Exercises for the back for scoliosis.

Almost all school-age children and many adults have curvature of the spine. It not only spoils even the most slender figure and good health, but also makes life in many ways uncomfortable. That’s why back exercises for scoliosis are needed even for those who are far from fitness, bodybuilding, and physical education in general...

If the spine is sick and curved, many sports are prohibited. Among them are tennis, bowling, badminton, dancing, acrobatics, gymnastics, running - everything where there are asymmetrical loads. You should also not do horizontal bars or hangs. But if you have a curvature of the spine, you can do swimming, fitness, and even go to the gym - strong muscles will help to straighten it slightly. The only thing you should avoid is a heavy barbell. The goal of exercises for scoliosis is to strengthen the back muscles and relieve muscle tension from its curved areas, as well as stabilize the spine.

Ideally, training regimens for people with spinal curvatures are developed individually for each case, but small training sessions can be included in the arsenal of any person whose back is far from perfect.

  1. Limitations and precautions:
  2. Warm up.
  3. Lying on your back.
  4. Lying on your stomach.
  5. Lying on your side.
  6. Standing.
  7. Classes in the pool.

Limitations and precautions:

  1. Physical therapy is not advisable if there is a rapidly progressing curvature of the spine.
  2. It is also not recommended for those who are experiencing severe pain and those who have a diseased heart or lungs.
  3. It is better to avoid excessive rotation of the body.
  4. All exercises are divided into symmetrical and asymmetrical. The second ones are performed with an emphasis on the muscles of the curved side, and they cannot be performed without an instructor.

Still, it is possible to slightly straighten the spine at home, especially if the disease is not too advanced.

Warm up.

Here it is more important than anywhere else, because the spine is easily injured and difficult to heal. First, fix the correct posture against the wall. Then you perform forward bends, squats, shoulder circles, straight arm raises above your head, etc.

  1. An ordinary "bicycle". With a curved spine, it is important that the downward leg is as close to the ground as possible.
  2. Scissors. Also familiar. But when you do horizontal swings, place your legs as close to the floor as possible.
  3. We raise our legs together and vertically. We spread them as wide as possible, collect them and put them on the floor again.
  4. We just stretch out into a string on the floor. Relaxing the spine.

Lying on your stomach.

  1. Swimming. We depict breaststroke swimming on the floor with our hands and feet. So 4 approaches for half a minute.
  2. Scissors. They can also be performed while lying on your stomach. Again, make sure that your feet are located closer to the floor. It is also important that with each swing the hips come off the floor: this way the back receives a load.
  3. Hold. This is hyperextension. We lie on our stomach and raise only the bottom – the pelvis and legs – as high as possible. We freeze.

Lying on your side.

  1. All the same scissors. Now the swings are done back and forth.
  2. We strain our back and abdominal muscles. We place a bolster under the ankle and raise our legs as high as possible. Hold for a few seconds and lower.


  1. We just stand with our hands on our shoulders and rotate our elbows.
  2. We spread our arms to the sides and palms up, rise on our toes, do a squat and rise again on our toes. Repeat from 5 to 10 times.

It will also be useful to crawl on the floor on all fours (this relieves stress on the spine), and pump up your abs, but only while lying down.

Classes in the pool.

You can straighten your spine while visiting the pool. The most useful, of course, is to swim breaststroke. But you can also stretch the spine and develop a muscle corset. If the curvature is too advanced, it is better to avoid a style such as crawl - too many bends.

  1. The load on the back in the pool should be symmetrical only if the curvature is slight.
  2. If there is scoliosis of the second or third degree, as much attention as possible is paid to the curved side. If the curvature is right-sided and thoracic, the right hand is fixed and strokes are made mostly with the left hand.
  3. If there is a strong curvature of the spine, it is important to simply relax your back when swimming.
  4. If the scoliosis is right-sided and lumbar, the right leg is abducted, slightly bent, fixed and only the right leg is used. If you have spinal diseases, it is better to practice in the pool only with an instructor.
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