The right motivation for training

Questions motivation We have touched upon this many times in previous articles. In this short interview we will give a number of new interesting tips. And it will help us with this honored coach Russian Federation for Fitness and Bodybuilding, multiple champion in various strength sports Yuri Kashperko. So, our main question is: What should be the correct motivation for training? How to set yourself up for high-quality work in order to raise your physical level one more step up?

The training of my students takes much less time and is perceived as a game.

Having grown up, many of us have completely lost our taste for the game. My sports center: Kolibri fitness club, where I work, is on a mission to bring it back. I really want my clients to behave like little fidgety children - sweating, laughing, joking, running and playing, competing with each other. Any child smiling on average around thousands of times per day. Think about it: how much do you smile? I think it would be worth doing this more often. Studies show that people who smile more are much less susceptible to heart attack, stroke and cancer. My training program is designed to put a smile on your face as often as possible, and the workouts are shorter in duration than you might imagine. Everyone has long known that people respond much better to positive atmosphere. In my study groups, clients joke, laugh, and most importantly, play. Even during the morning training sessions, which begin as early as half past six, there is a positive, joyful mood, although people who are already over fifty often come at this time. The necessary gaming environment is created in two simple ways. Firstly, the sets of exercises are constantly changing, which eliminates routine and monotony. Secondly, I always add and maintain a competitive spirit in training. In my opinion, in order to achieve something both in fitness and bodybuilding, and in general in any sport, you must not train alone. Exclusively competing with your equal in strength, endurance and speed rival you will try to beat him up, and thereby subconsciously you will work better and of higher quality. Therefore, here is my advice to beginners: train with a friend, or if you don’t have one, you urgently need to find one. Make friends with someone just like you. Better yet, make friends with someone who is better than you. Not significantly, of course, because you will need to somehow keep up with him and try to bring yourself to his level. Training with a partner or otherwise a sparring partner is a great motivation. You will feel progress in your training much faster than training alone - I guarantee you this. I trained this way myself...

And one more, in my opinion, very useful recipe for beginners...

As soon as during your training you get to an exercise that you don’t really want to do, remember the words that I constantly say to all my student-athletes: “You don’t like this exercise precisely because you necessary" You can’t even imagine how many times throughout my practice I heard: “I can’t stand this.” But that's exactly why you need to do this exercise. If you only choose tasty berries, it won’t do any good. And if you take on the planned program, you must overcome it in its entirety. Only then will real results come.

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