Flushing principle

The current idol of bodybuilding, Joe Weider, developed one of the main training principles almost at the very beginning of his stellar career. This technical technique in his athletic system it is called: "flushing". The main essence of this technique is to use not just one exercise for training a specifically selected muscle, as was previously customary during the monopoly of weightlifting, but several sequential exercises at once. The key point of this technique is the fact that its correct application provides targeted muscle groups maximum possible blood supply.

By performing exercises according to this principle, you will really feel the powerful blood flow to your working muscles, you will feel how your muscles are filled with blood, filled, and seem to increase in volume right before your eyes. At the same time, there is also a powerful feeling heat. Your muscles will feel like burn with fire. Hence the name of the principle: “flushing”. “Flash” in English is literally translated as “flash”, “explosion”, “fire”.

Let's explain the essence of this principle using a simple example: Let's pump up our biceps using “Flushing”. How to do this correctly?

  1. First, we do three sets of 12 times in the exercise “Bend curls on a Scott bench”,
  2. Next, we move on to another exercise, also focused on the development of the biceps brachii muscle, but different from the first. Let’s perform three approaches in the exercise “Standing biceps curl with a barbell.” During this exercise, our shoulder flexors will be significantly enriched with blood, thanks to the targeted impact from the first exercise.
  3. Having completed the second, we proceed to the third exercise. Let’s add to our complex “Pull-ups to the chin while hanging on the bar using a narrow grip from below.” Thus, we again use our biceps, through which at this stage of the cycle (after two completed exercises), there is already a significantly increased blood flow.

At the beginning of the last century, the advanced sports elite of that time mistakenly believedthat increased blood flow is harmful to muscle fibers. It was believed that it flushes lactic acid from muscle tissue, thereby inhibiting and worsening the metabolic processes occurring in our body... Scientific research conducted by scientists of our day, refuted these false conclusions. It turned out that blood actually cleanses muscle tissue, but not at all from lactic acid, as it was mistakenly attributed earlier, but from elements of protein breakdown, that is, in other words, from by-products and residual waste products. This means that increased blood flow is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is extremely useful with enhanced, intense training!

In addition, we need abundant blood flow to transport molecules to myofibrils (muscle cells). oxygen and others nutrients, which, as you know, are much-needed catalysts for intracellular processes. At the same time, the total number of mitochondria—special intracellular elements responsible primarily for the energy of myofibrils—increases. As a result of this, it increases significantly strength endurance our body. In addition to this, the cells themselves, interacting with the blood, rapidly increase in size. In the end, all this means that our strength, endurance and muscle size are progressing and gaining momentum! And this is exactly what we need!

The phenomenally rapid muscle growth observed during the application of the “flushing” principle has prompted most researchers to systematically comprehensively study the physiological characteristics of this technique. The main question was that even all the factors we listed above taken together, according to scientists, are not capable of ensuring such record rates of muscle mass growth. Probably, “flushing” has some other unique secret that has not yet been solved. The assumptions and hypotheses that a number of experts have made, in our opinion, are too fantastic to be taken seriously for discussion, so within the framework of this article we will not dwell on them... Scientists are still not clear why “Flushing” seems to violate everything laws of nature, forces myofibrils to divide more intensely... Let’s just say that research into this “dark side of the moon” continues to this day...

Continuing with our specific example, make your biceps work continuously, starting with the first exercise in the series, and continuing until the last, making only short pauses between individual approaches. The main task of the entire technique is abundantly supply the involved muscle groups with blood and for a considerable time hold them continuously in this state. This approach will ensure the delivery of a large amount of oxygen, building materials, fuel and reserve reserves for the restoration of destroyed cells and other substances necessary for the full functioning of muscles, and will also entail an increase in the total number of capillaries and, as a result, increased growth of the muscle tissue itself.

One more thing worth keeping in mind important key point: despite the fact that flushing is one of the most effective methods in iron sports, there is one “but” associated with this technique... As a result of an excess of large amounts of lactic acid after using flushing, it often occurs excessive strength, and you need much more time for complete recovery, which will inevitably entail a significant slowdown in the training process. Therefore it is recommended do not abuse, and resort to flushing no more often once or twice a year, alternating it with other training methods.

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