Standing calf raises in a specialized machine

A special simulator allows you to work your lower leg more concentratedly, eliminating as much as possible all possible elements of cheating and significantly facilitating the issues of maintaining balance. Another plus for the simulator is the presence of a step that allows you to significantly increase the amplitude of movement.

How to properly perform standing calf raises in a specialized simulator?

  1. Stand with your toes on the step of the machine, take a stable position.
  1. Grab the handrails with your hands, and the pads of the machine should rest against your shoulders.
  2. Rise up onto your toes as slowly as possible.
  3. Hold at the highest peak of the movement.
  4. Next, lower yourself down, letting your heels sink as low as possible to stretch the calf muscles as much as possible.
  5. At the same time, do not bend your legs.
  6. Do 8 to 30 repetitions per set.

Some Athletes perform calf raises in a specialized machine in parts. In this case, the load on the muscles is distributed according to the following rule:

  1. The lower phase of the movement: from the heel position extremely low and to the middle of the lifting trajectory - the emphasis is on the lower part of the soleus muscle of the leg,
  2. The upper phase of the movement: from the middle of the trajectory to the maximum rise to the toe - the emphasis is on the upper part of the calf muscle.

Another important point is the position of your feet in the horizontal plane on the support:

  1. In the “toes apart and heels together” position, most of the impact falls on the inner surface of the calf muscles.
  2. In the “heels apart, toes together” position, the load shifts to the outer part of the calf muscles.

Vary the position of your feet for a comprehensive effect on all bundles of lower leg muscles. Or, if necessary, constantly use a specific position to target your problem area.

Remember: the shins are the most problematic area for all athletes. Therefore, in addition to focused exercises on calves, add auxiliary effects on this problem group to your training diet. Nothing loads your lower legs better than intense aerobics, or even better, step aerobics. Even after just one lesson, your calves will be burning - you can read more about this here: here is everything about aerobics and step aerobics. When pumping your lower leg, vary the positions of the feet, angles and emphasis of the impact, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.

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