Main types of massage

Massage is an industry that includes types of massage and a large number of varieties. To fully understand and understand the big world of massage art, you should go sequentially, moving from larger groups to more structured ones, carefully studying each one.

Types of massage

Massage not only has healing properties, but also gives true pleasure.

According to the form of execution, massage should be divided into two large groups: manual and hardware massage. Based on these two large classifications, various types and varieties are created, and joint use forms a number of more types.

Types and their application

Let's move on to a more thorough and structured analysis of two large groups of manual and hardware massage.

By type of application

According to the type of application, massage can be divided into general, which extends to the entire body, and to local, which affects certain areas of the body: head, neck, face, arms, legs, etc.

I would like to note that these types can be performed either with the help of specialists in this field or independently, that is, perform self-massage. If you are not well versed in all technology, there is no need to take risks, contact a specialist. A properly performed massage will solve all your problems related to health and cosmetic ailments.

By purpose

According to the purpose, massage can be divided into the following types:  therapeutic, hygienic, sports, cosmetic, reflexive and oriental. Let's look at each in more detail.


With the help of a medicinal form, you can speed up the process of restoring the functions of organs and systems in various diseases. Currently, this species is not forgotten, but, on the contrary, is widely used in medical institutions. In combination with physical therapy, therapeutic massage simply works wonders and gives excellent results.


Massage therapy can help you get rid of many diseases.

Hygienic massage

With the help of a hygienic massage, you can very well and efficiently improve your health, strengthening and improving the general condition of the body. It is an excellent preventive measure for many diseases.

As a rule, it is carried out in the form of self-massage, a useful addition to which is morning hygienic exercises and other physical activity. Hygienic massage goes well with water procedures. To ensure that the effect does not keep you waiting, devote 10-15 minutes every day to a comprehensive session with morning exercises and water procedures.

Hygienic massage

Hygienic massage goes well with morning exercises

Cosmetic massage

Cosmetic massage is aimed at improving the condition of exposed parts of the body - face, hands, neck and so on. It is also used to prevent premature aging, strengthen hair and various other cosmetic imperfections. Anti-cellulite massage is in great demand and popularity among the fair sex. With its help, the skin becomes incredibly smooth, elastic and silky.

It is also worth noting that cosmetic massage is a very responsible procedure that should not be carried out on your own. It is better to trust professionals, because improperly performed self-massage can lead to negative consequences. If this does not stop you and you decide to carry out the massage procedure yourself, we strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist who will give the necessary advice and recommendations on how to perform the techniques correctly. Facial massage in particular needs more delicate and professional execution.

Cosmetic massage

Cosmetic massage to prolong youth for many years

Sports massage

This type of massage is a specially developed set of exercises and techniques, which is aimed at increasing the performance of athletes. The procedure is a kind of preparatory point for a heavy load on the body, thereby accelerating the recovery processes. In turn, sports massage is divided into three types:

  1. Training
  2. Preliminary
  3. Restorative

The training type is a kind of additional aspect that is aimed at increasing the performance of athletes. Currently, it is slowly losing its popularity and is used extremely rarely.

Restorative massage is more popular because it is carried out with the aim of more quickly restoring motor performance, as well as to relieve the feeling of fatigue. This approach is necessary for every athlete after a hard workout. With daily sessions, massage becomes most effective. The best time is 2-4 hours after training.

Preliminary massage is aimed at maximally preparing the athlete for competitions. Typically, it is performed 5-20 minutes before training or competition. In turn, it is divided into 4 more subgroups: warm-up, tonic, soothing and warming.

Sports massage

Sports massage is an excellent preparation for competitions

Reflex massage

Everyone knows that the human body is a substance that is united among itself and all its constituent parts. Based on this, it should be noted that any disease does not affect a specific segment, but is a disease of the whole organism. Therefore, a painful focus causes reflex changes that are interconnected in organs and tissues.

Based on the nature of the disease and its reflex changes, a large number of subtypes of this massage have been created. Currently, two types are widely used: point and segmental.

The main goal is to detect the source of reflex changes that are located in the tissues of the human body, as well as the subsequent influence on them. The process occurs sequentially, starting with the superficial tissues of the skin, gradually moving to deeper ones. Sometimes, a segment of the skin is so sensitive that any light touch is very painful. This diagnostic massage is called palpation. Using the palpation technique, pain and tension are determined, which is determined in the connective tissues and muscles.

During segmental massage, the following techniques are used that are provided in the classical one: rubbing, kneading, stroking, vibration, as well as special techniques: moving, stretching, drilling, shaking. Particular attention is paid to stretching painful areas of the skin. As reflex changes in the skin disappear, the condition in the affected organs improves.

Based on this, the main task is to relieve tension in certain affected areas.

Reflex massage

Through reflex massage, you can determine the focus of the disease and find out the cause


Acupressure is a type of acupuncture. The doctrine of points located on the surface of a person is the basis. There are about 772 points on the body, 100 of which are used in practice. It is divided into three types: strong, medium and weak.

  1. A strong massage has an analgesic effect, reducing muscle tone.
  2. Medium is mainly used for all diseases, providing a relaxing effect.
  3. Weak, as a rule, is carried out in physical therapy sessions, providing a stimulating effect on certain muscle groups.


Acupressure perfectly relieves tension and relieves pain

Oriental massage

Oriental massage has been used since ancient times and is widely used in eastern countries. There, it is used for medicinal purposes, increasing the tone and performance of the body. Oriental massage uses the following techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, stretching.

Features of execution:

  1. It is performed not only by the upper limbs, but also by the lower ones;
  2. The massage is performed on dry skin;
  3. Movements are performed not only from the periphery to the center, but also in the opposite direction.

Oriental massage

The procedure energizes and improves performance

Hardware types

Modern technologies do not stand still. Various massage devices are being created that can be used to easily perform massage at home.

The most popular types: vibration, hydro, pneumatic, ultrasonic massage, as well as various combinations thereof.

Hardware types of massage

In this article, you learned what types of massage there are and what benefits they bring to the body. This knowledge will definitely be useful for maintaining the health and beauty of the body. Having studied the essence of the types and techniques from the inside, it is much easier for you to apply self-massage techniques in practice. There is no such thing as too much knowledge, especially if it concerns the health and beauty of your body.