Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse.

As is known prolapse of internal organs directly interconnected with the physiology of the female body, all sorts of age-related changes, behavior, style and lifestyle, and, of course, experienced childbirth, past illnesses, all kinds of inflammatory processes, and so on. This extremely intimate problem is familiar to many women of completely different age categories. However, it is women in the postmenopausal age group who are most susceptible to it, when the immune mechanisms of our body are extremely weakened and chronic problems, worsening and constantly bothering us, do not allow us to forget about ourselves.

Uterine prolapse is a fairly common pathology, which in earlier times was treated only surgically. Fortunately, these days, specialized Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse give hope for eliminating this disease non-surgical method.

Generally speaking, our modern medicine still does not have progressive means of treating diseases such as uterine prolapse. In medical scientific circles it is believed that the only countermeasure that can somehow influence this difficult condition, both physically, emotionally and psychologically, is only an operation to so-called “stitching” the uterus in the best case, or complete removal of the latter in the worst case scenario. It’s hard to even imagine what a patient experiencing the above health problems is going through, and there are tens and hundreds of thousands of them...

A real revolutionary breakthrough in solving this difficult issue was made by the famous professor of medicine, expert in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, now world-famous doctor from the USA Arnold Kegel. This is a recognized genius in the field of gynecology, obstetrics and childbirth, who has developed his own innovative system of exercises that enable women to strengthen their intimate muscles and return the pelvic organs to their normal position. Exercises developed by Kegel for uterine prolapse help eliminate almost all manifestations of weakening of muscle tissue after pregnancy and childbirth, returning the normal rhythm of women’s daily lives without third-party surgical intervention.

  1. it is dangerous to leave the house for a long time due to fear of incontinence;
  2. problems also arise in the intimate sphere;
  3. there is a pressing feeling of one’s female inferiority, inferiority.

The worst thing is that without surgical intervention in most cases, this pathology often worsened and usually led to an even more terrible problem: uterine prolapse, which in turn inevitably resulted in its amputation, and consequently, worsening psychological trauma. Observing a large number of his patients, Professor Kegel came to an interesting conclusion: most of them suffered precisely because their perineal muscles were “loose”, and their depleted tone did not allow them to adequately cope with excessively increasing overloads during periods of gestation and subsequent births. The thing is that during pregnancy, under the influence of a hormonal surge, a gradual weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor and uterus occurs, which in turn guarantees a lack of tone and healthy bearing of the baby. In parallel with this, the pressure of the growing embryo on the muscles increases, which inevitably leads to the subsequent prolapse of the muscles and, accordingly, the uterus itself lower and lower. At the same time, the woman begins to feel increased pressure from the uterus on the bladder area, with super-strong stretching of the muscles, the muscle tissue that has lost its former elasticity does not contract to the required extent, and the uterus and bladder together remain in a non-standard, displaced position.

A set of exercises using the Kegel technique for uterine prolapse:

  1. It is necessary to tense the muscles of the perineum as if you are trying to hold back your urination. You can do this directly during each act of urination, controlling it as much as possible - contract the muscle, while interrupting the stream, count to three, then relax, again resuming the process of urination.
  2. A very famous and popular “lift” exercise, but at the same time it is also the most difficult: first you need to slightly squeeze your perineal muscles. Without relaxing and holding them in this contracted state for about 5 seconds, we squeeze them again, but a little stronger and again hold the perineum for 5 seconds in a stronger compression. Next, without weakening the “grip,” we squeeze again even tighter, and slowly and gradually, with such smooth steps, we bring the compression to the maximum available. In this exercise, it’s as if we are taking an elevator from floor to floor - from the first, to the very roof, where, as you understand, the roof is the maximum degree of your tension. Also an important point is going down on this elevator - you also need to relax the muscles in stages, with each step weakening the effort more and more, and so on until complete relaxation.
  3. Cyclic contractions of the target muscles with periodic intense changes in the phases of tension and relaxation of the muscles - we rhythmically contract the muscles of the perineum, either at a fast or at a slow pace.
  4. All kinds of “Pushing” and “Pushing” - we try to push, as during defecation, but this must be done carefully, accurately and moderately.
  5. Cyclic relaxation and contraction of the anus. As you know, at their moment the muscles of the pelvic organs also tense.
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