Intensify your cardio workouts at home with new exercises.

It is a well-known fact that cardio training helps you feel better, lose weight, increase performance, and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Of course, very effective options are running, cycling, swimming,... But what to do when, due to circumstances, you decide to exercise at home? Many people wonder how realistic it is to do this without the use of special simulators and devices. Our article will help you understand the issues of home cardio training.

The term cardio training refers to aerobic training, or cardio for short. Depending on the task, the number of classes per week varies:

  1. when gaining muscle mass - work in this style - no more than 1-2 workouts per week,
  2. to improve health and improve overall well-being - up to three times,
  3. and for drying - more than three times.

To achieve a solid result, you need to take into account a number of factors when doing cardio training at home, namely:

  1. The optimal duration of the session - on average it should range from 20 to 60 minutes; you should not do it for too long, because with long-term training, protein begins to break down instead of fat.
  2. The pace should not be marathon; a moderate or calm mode is more suitable for home.
  3. Ventilation of the room and your own well-being.

Having prepared the room for training, thus creating a working area for yourself, choosing comfortable sportswear, you can begin the lesson. But first you need to warm up well, about 5-7 minutes, to avoid overwork during the warm-up. The first exercise you can start with will be jumping rope, for this you just need to purchase the necessary equipment - and now it costs a penny. The number of jumps should be regulated by your well-being and the purpose for which you decide to exercise. Don't forget to rest between sets, but don't sit still. Our task is to warm up well... You can also use running in place. Now that we have warmed up well, let's dilute our cardio training at home with new effective exercises from the list below:

  1. The next exercise is plyometric push-ups. To begin performing them, take a lying position, with your legs spread the width of your pelvis, and the palms of your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, your torso and legs should form a straight line. Then bend your elbows and lower yourself down, trying to touch the tip of your nose. Having done this, you need to push off strongly from the floor with a powerful movement and, landing softly on the palms of your hands, return to the starting position of the prone position. Thus, you need to complete the planned number of repetitions and sets.
  2. Another exercise is jumping. To perform it, you need to place your feet at your usual shoulder width, bend them slightly at the knees, and at the same time take the palms of your hands and place them behind your head. Do a squat, moving your pelvis back a little, but without lifting your heels from the floor and do not round your lower back. Then jump up powerfully and land softly, lower yourself straight into a squat and begin the next repetition.
  3. To perform Spiderman push-ups, you will need to find a slippery surface, because doing the exercise this way is much more effective, then take a prone position. After you do this, bend your right arm and lower yourself down, sliding your left arm forward, and stretch the knee of your right leg to the side and forward. Next, you need to return to the starting position and repeat the same thing cyclically, but on the other hand.
  4. Exit in a lying position - first, stand straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders and squat down, while placing your palms on the floor in the middle of the space between your legs. After this, you must jump back, leaning on your hands, thus standing upright, then you need to return to the starting position, moving in the opposite direction.
  5. To perform such an exercise at home as a rock climber, you must first take a lying position, while placing your feet somewhere shoulder-width apart, for maximum efficiency, having done this, begin to pull the knee of your left leg to your left elbow, after this you can return to the starting point position. For harmonious development, repeat these movements, but with the other leg.

When performing cardio training at home, do not forget to monitor your performance and monitor your well-being.

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