Facial massage technique video against wrinkles


Women, in search of anti-aging products, resort to the most exotic and expensive ones, but at home you can prevent skin aging with various types of massage - traditional Chinese, Japanese acupressure Shiatsu will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also bring healing to the entire body. Choose a technique that suits you, master it, and let your face remain young and beautiful for as long as possible.

How to do a facial massage correctly

After 30 years, facial massage against wrinkles should be done every two weeks, or a course of 10-15 sessions 2-3 times a year lasting 15-20 minutes. A massage cream or cosmetic oil is applied to the face; you can use essential oil with an anti-aging effect: almond, grape seed, olive. At home, the easiest way to master lymphatic drainage or acupressure massages is, but you need to be sure that you do everything correctly, along the massage lines, because incorrect massage is harmful.


Self-massage for the face against wrinkles is performed while standing in front of a mirror. When you master the technique well, you can do it lying down, it is more effective and promotes greater relaxation. Basic rules of self-massage:

  1. the face must be clean;
  2. hair from the face should be hidden under a cap or bandage;
  3. hands should be clean, nails short;
  4. do along massage lines from the center of the face to the periphery;
  5. start from the forehead, gradually moving down, ending with the neck;
  6. basic massage techniques: light stroking, rubbing, pinching, patting.


Self-massage is performed using simple techniques along massage lines. Don't stretch the skin or rub too hard. If you are not sure about the correctness of your manipulations, it is better to consult a cosmetologist and ask him to show you a few movements. Main massage lines:

  1. from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  2. from the center of the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the temples;
  3. from the outer corner of the eye along the cheekbone to the inner corner, then under the eyebrow to the outer corner;
  4. from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  5. from the nasolabial fold to the temples;
  6. from the corner of the lips to the middle of the ear;
  7. from the middle of the lower edge of the lips to the lobe;
  8. from the bottom of the chin to the earlobe.


A massager will help you achieve good results in the difficult struggle for youth. There are many different massagers on the beauty market: from mechanical rollers to electric ones with a vibration effect, equipped with ultrasound or infrared radiation. The following rules apply to the use of all types of massagers:

  1. clean your face before the procedure;
  2. moisturize your face with nourishing cream and massage oil;
  3. perform strictly along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery;
  4. duration from 15 minutes to half an hour, depending on the intensity of the impact: the lower the intensity, the longer the session;
  5. Once completed, apply a soothing cream and rest.

The most effective techniques

In modern cosmetology, there are a huge variety of types of massage techniques. They are all good and effective in their own way:

  1. Vacuum. It is considered very effective for eliminating swelling, scars and age spots, and improving blood circulation. There are two execution techniques: static and kinetic. In the first case, cups are placed on problem areas for a certain time, massage cream is not used. Kinetic technique is the movement of cups over skin lubricated with massage oil. Kinetic can be done at home, static is better in the salon.
  2. Pinch massage for Jacquet. The result in the form of smoothing out wrinkles is achieved using pinches of varying intensity. This is a complex technique, and doing it yourself can lead to the opposite result, so it’s better to do it in a salon.
  3. Sculpting or plasticizing is called non-surgical lifting. This technique requires knowledge of anatomy and should only be done by an experienced specialist.
  4. Kobido. It is 500 years old and has been passed down from generation to generation by selected masters. It is considered one of the most effective. The effect is not on muscles or skin, but on energy meridians and acupuncture points, harmonizing human Qi energy. Massage techniques are numerous and varied; needless to say, it should be done by a professional.

For wrinkles around the eyes

Cryomassage has a good effect in the fight against crow's feet. Using two ice cubes, make smoothing movements along the massage lines around the eyes. The massage for wrinkles around the eyes lasts no more than 5 minutes, it is carried out very carefully, without stopping at the points, so as not to overcool the thin skin of the eyelids. You can freeze herbal decoctions with a few drops of essential oils.

This type of rubbing will allow you to remove not only wrinkles and crow's feet, but also overhanging eyebrows and bags under the eyes. Do it for 7-10 sessions with breaks, 5 times, unless otherwise stated:

  1. Place your fingers on your temples. Do 10 circles clockwise.
  2. Using gentle pressure, move your fingers from the temple to the nose along the bone below, reach the inner corner of the eye, then to the area under the eyebrow and back.
  3. Lightly press first the lower, then the upper eyelid with your fingertips.
  4. Walk over the area around the eyes with light tapping fingers - 10 circles.
  5. Place your finger with the edge on your temple so that the nail is directed towards the hair, turn your finger over to your nose. With these movements, make five approaches towards the nose along the bone under the eye. Do the same above the eye from the inner corner of the eye to the temple under the eyebrow.
  6. Lightly press the area near the outer corner of the eye 10 times, move along the cheekbone with rolling movements to the inner corner, make 10 pressures. Go back under the eyebrow in the same way.
  7. Pass under the eyebrow from the nose to the temple with circular rubbing, then back along the top of the cheekbone.
  8. Repeat the previous technique with patting movements.


For forehead wrinkles

The simplest massage for facial wrinkles on the forehead can be done independently, during morning or evening care: apply the cream to the area being worked on, using circular movements of your fingers to easily rub it into the skin along the massage lines. Massage with cupronickel or silver spoons is very effective against longitudinal frontal wrinkles. Daily rejuvenating procedure:

  1. Make stroking movements from the center of the forehead to the temples 10 times.
  2. Index and middle fingers above the bridge of the nose, move in a circular motion to the temples 5 times.
  3. Place both palms on the forehead (one above the other), move the skin in different directions 4-5 times.
  4. Using pinches, move from the center of the forehead to the temples, then also tap 5 times from the center to the temples.
  5. Finish with light pats on the forehead.


A very good anti-aging effect is achieved after a session of myofascial massage. This is a deep massage for rejuvenation, in which the master acts on the fascia - the connective tissue covering the muscles. By breaking muscle tension, the specialist returns the muscles to a relaxed position, smoothing out wrinkles. The plucking technique helps to effectively improve skin tone and tighten the oval of the face.

One of the most effective anti-aging massage techniques is the Spanish massage of chiropractor Enrique Garcia. The technique is based on relaxation of deep muscles and the patient receiving pleasure during the session. The method uses more than 100 techniques, never repeated, this guarantees the absence of addiction and a good muscle response, as a result - improved skin color and texture, elimination of wrinkles.

Facial massage for wrinkles at home

Some types of massage can be done independently; each has its own specifics, which must be studied so as not to get the opposite effect in the form of stretched skin. Japanese and Chinese massages are based on knowledge of the location of biologically active points, while sculpting massages are based on a good knowledge of anatomy. Therefore, if you are not confident in your knowledge of a particular massage technique, it is better to trust a professional.

The easiest one to perform is classic self-massage. This is a good prevention of wrinkles; if you do it every day from the age of 25-30, their appearance will be postponed to a much later date:

  1. Smooth the skin of the forehead in a circular motion from the center to the temples;
  2. With three fingers of both hands, draw from the eyebrows to the hairline 3 times;
  3. place the fingers of one hand on the temple, the other hand moves from the temple along the forehead in the opposite direction with smoothing movements, repeat 10 times in both directions;
  4. rest your thumbs on your chin, place three fingers on the top of your cheekbone, stroke your cheekbone from your nose to your temples;
  5. stroke the skin from the center of the chin to the ears;
  6. Place your finger on the outer corner of the eye, alternating stroking with tapping, lightly massaging the eye area.


Japanese technology

Asahi massage, or more correctly Tsogan, can be done at home by mastering the technique yourself. Patients loved it so much that the creator, Yunuko Takana, added new techniques to it, especially for different face types and different ages. You need to remember that after the first sessions, rashes may appear. This procedure is contraindicated for girls with a thin face; after it, it will lose even more weight.

Repeat Tsogan massage movements 3 times, unless otherwise indicated, performed with fingertips:

  1. Almost all massage movements end with stroking from the temple, along the edge of the face down to the chin and further to the collarbones.
  2. Fingers in the middle of the forehead, perpendicular to the eyebrows. Pressing on the skin, move your fingers to the temples, turn them down, gently move along the contour of the face to the collarbones;
  3. Using the pads of your middle fingers, gently move along the lower edge of the eyes to the inner corner, then increase the pressure and return along the upper edge to the temples. Repeat the movement to the inner edge, go back, finish with the final movement.
  4. Place your ring and middle fingers in the middle of the chin, move up to the corners of the lips, press lightly, then around the lips, stop above the upper lip, press again and return to the chin.
  5. Place your fingers at the wings of the nose, do circular rubbing down to the upper lip 5 times, then rub the bridge of the nose and smoothly move from the bridge of the nose to the temples to the final move along the eyebrow line.
  6. Pressing lightly, move your fingers from the chin to the corners of the lips, the wings of the nose, and the inner corner of the eye, as if describing the letter “O”, then along the cheekbone to the temple and finish with the final movement. At the inner corner of the eye, lightly press on the skin.
  7. One hand fixes the lower jaw, the other moves with effort from the lower jaw to the bridge of the nose along the cheek, moving along the lower edge of the eye to the temple and the final movement. At the inner corner of the eye, lightly press on the skin 3 times. Repeat the same on the other side.
  8. Palms lie horizontally on the cheeks, fingers at points on either side of the nose. With effort, move your fingers to your temples, moving on to the final movement.
  9. Palms on the oval of the face, touching at the chin. With force, move the heel of your palm upward under the eyes, increase the force and move your palms towards your ears, ending with a final movement.
  10. The bases of the palms are below the corners of the lips, forcefully move the palms towards the ears, press on the area under the cheekbone and smoothly go down with the final movement.
  11. Place your palms under your chin, pressing tightly. Grabbing the skin, move your palm to the middle of the ear, press again, and smoothly finish with the final movement. If you can’t do it with both hands, you can first do it one at a time.
  12. Fingers on the nose, thumbs on the chin. Using the edges of your palms, move forcefully along your cheeks to your ear, and proceed to the final movement.
  13. Make zigzag movements across the forehead with force.
  14. Fingers of both hands on the forehead, press for 3 counts, lightly move the fingers to the temples, final movement.

Deep massage

A deep anti-wrinkle facial massage will help keep your muscles toned. This technique relaxes emotional tensions and the habit of frowning goes away. There is a change in worldview in a positive direction. This is a very radical technique in terms of its effects and sensations; the patient may experience severe pain. It is recommended to scream and cry, because along with physiological relaxation, psychological relaxation also occurs. It needs to be done by an experienced specialist. It consists of three parts:

  1. deep study of the chest, as increased tone of the chest muscles is transmitted to the facial muscles and nerves;
  2. improvement of venous outflow using lymphatic drainage of the chest, facial area, head;
  3. deep effect on the bones of the skull, muscles and fascia.


This is a cleansing procedure with a lifting effect. For it you need to use natural, not candied honey, about 1 teaspoon:

  1. It is done on a dry face, no oil is used.
  2. Lightly heat the honey and spread it over your face, avoiding the lips and eyes.
  3. Press along the massage lines and then “unstick” the palms from the skin.
  4. Do it for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the honey with warm water and apply moisturizer.



A relaxing facial massage before bed is very helpful. This is a cross between classical massage and gymnastics:

  1. Press your eyebrow while trying to move your eyebrows – 10 s.
  2. Place your palms on your forehead and press. Raise your eyebrows while holding your forehead skin with your hands for 10 s.
  3. Using tapping movements, move from the outer corner of the eye along the cheekbone to the inner corner and, vice versa, under the eyebrow - 5 times.
  4. Say the letter “O”, rounding your lips – 10 times, press your lips tightly to your teeth for 5 seconds, relax, repeat 5 times.
  5. Repeat the previous exercise, instead of the letter “O”, pronounce the letter “U”.


Shiatsu acupressure massage is very popular. It is recommended to perform it in the morning, then the body will receive a boost of energy for the whole day. It is carried out by pressing biologically active points with fingers or special balls, which are pressed against the skin and rotated clockwise. The finger is held perpendicular to the skin and pressure is applied to the point for about 7 seconds. Main massage points:

  1. For the eyes: outer and inner corner of the eye, three points at the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrow.
  2. For the forehead: three points located between the beginning of the eyebrow and the hairline on each side, pressing, work the entire forehead from the center to the temples.
  3. For lips: from the point under the lower lip, use pressing movements to move to the points in the corners of the lips. Place the middle finger at the point at the nasolabial fold, the index and ring fingers next to the upper lip, press 5-6 times.
  4. Cheeks: dots are located along the lower edge of the cheekbone. Press all six points simultaneously for 7 seconds.
  5. Oval face: place three fingers on both sides of the chin, press the jaw from below with your thumb, press on these points for 7 seconds. Gradually moving to the temples, work the entire lower jaw.


Despite all the effectiveness and versatility of facial massage for wrinkles, this procedure has contraindications. It cannot be done if the following problems exist:

  1. skin diseases of an infectious or allergic nature;
  2. presence of tumors;
  3. inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  4. decreased or increased intracranial pressure;
  5. poor blood clotting;
  6. increased fragility of blood vessels, rosacea;
  7. any inflammation on the face;
  8. moles on the face;
  9. diseases of the ENT organs;
  10. recent cosmetic procedures.


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One of the first remedies in the fight against aging skin is an anti-wrinkle facial massage: it is simple, affordable, and most importantly, safe. That is why massage is indicated both for reducing and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

What is special about anti-aging massage?

A massage aimed at eliminating age-related changes is unlikely to bring pleasure and relaxation. Experiencing discomfort and pain during the procedure is a common occurrence, since all the movements of the master are aimed at stimulating metabolic processes.

Massage eliminates age-related changes

During an anti-aging massage, the following processes occur:

  1. warming up the skin, as a result of which a rush of blood with useful substances begins;
  2. enriching the skin with oxygen, resulting in accelerated metabolism at the cellular level;
  3. The production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for elasticity and tissue regeneration, is activated.

After undergoing several sessions of such massages:

  1. swelling disappears;
  2. the skin is strengthened;
  3. facial muscles are toned, skin tightened;
  4. facial features become clearer;
  5. the active work of blood vessels is stimulated, as a result of which the complexion improves, the manifestations of skin defects - acne, blackheads, age spots - are reduced;
  6. the skin relaxes, various defects disappear, small wrinkles smooth out, and facial wrinkles become less noticeable.

If the massage is performed by a specialist, the effect can be seen after a couple of sessions. However, you shouldn’t stop there: in the absence of regular exercise, the skin will return to its previous appearance. Therefore, to obtain the best effect from massage, regularity and frequency are necessary.

Massage will replace anti-aging treatments

Who benefits and who should not undergo anti-aging massage?

The best age for the first anti-aging massage is 18-20 years old: it is on the verge of twenty that girls begin to notice the first skin defects between the eyebrows, on the forehead, near the sinuses. At 40, 50 and even 70 years old, massage against facial wrinkles is also effective, only not as a preventative, but as a therapeutic agent. The main thing in this case is the choice of a qualified master.

It is not recommended to visit a cosmetologist if you have:

  1. herpetic rashes;
  2. active skin inflammation;
  3. open wounds;
  4. infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  5. warts, hanging moles;
  6. hemophilia.
    Classic facial massage

Anti-aging massage techniques - choose the best one for yourself

Dozens of different facial massage techniques for wrinkles are known. The most popular due to accessibility and effectiveness are classic, Japanese, dotted, plucked and sculpted.

Classic massage

This is one of the most common anti-wrinkle massage techniques, practiced both in massage parlors and at home. Among the techniques, neat and gentle stroking, rubbing with palms or fingers along massage lines predominate.

The technique of this massage is easy to master: just learn a few techniques and the location of the main lines of facial massage for wrinkles, and also learn to control the intensity of the effect on the skin.

Japanese facial massage

Japanese massage

Japanese massage involves a more intense effect on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and ligaments. The sensations when performing it border on pain.

The Japanese anti-wrinkle facial massage technique is quite easy to learn, but in order to learn how to influence the skin intensively and safely, practice is required. When performed correctly, after several sessions the effect exceeds expectations: wrinkles are reduced before the eyes.

Jacquet pinch massage

The Jacquet massage technique is based on a strong and sharp impact on the skin through pressing, pinching, and vibration. The main technique is to grab and squeeze the skin with the index finger and thumb, thereby stimulating the deep layers of the skin, as well as the muscles.

Pinch facial massage for wrinkles is an effective procedure, but aggressive, it cannot be trusted to a non-professional.

Shiatsu acupressure massage

Acupressure facial massage for wrinkles is an effective remedy for preventing skin aging. Its essence is to influence biologically active points responsible for stimulating the functioning of skin tissue.

To master the technique, it is not enough to learn the location of the points and the order of influence on them. Finding the points on your own is difficult, so to achieve a noticeable effect you will need the help of a specialist.

Sculpture massage

Sculpting or plasticizing facial massage against wrinkles is a powerful procedure with excellent results. The technique of its implementation includes techniques from all of the above methods, which are performed quickly, with noticeable pressure and large amplitude.

It is difficult to master the technique, so you should not experiment and put your health and beauty at risk by performing a plasticizing massage at home.

Fighting wrinkles at home

The best effect of facial skin rejuvenation can be achieved if you regularly visit a cosmetologist and do anti-wrinkle massage in combination with other procedures - masks, peelings, gymnastics. However, all this requires a lot of time and, of course, money.

Clean your face before massage

Approximate cost of facial massage for wrinkles in clinics and salons:

  1. classic facial massage: from 900 rub.;
  2. classic massage of the face, neck and décolleté: from RUB 1,500;
  3. Japanese massage: from 1000 rubles;
  4. Jacquet pinch massage: 900 rub. and higher;
  5. acupressure: from 1500 rub.

And these are the minimum prices. In well-known salons and large clinics, the cost of one session can reach several thousand rubles. At home, achieving the wrinkle smoothing effect will be more difficult, but the benefits are obvious. Worth a try.

Preparing the skin for anti-wrinkle massage

The skin does not require any special preparation for massage, except for thorough cleaning and good moisturizing:

Make a herbal compress before the massage

  1. Remove hair from your face.
  2. Remove makeup and wash your face thoroughly with soap.
  3. To warm up your muscles, take a hot compress with herbs or a steam bath.
  4. Treat your skin with massage oil or your favorite rich cream.

Anti-wrinkle massage technique

Traditionally, during a massage, each zone is worked out along the lines of lymph movement:

  1. from the point between the eyebrows vertically upward to the hairline;
  2. from the same point along the brow ridges to the temples;
  3. from there down to the tip of the nose;
  4. from the corners of the eyes along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose;
  5. he sinuses to the bottom of the temple;
  6. from the point above the upper lip to the middle of the ear;
  7. from the point under the lower lip to the earlobe;
  8. from the earlobe vertically down to touch the collarbone;
  9. from the collarbone along the larynx to the chin.
    Anti-aging massage lines

Perform each movement carefully, lightly press on the skin with your fingertips, draw an imaginary line several times, then give the treated area a rest. Strictly maintain the direction of movement of your hands: performing a massage randomly can lead to the opposite effect.

Problem area - forehead

Massage for wrinkles on the forehead is performed in the following sequence:

  1. With index fingers from the center of the forehead along the brow ridges to the temples.
  2. Press the skin on your temple with your finger to prevent it from overstretching. Using the four fingers of your other hand, smoothly draw a line from your temple to the middle of your forehead. Do the same on the other side.
  3. Work with both hands. With your fingers folded together, move from the center of your forehead to your temples.
  4. Using your middle fingers, draw a line from the point between your eyebrows vertically upward.

Problem area: temples and eyes

Massage for wrinkles around the eyes is carried out in two stages:

  1. Place your fingers at the inner corner of the eye: the middle and index fingers above the eyebrow, the thumb on the upper eyelid. Using light pressure, move towards the temple.
  2. Using your index finger, draw a circular line: from the inner corner of the eye along the brow ridge, from the outer corner along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose.

Problem area: cheeks and cheekbones

The fight against folds above the upper lip and “laughter lines” is carried out as follows:

Forehead massage

  1. Using your index and middle fingers, draw a line from the bridge of your nose to the middle of your ear, drawing a U shape on your cheek.
  2. From the corners of your mouth, use your index fingers to draw a line to your earlobes.
  3. From the corners of the mouth, draw a rounded line to the sinuses, then vertically up to the corners of the eyes.

Problem area: corners of the mouth and chin

Lip massage for wrinkles is done as follows:

  1. From the bottom center point of the chin, draw a convex line to the corner of the mouth.
  2. Draw the same line to the earlobe.
  3. From the point above the upper lip, move outward to the cheeks.
  4. Knead your chin from your lower lip vertically downwards.

Problem area - neck

Getting rid of a flabby double chin is very difficult. Therefore, regular neck massage techniques for wrinkles should be added to the list of healthy habits long before the first signs of skin aging appear.

  1. Turn your head to the left.
  2. Use your left palm to knead your neck on the right side in a circular motion.
  3. Work the left side in the same way.
  4. Using your thumbs, draw lines from your earlobes vertically downwards.
  5. From the collarbone on either side of the larynx, use your thumbs to draw lines vertically up to the chin.
  6. Using the back of your palm, using moderate pressure, massage the area under the lower jaw from the neck to the chin.

All main massage lines on the face at home can be massaged with spoons - ordinary tea or dessert ones. It is also effective to outline the same lines with ice cubes made from herbal infusions.

Video procedure

Reviews of anti-wrinkle massage

Larisa, 54 years old: I have never suffered from thinness, so I began to notice my first wrinkles much later than my peers. Several years ago, the skin became loose and a double chin appeared. I decided to see a cosmetologist for the first time in my life. They offered me everything - injections, peelings, masks... One is scary, the other is expensive. In a word, I left with nothing. I decided to use the old grandfather’s method - massages. Why not? Both cheap and cheerful. I was most interested in Japanese massage. I do it every day and the result is on my face: my cheeks are tightened, my double chin has completely disappeared. With such success, I will soon look younger than my daughter! And why, one might ask, all these injections, liftings, peelings?

Alina, 29 years old: I regularly go for massages to a cosmetologist. I'm afraid of growing old before my time. I don’t have any wrinkles yet, but my skin is losing its elasticity in places. After several sessions of Shiatsu, I don’t recognize myself: the oval of my face changes, my eyes become brighter and more expressive, my lips are more clearly defined. The effect, however, lasts for several months. But you can afford to undergo a massage course three times a year. The beauty is worth it!

Ira, 37 years old: After I gave birth to my second son - he is now 3 years old - the skin on my neck and face suddenly sagged, turned grey, and wrinkles appeared. Probably due to the fact that I lost weight dramatically. I ran to my cosmetologist. She recommended massaging with spoons and lubricating your face with argan oil. Surprisingly, it worked! I didn’t look like this even at 23!

Hello my dear readers. Today we’ll talk about how to keep your face fresh and young right at home. After all, our grandmothers did not visit beauty salons. This means that there were time-tested means to prolong youth. One of them is a facial massage for wrinkles; I will definitely give video examples for clarity.

Let's first look at how this massage is useful:

  1. improves blood circulation. This means that the skin of the face will begin to receive more nutrients. This will definitely have a beneficial effect on her appearance;
  2. relieves muscle tension. This leads to smoothing out wrinkles. This procedure also reduces swelling and improves skin tone;
  3. drainage of excess lymph and improved blood circulation normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the procedure allows you to get rid of seborrhea and acne.

This procedure has some contraindications. It is not performed for any skin damage, inflammation, or rashes. It is also contraindicated for warts. It is better not to touch areas with moles; the impact on them should be minimal. The procedure should not be performed in case of infectious diseases.

There are many types of different massages. I have selected the most effective ones for you. They can be easily made at home.

Before any type of procedure, the facial skin is cleansed. You can take a steam bath, apply nourishing cream or special oil.

Classic facial massage

This technique is the most popular. All finger movements take place strictly along massage lines. Otherwise, instead of elastic skin, you can get saggy skin. The classic version contains the following techniques:

  1. stroking - lightly press the skin with your hand, the pressure should not exceed its severity;
  2. trituration - also involves pressure, stronger than stroking. But so as not to cause discomfort;
  3. kneading - performed in a spiral manner, the pressure on the skin varies from minimum to maximum;
  4. patting, vibration techniques - performed with the edge of the palm. These are oscillatory movements of different rhythms.

Classic facial massage has a very simple technique. The main movements are towards the ears, from the corners of the mouth, the center of the chin, and the lower part of the nose. From the middle of the forehead to the temples. From the outer corner of the eye to the inner - along the top of the eyelid. And vice versa along the lower eyelid in the opposite direction. To better understand this technique, watch the video.

It will be useful to absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure will help get rid of swelling and improve blood circulation. Massaging is best done in the morning, at least 1-2 times a week. You can do it manually, or you can use different tools. Steel balls, spoons, rollers, special jars for face lifting. Lifting facial massage is recommended for those who have swelling and bags under the eyes. And also swelling. It will be useful for facial asymmetry. If it is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. I recommend learning more about the technique of the procedure in my article about lymphatic drainage massage for the face.

And here is the detailed technique. Watch the video: