Super series principle

This training principle is based on performing several exercises in sequence, excluding any pauses between them. In fact it's continuous approach, consisting from several component approaches for different exercises at the same pace. Typically a super series consists of two exercises. Sometimes out of three, then it has an alternative name: “triset”.

Let's explain with an example: suppose you set a goal for the current workout - to comprehensively, comprehensively pump your triceps. The following super series is perfect for this task:

  1. First, we do 8-12 repetitions on the bench press with a narrow grip,
  2. Then immediately, without resting for a second, we throw the barbell, climb onto the uneven bars and do 10-15 push-ups.
  3. Next, having jumped off the uneven bars, again without any hint of rest, we take hold of the block device and perform a triceps press 8-12 times with both hands on the block.

And only completely after finishing all three exercises, we do pause for a short rest 2-5 minutes. After catching our breath a little and taking the break allotted to us, we begin to perform our triset again. It is important to understand that all three points are made as one whole – one big, complex an approach. Pauses between exercises in this super approach should be kept to a minimum.

This technique allows us to load the target muscles very quickly, since using a superset, you “attack” them from three different sides, and this is the most effective method of building muscle mass. The Super Series develops local metabolic factors for strengthening the endurance of our muscles, and as such is an excellent technical means for increasing vascularity.

It is also worth mentioning the various variations of the super series:

  1. affecting the same target muscle,
  2. synergists affecting muscles,
  3. antagonists affecting muscles.

The first option has already been discussed in detail by us at the beginning of this article. All triset exercises were oriented on the same muscle group – in this example, triceps.

  1. The first exercise is one-arm dumbbell row,
  2. The second exercise is a concentrated dumbbell bicep curl while sitting.

As you can see, the first exercise is focused mainly on latissimus dorsi. The second is on shoulder flexor. Both the first and second muscle groups are adductors, which means synergists (doing the same job). This super series is very well thought out from a tactical point of view. The first exercise will put your biceps to work to a large extent, while the second exercise will push it to the fullest...

This is how you need to think through the composition of your supersets, so that the exercises complement each other and, working together, produce stunning impact on your muscles.

Now let's look at an example of a super series on antagonist muscles:
  1. First, we do standing dumbbell curls. Whoever likes it - you can do it simultaneously, you can alternately,
  2. Next, we proceed to the French overhead press of dumbbells while standing.

In the above version, the first exercise is aimed at shoulder flexor, while the second is on shoulder extensor. Emphasis in the super series on muscles antagonists - this is a very strong move, since these muscles, whatever one may say, interconnected and work together - when one group contracts, the second lengthens at the same time. It turns out that in this example we We act comprehensively on the entire range of muscles of the shoulder girdle, which is important for harmonious and proportional development our muscles.

That’s probably all I wanted to tell you about the principle of super series, superset and triset. I hope you understand everything, and now you will begin to apply this extremely effective technique in your training process. If someone doesn’t understand something, ask questions in the comments - together we’ll sort it out and analyze each specific case.

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