Why do lifters use a different grip when deadlifting?

As you probably already know, the deadlift is one of the key basic exercises in bodybuilding. Well, in powerlifting it is generally one of the three mandatory qualifying movements. It is for this reason that so much attention is paid to this deadlift and all sorts of technical elements and nuances of its execution. And in this article we will talk about the features of gripping a projectile in this exercise...

From the material we studied earlier, you already know that grip options in iron sports are conventionally divided into the following types:

  1. pickup,
  2. grab,
  3. hammer grip.

And, if the hammer version of holding a projectile is used only with dumbbells and kettlebells, then in most cases the first two options are used to grab a barbell - this is a pick-up or a grab. Please note that the phrase “in most cases” is indicated here because there are also special bent bars that allow you to work with a barbell and a hammer version. But basically these are small bars designed to work with light weights. In basic exercises with serious weights, only gripping or grasping is possible.

However, there is another interesting variation of the barbell grip – the mixed grip, which is most often used by powerlifters when deadlifting. What is it? And why do lifters use this particular option?

A different grip in the deadlift is performing an exercise with holding the barbell with one hand in the grip position, and the other hand in the catch position, which guarantees a more confident and precise hold of the projectile at its prohibitive weights. The likelihood of the bar slipping with this grip option is much less than with a classic hold. Plus, it is possible to connect a certain element of cheating - additional muscles when performing this movement. In this case, the biceps of the picking arm is actively involved. All these tricks allow the lifter to overcome much more weight than with the classic performance of this exercise.

Well, one more piece of advice for bodybuilders: deadlifts are, of course, an excellent exercise in the arsenal of “iron sports,” which involve almost all muscle groups of the human body. However, for full and active muscle growth, do not forget about sports nutrition. After all, it is with a sufficient amount of protein entering the body that muscle growth occurs. For young athletes with an asthenic physique, we recommend creatine. Moreover, high-quality creatine is not a problem at all now. You will find it in any sports nutrition store or, alternatively, in any relevant thematic online stores. Take into account all of the above, and express your thoughts, questions, considerations in the comments. All the best to you!

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