Exercises for saggy arms that you can do at home.

Among the reasons for sagging are sudden weight loss, age-related changes, and lack of protein in the diet. But most often, sagging skin is associated with normal muscle atrophy.

If the biceps is still somehow involved in everyday life (when lifting something), then special measures are needed to strengthen the muscles of the forearm and triceps.

Exercises for sagging arms can be isolating and basic. The simplest of the basic ones are push-ups. Since everyone is familiar with them since school, let us recall only the important nuances:

  1. With a narrow position of the hands, the triceps are better loaded, with a wide position - the chest muscles. The more your elbows are pressed to your body, the more effective the exercise is for sagging arms.
  2. The back and legs must be on the same line. If it’s hard, you can do push-ups from your knees.
  3. The number of repetitions is as many as you can, but it’s better to do three sets. Then rest: recovery takes about 2 days. In general, this is enough to solve the problem.

A nice bonus: the exercise tones the area between the chest and armpits, where wrinkles especially bother girls. But for maximum development of sagging muscles, it is worth adding point loading.

To develop biceps - curling your arms with dumbbells. Choose a weight with which you can perform 10-15 repetitions in three sets. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your body with your palms facing you. Alternately lift each dumbbell by bending your elbow and turning your palm toward your shoulder.

The French press has a good effect on the triceps. It is most convenient to perform it with a barbell plate. Raise the disc above your head with your arms outstretched, then lower it behind your head and lift it again. In this case, you cannot change the position of your elbows and shoulders. As an option - push-ups from a bench from behind or on uneven bars, extensions in the simulator.

Don’t be afraid to pump up your arms; with this approach, this does not threaten women. The main thing is uniform body tone, without obsession with certain problem areas.

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