Products that improve complexion

Ideal skin has an even tone, healthy color and does not have flaws such as peeling, redness, wrinkles, etc. Such skin is the dream of millions of women who fight every day for the beauty and youth of their faces. Many means are used: cosmetic procedures, lifts, masks, creams, peelings, scrubs and much more.

However, many beautiful ladies forget about one very important detail - proper nutrition. What we eat has a direct impact on the condition of our skin. This is why it is so important to know what is good for our skin.

Products that improve skin condition

Animal products

  1. Salmon is not only a very tasty, but also a healthy fish. Thanks to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps maintain the skin's natural elasticity, preventing premature aging and dryness.
  2. Sardines, mackerel, and tuna are fairly fatty fish that contain omega-3 fats. It is worth recognizing the fact that such fats can only be beneficial if you cook fresh fish yourself, and not eat ready-made canned food.
  3. Veal and beef are the leanest types of meat. They are beneficial both for the skin and for the entire body as a whole. They contain a large amount of zinc, iron, selenium, and B vitamins, which make this meat simply irreplaceable for those who want to have radiant and healthy skin.
  4. Eggs are a valuable source of protein, which a person needs to restore his skin cells. Thanks to this protein, the texture and even complexion are maintained.
  5. Yogurt, cottage cheese, milk are products rich in proteins and containing selenium, as well as a whole range of vitamins. These products must be present in the women's diet. However, you need to monitor the fat content of dairy products; it should not exceed 2%.
  6. Beef liver – contains vitamins B8, B6, lecithin, vitamins B2, A, iron, copper, calcium. The liver helps in the fight against acne. The most useful liver is stewed and in the form of homemade pates. The norm is to consume 150 grams of liver once every two weeks.
  7. Chicken meat is a product containing iron, vitamin B12, protein, and zinc. This meat is considered an important building material for women's skin. Stewed and boiled meat is considered the most useful. Consumption rate: 2-3 times every 7 days, 200 grams each.

Vegetables for skin

  1. All green vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, spinach) contain a lot of vitamin A, which is essential for the elasticity of delicate skin. They are also considered an excellent remedy used to prevent skin cancer. Such green “friends” as cucumbers, cauliflower, green peas, and broccoli contain quite a lot of vitamin C, which is no less important for the normal condition of the skin.
  2. Potatoes can hardly be called a popular product among women, but this product contains substances that have a very beneficial effect on the skin, making it more protected from UV radiation and moisturizing it.
  3. Carrots also contain a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin A, making them vital for women with problem skin.
  4. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants. These substances are very beneficial for the skin, especially those that are prone to rashes.
  5. Avocado literally works wonders. It returns elasticity and youth to the skin. It can be used not only internally. This vegetable is great in a variety of skin masks.


Berries and fruits for skin

  1. Berries such as blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are considered simply irreplaceable sources of antioxidants. They help maintain a healthy and even tone, preventing the development of inflammation.
  2. Peaches, kiwi, oranges, and plums are also rich in antioxidants.
  3. Papaya is a rather exotic fruit, but at least sometimes it is worth pampering yourself with these fruits, since they help cleanse the entire body of harmful toxins, which ultimately helps normalize the condition of the skin.
  4. Watermelon. In it you can eat not only the sweet pulp, but also the internal seeds (without the peel). Having bought a watermelon, you can make juice from it along with all the ground seeds, as a result of which you will receive a very useful and valuable product that will improve the general condition of the body and skin.
  5. Olives are very rich in vitamins C, A and E, which are extremely important for skin condition. In our region, it is difficult to get fresh olives, and in a jar they are no longer so useful. However, we always have access to high-quality olive oil, on the basis of which we can prepare salads and all kinds of face masks.

Nuts for skin

  1. Walnuts and almonds are the main friends of healthy skin. They prevent the destruction of collagen, making it smoother and softer.
  2. Flax seeds are a plant-based natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you take a teaspoon of flax seed oil twice a day, you can significantly improve the appearance and condition of your skin.

Drinks for skin

What other products are there that improve skin condition?

  1. First of all, these include such healing drinks as white and green tea. They are rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on skin condition. Just 2 mugs of tea a day without adding milk, sugar or sweets will help cleanse the body as a whole and improve the condition of your skin.
  2. Vegetable and fruit juices are extremely beneficial for the body and skin. However, packaged store-bought ones are not taken into account. You must prepare such drinks yourself.
  3. The best drink for the body and skin is still the same water. Still clean water is the best helper for the body. Thanks to it, all metabolic processes are accelerated, including tissue regeneration processes. As a result, your skin will be youthful and radiant.

Now it’s worth talking about forbidden foods. What should be excluded forever:

  1. - all drinks that contain caffeine;
  2. - all canned food and semi-finished products containing a lot of artificial additives and salt;
  3. - everything deep-fried and fried;
  4. - fatty foods that were prepared with the addition of cheeses and butter.

Finally, I would like to say that you should not expect immediate results from the above useful products. In order for your body to become saturated with useful microelements, a certain time must pass. Your efforts will not be in vain, and soon your skin will cleanse, become younger and glow with health!

Those who dream of flawless skin should add proper nutrition to the points “good cream” and “trusted cosmetologist”. You will learn from our article what exactly should be included in your daily diet.

  1. Vitamins of youth and beauty
  2. What foods are good for facial skin?
  3. Drinking regime
  4. Diet rules for healthy skin
  5. Harmful products that spoil the appearance and color of the skin
  6. Tools Overview

Vitamins of youth and beauty

It is much more effective to influence skin cells from the inside than to then “break through” to them from the surface of the epidermis using cosmetics.

Strict diets limit the supply of nutrients and negatively affect the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. In this case, the skin is nourished according to the residual principle. Make sure that your diet contains a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements.

What is its use

Basic building material: amino acids are necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids

Indispensable for lipid synthesis, have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, and slow down the aging process.

Natural sorbent: absorbs and removes toxic substances (nitrates, pesticides, heavy metal salts).

Responsible for pigmentation.

Enriches cells with oxygen.

A natural antioxidant that protects against premature aging and evens out skin tone.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Participates in collagen synthesis, increases skin elasticity.

B vitamins

Necessary for normalizing metabolic processes in the skin, especially lipid and protein metabolism.

One of the main antioxidants, participates in collagen synthesis.

Prevents the formation of wrinkles and fights dryness.

Vitamin H (biotin)

A natural vasodilator that will help make dull skin healthy and radiant.

It has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Participates in the synthesis of structural elements of the skin.

What foods are good for facial skin?

Here is a list of products you need to improve your skin condition.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs rich in fiber, vitamins B and C. Orange and red fruits will prevent a lack of beta-carotene and vitamin A. Avocados and bananas - melanin. Persimmons, green apples and pomegranates - hemoglobin. Useful both fresh and frozen, dried, boiled, baked.

Nuts - a storehouse of Omega-3, melanin, vitamins H and E. A very small portion per day is enough.

Whole grain cereals, durum wheat pasta, brown unpolished rice, brown bread, bran bread - main sources of fiber and vitamin B.

Fish and seafood will provide the body with protein, melanin, zinc, vitamin B and Omega-3 acids.

Lean meat, beef and pork liver also rich in protein, as well as iron, vitamins A and H.

Dairy products (including cheese and cottage cheese) are famous for their calcium content and healthy protein.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, and herbs are rich in fiber, vitamins B and C. © iStock

Drinking regime

Water is very important for the body: it helps restore skin damaged by the sun, wind and dry air from heating devices, restore its smoothness and elasticity, and avoid flaking. To optimize metabolic processes in the body, doctors advise drinking 1.5–2 liters of water daily (at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight).

We are talking about pure still water. But tea, coffee, juices, compotes are not included in this norm.

Distribute the entire volume of liquid throughout the day so that you do not drink after 19:00 - otherwise edema may form. To remember to drink more often, keep water bottles on your desk, on your bedside table, in your car, etc.

Nuts are a storehouse of omega-3, melanin, vitamins H and E. © iStock

Diet rules for healthy skin

Analysis of the information received allows us to build a PP system.

Nutrition should be varied and balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

It is better to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions. Don't forget about breakfast and try to have dinner no later than three to four hours before bedtime.

For breakfast and lunch, eat protein foods, and in the evening, give preference to thermally processed vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

Drink enough water.

Eliminate junk food from your diet.

Harmful products that spoil the appearance and color of the skin

If you want to get rid of acne, dryness and other skin problems, limit your consumption of these foods.


Recent studies have shown that foods with a high glycemic index (white bread, pastries, sugar, sweet soda) aggravate acne and also contribute to glycation - the gluing of collagen fibers and premature aging of the skin.

Nutrition should be varied and balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. © iStock


Salt retains water, so the abuse of various marinades and canned food is fraught with swelling under the eyes and more.

Fast food and semi-finished products

Processed meat may contain excess sodium, which also leads to water retention, edema, and swelling. Fatty and fried foods also disrupt liver function and contribute to premature aging. To somehow neutralize the negative effects of fast food, eat onions, ginger, turmeric, take vitamin E and zinc, but it’s better to just do without junk food.

While coffee acts as an antioxidant in moderation, drinking too much (more than four cups a day) is likely to cause anxiety and sleep problems. And the lack of night sleep will affect your appearance, because it is at this time that cell renewal occurs. The result of a lack of sleep is tired, aging, dry, wrinkle-prone skin. But that's not all.

In people with a slow metabolism, coffee can activate the sebaceous glands, which in turn threatens the formation of comedones and pimples.


Alcohol abuse leads to dehydration of the body in general and the skin in particular. The fact is that alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Tools Overview

Having nourished the skin from the inside, you can consolidate and enhance the effect by including cosmetics with the same beneficial substances in your care.

Steaming face mask with zinc “Clean Skin”, Garnier

Formulated with zinc and micronutrient-rich clay, it unclogs clogged pores and smoothes out uneven skin.

Intense moisturizing regenerating gel Hydrating B5 Gel, SkinCeuticals

Fluid with vitamin B5 and hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and provides it with nutrients.

Night serum Re-Plasty High Definition Peel, Helena Rubinstein

Retinol (vitamin A) activates cell renewal, and vitamin E protects them from the effects of free radicals.

Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to external influences, Mineral 89, Vichy

Vichy mineralizing thermal water in this product enhances the natural barrier and protective functions of the skin.

Homemade face masks

How to make your facial skin smooth and even

Facial cleansing

Dry facial skin - causes and masks

Facial skin types

Skin care in winter

Facial skin care in autumn

Dry skin care

Every woman strives to look perfect throughout her life, sparing no effort or resources. However, often even a youthful appearance is spoiled not by the first signs of aging and wrinkles, but by an unattractive complexion. Excessively pale or earthy-toned skin adds excessive fatigue and fading, which creates an extremely negative impression of a person’s appearance. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex are increasingly wondering how to improve their complexion and maintain its healthy shine and attractiveness for many years.

Factors that negatively affect complexion

Disease of internal organs affects skin color

In addition to the already mentioned reasons leading to deterioration of complexion, it is also necessary to note the following number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin, namely:

- lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients in the diet, which inexorably leads to the development of anemia and the unnatural pallor of the face caused by it;

— bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.), which greatly accelerate the aging process of facial skin and have a detrimental effect on its color and condition;

- chronic fatigue and stress;

- daily work in a tightly closed, smoky or poorly ventilated area;

— lack of systematic and well-organized facial skin care;

- neglect of walks in the fresh air and sports;

- excessive mental or physical stress;

- lack of proper rest and sleep.

Of course, this is far from an exhaustive list of reasons leading to the loss of a healthy complexion. In some cases, a person may even need a full medical examination, which will allow to exclude (or, conversely, confirm) the presence of certain disorders of the functional systems of the body and diseases of internal organs.

Products for beautiful skin

Fatty acids - fish, flax grains.

Vitamin A - carrots, new potatoes, broccoli, spinach.

Vitamin E (prevents natural aging of the skin) - hazelnuts, walnuts, seeds, almonds.

To quickly improve your complexion, drink one glass of carrot juice a day. Carrot juice should be consumed with a small amount of fat, such as sour cream. Since absorption occurs only with fats. It in itself improves the complexion and, thanks to it, the skin seems to have a light tan, and the tan itself sticks faster. You can achieve the effect in one week.

Pay attention to the right combination of foods; the wrong combination of foods leads to fermentation of foods in the stomach and deterioration of the complexion. Eat enough vegetable salads. And of course, diet is of no small importance.

Daily care

The skin of the face, like the entire body, constantly needs care and cleansing. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face with cool water every morning and evening. Sparkling water has excellent tonic properties, especially if you add ice cubes to the water and immerse your face in such a refreshing cocktail every morning. The result will be especially good if the ice cubes are made from frozen herbal infusions or rose water.

It is best to wash off cosmetics with special cosmetics. Scrubs will help get rid of makeup residues and dead cells; they will restore freshness and radiance to the skin, and cleanse the pores. This allows you to speed up effective processes from other creams and masks.

How to improve your complexion with makeup

Each of us has had a situation in our lives when our skin doesn’t look good, but today we need to be irresistible. To quickly even out your complexion, you need to know some spring makeup tricks. This season, makeup artists offer several solutions:

— Liquid foundations for improving complexion, which contain reflective particles, are used instead of loose powder. They will disguise minor defects, wrinkles and give the skin a soft glow effect.

— A big role is given to the makeup base. It must be selected based on the condition of your skin. For oily facial skin - a light mattifying cream, for irritated and dry skin - a cream with a dense structure for long-lasting hold of makeup. The right base significantly improves your complexion.

— Use auto-bronzates and bronzes to improve your complexion. They are back in fashion, because a light tan is more relevant than ever. Please note that the shade of such a product should be golden-sparkling, peachy and very light.

- Think about blush to improve your complexion. They are back at the forefront of makeup this spring and can improve your complexion.

Nutrition to improve complexion

And the first thing that needs to change for the better is nutrition. If a woman is not on a diet, she rarely treats her diet with due attention: there is little time, and the products in the supermarket around the corner are so affordable, and after work she is so tired - why complicate her life?

I bought, cooked (okay, if not yet fully prepared products, like sausage or store-bought salads), fed my family and myself, washed the dishes and quickly went to the TV - not to miss my favorite series. Of course, this picture is not always true, but it happens very often.

But we try not to think about the fact that useless and incompatible foods, an excess of fried, sweet, fatty foods, a lack of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables are literally reflected on the face, so as not to get upset, or we promise ourselves that we will deal with it later. Later - when?

Everyone has heard about separate meals, but for some reason most people think that it is very difficult. Meanwhile, it is enough to stop mixing different types of proteins, starches and proteins, proteins and sugars, proteins and carbohydrates in one meal - and the body will immediately feel better.

For example, if you are cooking meat or fish, do not add cheese or eggs to them, as is often recommended in cookbooks, do not eat them with potatoes, pasta, cereals, but combine them with vegetables, herbs, herbs - this is the simplest thing you can do. It’s not difficult to find a food compatibility table, and you can prepare much more dishes this way than traditional recipes.


Sometimes even a balanced diet cannot fully meet the body's need for vitamins. Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in different ways, including the skin of the face: it can become excessively dry or greasy, pale or yellowish. A course of taking multivitamin preparations in such a situation can simply transform your face.

Special multivitamins for beautiful skin are most effective. As a rule, they contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, PP and others, as well as mineral complexes. Perhaps no cream that improves complexion will be as effective as a course of multivitamins: the skin will become elastic, smooth, and unhealthy pallor will disappear.

Diagnosis of the disease by facial skin color

- Yellowish skin tone - diseases of the digestive system and in particular liver diseases

- Greenish tint of the skin - with exacerbation of cholelithiasis or cholelithiasis and also with liver diseases

- Reddish tint of the skin - with overheating, as well as with cardiovascular diseases. If your lips are bright scarlet, check your blood pressure. It's probably increased.

- Bluish skin tint - with oxygen starvation, suffocation and diseases of the pulmonary system. If the lips have a blue tint, then we can talk about problems with blood circulation and disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

— Redness on the skin with a bluish tint is a sign of heart failure

— If your cheeks are burning, there is a lack of vitamin C in the body, and it can also be a sign of bronchitis and even asthma.

- Pale skin - indicates a sharp decrease in blood pressure - hypotension, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of oxygen and disturbances in the functioning of the lungs

- Sallow skin tone is an indicator of frequent constipation and bowel problems

- A dark complexion often indicates that a person may have a disease associated with bladder infections

— Dark circles under the eyes are a sign of nervous diseases

- An orange tint to the skin and the appearance of dark small spots - there may be a deviation in the functioning of the thyroid gland or this is the result of age-related hormonal problems

Folk remedies and masks to even out complexion

It is advisable to apply masks that even out the complexion before going to bed, since the sun’s rays negatively affect the skin afterwards. By regularly using masks to even out the complexion, we reliably protect our skin. Such masks are especially necessary in the summer.


The most effective and at the same time simplest remedy for evening out complexion is bodyaga, the powder of which is sold in every pharmacy.

The powder is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. During this procedure, a tingling sensation is felt because all the capillaries begin to work more actively, as a result of increased blood microcirculation.

The skin of the face turns red for a short time, then the stagnant spots resolve.

As a result, the skin is noticeably evened out, the complexion is significantly improved and acne is reduced.

After the mask with bodyaga, you need to apply moisturizer to your face.

Mask that improves complexion

Even our great-grandmothers understood how attractive soft, well-groomed skin with a healthy glow looks. And for facial care they used the most ordinary products. One of the most popular masks that improves complexion is still a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. However, they can also be used separately. Simply apply to clean skin and rinse with water after 15 minutes. This mask has a slightly whitening effect, smoothes the skin, and makes it velvety.

Mask recipes

When choosing masks that improve complexion, consider whether the products in their composition are available to you and whether there are any allergens among them for your skin. The product will need to be applied to clean, steamed facial skin twice a week, preferably after a bath or hot shower, before bed. Action time: 20 minutes.


Mix fresh carrots and warm mashed potatoes (one tablespoon at a time), yolk.


Pour a decoction of flaxseeds (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water until completely cooled) over the ground oatmeal to obtain a mushy consistency.


Mix cucumber puree with medium-fat cottage cheese (one tablespoon at a time).

Beer house

Mix warm light beer (50 ml), yolk, potato flour and grated carrots (one tablespoon each).

There are many recipes to restore youth to your skin and improve your complexion. The same number of tips and recommendations. But no matter how much they talk about it, the most important thing is your love for yourself. Love yourself, and your body will very quickly respond to you with beautiful matte skin, a toned shape and a “soaring” mood - tested!

How to get rid of peeling skin

Skin care tips from a cosmetologist

Facial skin care after 30 years