Proteins are the building blocks of a bodybuilder!

Every self-respecting athlete should know that without adequate nutrition he will not be able to build impressive muscles! And no amount of training will help here, because muscles need building materials, which they can only get from food. This is the reason why bodybuilders spend so much time on their diet and developing their own nutrition tactics and strategies...  They are constantly counting calories. And they look at the composition of the products in their diet...

As you know, any food on our plate consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other constituent elements. But it is protein, otherwise called “protein,” that is so necessary for a modern bodybuilder. After all, proteins are the building materials of a bodybuilder in iron sports! But where can you get them? - they are found in large quantities in meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese and many other products. However, if you carefully look at the composition of even these high-protein components of our menu, you will see that there is much more fat there. For example, in cottage cheese: 20% protein and almost 80% fat. That is, with the building materials entering our body, we also receive a huge amount of fat, which then settles under the skin on our waist in the form of unkillable folds. How to be? – the answer is obvious: a modern bodybuilder cannot do without specialized sports nutrition products. Because the fat content in such products is reduced to absolute zero. Add protein powders to your diet; read more about them here. A light cocktail can be prepared in a mixer or shaker in just a couple of minutes. But this is the greatest source of pure protein without all the extra stuff - just what the modern athlete needs. We recommend diluting your main meals with these drinks every 2 to 3 hours. And then your body will receive absolutely everything it needs. You will forget about the feeling of hunger, sore throat and overtraining.

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