basic means of sports training relate physical exercise And rehabilitation measures, contributing to the intensification of recovery processes in the athlete’s body. We have already partially touched on these issues in our previous reviews. And, since we have already examined in detail the main means of recovery for athletes in the corresponding article on our website, now we will analyze in detail exactly physical exercise. Moreover, today we will talk not so much about bodybuilding or fitness, but about sports in general. The principles described below are typical for almost any type of sport, except for chess and checkers, of course..

Basic means of sports training. Physical exercises and their types:

Physical exercises are divided into general and special impact exercises, as well as the basic exercises that make up the content of the competitive activity of a particular sport (see figure).

Exercises overall impact are designed to solve problems related to the general development of basic physical qualities: endurance, strength, agility, speed, flexibility, as well as increasing the functionality of the internal organs and systems of the athlete’s body.

Exercises special impact are divided into three main groups: preparatory, supplying And actually special:

  1. The first group of exercises (preparatory) is aimed at specialized improvement of motor qualities necessary for a specific sport. Such exercises contribute to the development and improvement of physical qualities in those movements whose structural characteristics and parameters are close to competitive exercises (for example, throwing a weighted kettlebell for a hammer thrower). These exercises, according to modern research, make it possible to intensify the training of an athlete in developing the level of his physical qualities, without increasing the total volume of the training load.
  2. The second group of exercises (leading) is aimed at mastering complex coordination sports and technical skills. These exercises involve the analytical performance of individual phases of motor skills that are complex in terms of coordination (for example, dismembered mastery of the technique of gymnastic exercises, diving technique, etc.). In natural locomotion (running, walking), lead-in exercises, as a rule, are not used due to their relative simplicity. However, here too, attention is often paid to the phases of the “back push”, hip extension, etc. When performing lead-up exercises, the trainees’ attention is first drawn to the kinematics of the motor action, and then improvement follows the path of clarifying power dynamic accents.
  3. The third group includes, in fact, special exercises in which technical and tactical actions in a chosen sport are performed fragmentarily (for example, running individual sections of a distance, running along a bend, starts and finishes in athletics, skiing and speed skating, improving dribbling ( pucks), passes and shots on goal in football, hockey, handball, etc.). Such exercises promote repeated performance of individual fragments of the main exercise in various sports.

Basic means of sports training. Improving performance and effectiveness:

A gradual increase in the duration and intensity of the exercises performed contributes to the transformation of quantitative accumulations during the training process into progressive outcome indicators. At the same time, not all exercises and cannot always have a positive effect on the sports readiness and performance of the athlete. For example, excessive use of weight training, which hypertrophies muscle tissue, does not increase the relative strength required for athletes in most sports. Therefore, at the moment we are talking not only about the specialized development of physical qualities in a specific subtype of sport, but also about the specifics of the means of speed-strength training in connection with the typological characteristics of an athlete in the same sport.

Thus, a trend has clearly emerged differentiated-specialized physical training athlete not only in the chosen type of sport, but also in connection with the specifics of his tactical and technical skills and the constitutional characteristics of the body.

Taking into account the above, returning to the question of the relationship between exercises of various directions, it should be emphasized that the effect of their training influence often depends on a number of conditions and various factors.

For example, let’s consider the approach of constructing special exercises for developing jumping ability and, in general, improving the attacking skills of a volleyball player. In this version, when setting such a goal, a number of particular subtasks arise:

  1. strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the foot;
  2. stretching the muscles of the lower leg and dorsum of the thigh;
  3. performing a set of general impact jumping exercises;
  4. transition to solving special problems related to the transformation of speed and strength indicators of the lower extremities, directly in the attacking technique.

First, sets of jumping exercises are performed, related in coordination structure to the technique being studied or improved, which are carried out with increasingly complex sub-actions in each attempt and from a group of attempts to another group. For example, training athletes jump with a push of their legs simultaneously with swinging movements of their arms in successive series and jump over a previously prepared row of gymnastic benches. In subsequent attempts, the initial two obstacles remain the same, and the next two or three benches are gradually raised.

Moreover, this is the only solution common target is not completed, the trainees begin to perform either lead-up exercises or special exercises, making a series of attacking shots through the net - in fact, they are already performing special exercises. The specifics and technology of their implementation can also be different. If skills in the technique of attacking strikes are being developed, then after each approach or series of them, the instructor makes appropriate comments to the students to correct shortcomings and make corrections to certain of their movements. In the variation of sports improvement, where you already need high intensity loads, the special exercise itself is carried out with great density, approaches follow one after another with a pause of only 10-15 seconds, which is achieved using a special simulator - an “inclined target”. This is followed by active rest and then a series of attempts are repeated.

Thus, the relationship between exercises of general and special influence is realized to solve the set pedagogical task.

The ways and means of regulating the intensity of training in various sports can be varied, but the approach to constructing them is always the same: implementing a series of approaches - active rest - cyclic repetition of the task.

A similar principle is gradual gradual increase in the complexity of the training impact, which can be achieved by changing the tempo of the exercises, changing the starting positions, and using additional equipment and training devices.

Moving on to the study of the methodology for using special exercises themselves, it must be emphasized that at the moment, due to the need to control and manage the training process, there is an increasingly clear trend towards the dual use of special exercises, used both to provide a training effect and testing, which allows one to obtain information about the physical condition of athletes and their sports results.

This approach has a long history in athletics and swimming, but is currently carried out at a higher level through the use of radio-telemetric communication systems, which make it possible to obtain urgent information about changes in an athlete’s heart rate directly during special exercises. Thus, as a clear example, we can cite the experimental data of V.A. Tereshchenko, who conducted special “test exercises” for swimmers when swimming 50-meter segments in a one-minute mode.

This approach is advantageous in that, on the one hand, it makes it possible to monitor the athlete’s physical condition directly during training, and on the other hand, it does not require additional testing, which causes certain (sometimes significant) energy consumption for athletes.

The quantitative characteristics of the exercises performed (their volume) can be: the number of repetitions, the duration of the exercises, the total footage and the mileage of the work done.

Qualitative indicators (intensity) are expressed in the number of repetitions per unit of time and in the difficulty of training tasks (for example, the number of repeated maximums in the training of weightlifters).

Dialectically, it is impossible to separate the quantitative indicators of the exercises performed from their qualitative characteristics - they are always in close connection and interdependence. The more intense and difficult the work performed, the shorter its duration (work power zones according to V.S. Farfel). It must be emphasized that special exercises themselves can have different directions in an athlete’s training. On the one hand, they can serve for repeated improvement of sports technique (for example, shooting into the basket from points in basketball), on the other hand, for “honing” tactical interaction between teammates (for example, improving individual tactical combinations and systems of play in football, hockey and other sports games).

Preparatory exercises intended for specialized physical training can also be local, regional or global in nature. For example, based on model indicators of the dynamographic profile of the topography of muscle strength, it can be found out that a particular athlete lags behind in the development of the strength of a certain muscle group that bears a large load when performing a basic motor skill. In this case, with the help of specially selected preparatory exercises that correspond to the biomechanical structure of the main motor skill, a local or regional effect on this muscle group is carried out and the strength of these muscles is periodically measured using B. Rybalko’s technique.

If the level of endurance is insufficient, as a rule, exercises of a global nature are performed that affect the entire body as a whole.

Leading exercises are predominantly associated with local or regional influence on the formation of individual movements or phases of motor action in complex coordination motor skills.

Thus, it must be noted that use of special exercises of various directions is in a close logical connection and is determined by the level of physical and technical-tactical preparedness of the athlete. The main purpose of their use is bringing the athlete's motor potential to the model indicators of leading masters of sports.

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