What to wear to the solarium

Tanned skin is always associated with relaxation, warm sun, lightness and carefreeness, but it is not always possible to tan in natural conditions. Now you can get artificial sunbathing in most cosmetic and spa salons, sports complexes, and there are also specialized tanning studios. You said to yourself: “It’s decided, I’m going to sunbathe!” - but you don’t know anything about artificial sun, we will tell you everything you need to know for those who are going to the solarium for the first time.

General information

There are several types of solariums:

  1. horizontal. You can lie comfortably in it during the procedure, but body contact with the lamps is inevitable. This is not acceptable for everyone;
  2. vertical. You will have to stand during the procedure. The advantage is the absence of tactile contact with the lamps;
  3. The turbo solarium features a powerful cooling system and enhanced ventilation, which makes the procedure comfortable and speeds up the tanning process.

The operating principles of different types of solariums differ little from each other. Lamps are used that create illumination of ultraviolet rays directed at a person. There are 3 types of ultraviolet rays:

  1. ultraviolet A, long-wavelength, is similar to the ordinary sun, thanks to which melanin is produced;
  2. ultraviolet B, mid-wave range - penetrate deeper, due to them the tan lasts. There should be no more than 4% of such rays;
  3. ultraviolet C, short wavelength, are very dangerous. Such lamps are prohibited from being used in solariums.

Low pressure lamps are usually used. Such lamps do not generate dangerous short-wave rays. High pressure lamps generate such rays, but they have special filters and are well ventilated.

The intensity and speed of tanning are influenced by the following components:

  1. number of lamps (the more lamps, the smoother the tan will be);
  2. lamp power;
  3. the value of the erythemal intensity coefficient SEF.

Often tanning salons organize promotions, reducing the cost of the procedure. Typically, this means that the lamps (they are designed to last a certain number of hours) have reached the end of their life or have expired. Ask the administration to show you the certificate, specify the power of the installed lamps, how many there are, how long ago they were changed.

The effect of artificial tanning

If you use a solarium correctly, you can achieve a beautiful skin color and along with it get vitamin D, which helps our body absorb useful minerals, calcium and phosphorus. By deciding to “sunbathe” during cold periods when there is little natural sunlight, you can help yourself cope with a bad mood. During proper sunbathing, the body produces endorphins, which have a positive effect on the emotional state and can even relieve chronic fatigue.

Basic rules when visiting a solarium

However, despite the fact that tanning studios use special protective lamps, excessive use can be harmful. What you need to know, was the tanning procedure safe and also made us beautiful and happy with ourselves?

When visiting a solarium, you must follow these simple rules:

  1. recommended time for tanning is from 5 to 15 minutes;
  2. the break between trips should be at least 48 hours, and after the first visit - at least 72 hours;
  3. increase the time gradually;
  4. Don't try to get a dark shade right away.

Proper tanning begins with proper selection of time and number of visits. To acquire a lasting tan, you need to go to the solarium four to six times with a break of one day. To subsequently maintain a beautiful tan, it is enough to go to the solarium about twice a week.

Also consider your skin type. For example, for people with fair skin, especially when visiting a solarium for the first time, it is better to reduce the time to 3-4 minutes. Gradually, the visiting time can be increased. People with dark skin can tolerate tanning for 10 to 20 minutes without harm to their health.

Skin protection

Regular sunscreens are not suitable for artificial tanning. Therefore, the salon will offer you special cosmetics that will moisturize and protect your skin. Before going to the spa salon, it is best to remove decorative cosmetics.

It is recommended to cover your breasts with a towel or swimsuit. If you want your breasts to tan, be sure to use stickini or silicone nipple stickers. It is important to remember that harmful ultraviolet rays affect the retina of the eye and can cause vision problems. Therefore, do not forget to use dark glasses that protect your eyelids, but do not prevent tanning. Contact lenses must be removed before the session.

When tanning, your hair also needs additional protection. After exposure to ultraviolet radiation, hair loses its shine and becomes dull and brittle. As a rule, the head is covered with a special cap.

It is undesirable to sunbathe after a sauna, as the skin is deprived of its natural protection in the form of a layer of keratinized cells, which can lead to burns. After visiting the solarium, it is advisable not to shower for several hours.

It is important to remember that you should not go to the solarium in the following cases:

  1. if you have high blood pressure;
  2. if there are problems with the liver, with the thyroid gland;
  3. if there are infectious diseases;
  4. in the presence of tumors of various etiologies;
  5. for skin rashes, dermatitis, allergic reactions;
  6. with increased sensitivity to UV rays;
  7. You should be careful when going to a solarium in case of gynecological diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, or while taking medications (consultation with a doctor is required).

If you have the slightest doubt about going to the solarium, be sure to consult your doctor. If you said to yourself: “I’m going to sunbathe in the solarium!” - don’t forget, everything is useful in moderation. Be as attentive to yourself as possible, and then sunbathing will give you only positive effects.

A tanned body looks beautiful at any time of the year. The best assistant for girls in getting a golden skin tone is a solarium. How to prepare for your debut trip there, what to take with you? We'll talk about this today.

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If you are going for the first time: basic rules

A good solarium will make your first trip to the artificial sun chamber unforgettable, without overshadowing it with your forgetfulness. However, many ladies, wanting to save money, try to choose cheaper salons that do not provide slippers or disposable hair caps. In the following paragraphs, we will look at what you need to take with you before the solarium, and now we will tell you about the basic rules for visiting the coveted salon.

So, when going to the solarium for the first time, you should remember that:

  1. After the first hike, there will be no golden tan. It is necessary to start with a small amount of time, gradually increasing it. Thus, you will not only minimize the damage to your skin from tanning, but also make your tan more lasting. By neglecting these rules and trying to tan more during discount days at the salon, you risk getting burned and severely drying out your skin.
  2. Everyone's skin is different. When you go to the solarium for the first time, you don’t know what shade your body will acquire. Many visitors complain that a natural tan is much better and looks different. You need to understand that your skin may unexpectedly react to such an impressive dose of artificial sun.
  3. Have no illusions. Many ladies leave the tanning salon disappointed after not becoming the beauty from the magazine. Artificial sun is just a tan, nothing more. Whether it’s the first time or the next, your body will remain with you, only its color will change. Therefore, you should not believe that a dark body will make you slimmer. Visually - yes, actually - no.

Today there is debate about the benefits and harms of solariums. It is worth noting that they are partly true. Artificial sun can cause adverse reactions in those girls who naturally have delicate fair skin. Some snow whites try in vain to achieve a golden hue, putting their skin at risk. If you know that the natural sun is bad for your skin, instead of a golden hue you become red - a solarium is contraindicated for you.

How to choose a solarium?

The crucial moment is the choice of the solarium itself. Today you can choose between vertical and horizontal options. The tanning chair is not so popular, as it tans only the exposed parts of the body and face. Therefore, we will focus on the first two.

In addition to providing a beautiful golden skin tone, a horizontal solarium is an excellent way to relax. Modern models are fully adjusted to the anatomical features of the body, and there are also lamps at the bottom. To get an even tan, you will not need to change your location; the lamps will provide an even tan throughout your entire body.

The disadvantage of this option is the relatively low hygiene. Of course, you will make sure that the salon staff disinfects the surfaces in front of you. However, the very fact of realizing that you do not know who was lying here in front of you frightens many. Also, in the horizontal method of tanning, less powerful lamps are often used. If you are short on time, choose the vertical option. Here you need to lie much less. But a horizontal solarium often costs less.

Recently a vertical solarium appeared. It will allow you to get a high-quality tan relatively quickly: the maximum session rarely exceeds 10 minutes. Here you will only be in contact with the surface with your feet, so from a hygienic point of view this option is much better. However, you must understand that standing for ten minutes with your arms raised up (you want an even tan everywhere!) is still a test. These options are more powerful, so you may feel hot inside. People with high sensitivity choose the previous option.

Also, the additional functions of the solarium will help make every trip to the artificial sun more comfortable. For example, a water supply and spray system will increase the effectiveness of tanning and reduce body temperature. The ability to listen to your favorite music will allow time to pass unnoticed. There is still no consensus regarding turbo solariums: therefore, it is better to simply choose high-quality new lamps.

Regardless of the type of solarium, you should pay attention to:

  1. Lamp power. The perfect balance between tanning quality and safety depends on this. The ideal solution is considered to be a range from 160 to 200 watts.
  2. Beta coefficient. An indicator that will let you know how quickly the desired skin tone will set and how long it will last. The permissible value for a vertical solarium is up to 3.5%. Horizontal tanning beds use lamps up to 2.5%. The minimum beta coefficient should be one and a half percent.
  3. Regular replacement of lamps. Each salon should provide you with information about the frequency of lamp replacement. Old lamps are dangerous to your health! It will be extremely hot in such a solarium!
  4. You also have the right to know about the disinfection and maintenance of the device. This information should also be asked from the administrator of the salon or tanning studio.

How to prepare yourself?

We’ve chosen the ideal salon, now let’s talk about how you need to prepare yourself and your body for your first trip to the solarium:

  1. Postpone epilation. Irritated skin is less susceptible to tanning. The upper layer of the epithelium is irritated, so sunbathing may not only be ineffective, but also painful.
  2. Eat yellow fruits or vegetables. There is an opinion that this way the skin will acquire a beautiful golden hue.
  3. Take a shower, do not use deodorant. When exposed to a large dose of ultraviolet radiation, the chemical composition of an antiperspirant can undergo unexpected reactions.
  4. Relax. Visiting a solarium is not scary. Millions of women do this, you are no worse!
  5. Make a sunbathing plan in advance. Write down a schedule depending on your skin type - you can take it with you. It is better to sunbathe longer, but more effectively and safely.

What things should you take with you?

A good tanning studio should provide you with everything you need. However, if you are not sure of the reputation of the studio you have chosen, then you should think in advance about what you need to take with you for your first trip to the solarium. Below is a basic list of necessary things.

For the first time in the solarium you will need:

  1. Slippers when choosing a vertical solarium. You should be provided with disposable ones, but you can take a couple with you, protecting yourself from fungal diseases.
  2. Hair cap. This will help the dye pigment not to fade and protect the hair itself from drying out.
  3. Special glasses. You need to take with you or purchase special narrow glasses for sunbathing. The eyelid does not fully protect the retina from a shock dose of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Stikini. They can be purchased at any salon that has a solarium. They will help protect the mammary glands from harmful ultraviolet radiation. It is also worth covering large moles with them.
  5. Towel. After tanning, the skin becomes a little sticky; a shower will help solve the problem.
  6. Sun cream and after. The first will help you tan quickly and safely, the second will moisturize the skin.

And, of course, you need to take money with you to visit the salon! Find out in advance information about subscriptions and discount days - many studios practice them.

Video recording “Malysheva about tanning in a solarium”

In the video you will hear an authoritative opinion about artificial tanning.

So what are the rules you should know?

So, if you are worried about your health, then before visiting a solarium you need to consult a doctor, since there are many contraindications, and there is a possibility that the solarium is on your “taboo” list. For those who have not visited a doctor, a small list of contraindications (main):

- many moles on the body;

If you can visit a solarium, then it is important for you to know that the first session should not exceed 3 minutes, as the skin can burn, and be sure to use sunscreen before each session. However, be careful - a regular cream will not work, buy a special one for visiting a solarium, and in order not to suffer, make a purchase directly in the salon. Over time, the procedure will increase to 5 minutes.

Be sure to wash off your makeup before the procedure, and in general, it is advisable to take a full bath so that there is no soap, deodorant or perfume left on your body.

Lubricate your lips with balm, special caps should be placed on your chest, a cap on your hair, and glasses on your eyes.

If you have the opportunity, then give preference to a vertical solarium; it will evenly distribute the tan and is also quite hygienic.

After the procedure, you need to rest, drink green tea or juice and moisturize your skin with milk or moisturizer.

That's all the visiting rules! Girls who have tattoos should ask specialists what kind of protection they offer, and in general, you should go to the doctor and find out in more detail whether you can go to a solarium. Remember: beauty is certainly good, but health is still more important!

Be beautiful and healthy!

On your first visit, you should limit yourself to 5-6 minutes. You need to know when the lamps were changed and what their power is. Based on this, determine the exact time spent in the booth. Between sessions, you should maintain a time interval and allow the skin to rest; this requires at least 24 hours. To obtain the effect of a noticeable tan, 5-10 sessions of visits are enough. Therefore, if you are preparing for a trip or an important event, a holiday, start going to the solarium in advance.

You cannot take the maximum number of minutes at a time, this will only harm the skin. The main thing is a gradual tan without burns or redness. At each visit, you should use special cosmetics for the face and body; the skin simply needs hydration. Special tanning creams also protect against solarium radiation, improve melanin production, enhance the tanning effect and make the color more intense. On moisturized skin, the tan lasts longer.

The skin must first be cleaned of decorative cosmetics; usually, solarium booths provide makeup remover and wet wipes. Next, a special cream is applied to the cleansed skin. Particular attention should be paid to dry areas of the skin; apply a sufficient amount of cream to them. By the way, a sufficient portion of cream for one application is 10–15 ml.

In the first sessions, you need a cream for fair skin, preparing for tanning. Having received an initial tan, you can use creams containing bronzers, which additionally give the skin a more saturated color. After applying the cream to the body, it is advisable to wipe your palms with a damp cloth so that no traces of the cream remain, otherwise your hands will look dirty.

Don't forget about moles and age spots! They need to be protected by gluing a special protective sticker, or by spot-applying a protective cream block. The breast halo should also be hidden from exposure to UV rays by sticking on a sticky skin or using a protective cream block. You can also just go sunbathing in underwear or a swimsuit, preferably made of breathable fabric. Apply a protective lip balm designed to protect against UV rays on your lips. Tattoos fade both under the sun and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so cover the tattoo with a napkin. You can use a protective cream block by applying it over the tattoo. Now there are tanning creams that contain a component that protects tattoos from fading; you can use such a product.

The retina of the eyes is extremely sensitive to radiation, and bright light will not have a positive effect, so there are special protective glasses for solariums. They protect the eyes and the delicate skin around the eyes. It is advisable to remove lenses before the session. Hair in a solarium becomes dry, both under the influence of radiation and under the influence of a fan, so it is recommended to wear a disposable cap or scarf. In addition, the hair will simply get in the way, flying in all directions. To save money, the same disposable cap can be used about 5 times until it stretches or loses its appearance. It is advisable to remove jewelry so that no unnecessary traces remain. For hygiene purposes, you can wear special disposable slippers or socks into the booth, and you can also lay out a disposable towel.

After solarium, physical activity is not recommended for 2 hours. Showers should be taken no earlier than 3-5 hours, especially for those who used cream with bronzer. Typically, the additional effect of bronzer appears within 3-7 hours on the skin, so in order to preserve the shade, you should wait. After taking a shower, it is a good idea to moisturize your skin with lotion or cream.

Persons over 16 years of age are allowed to visit the solarium. Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended. Visiting under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not permitted. All recommendations are individual, depending on the presence of allergic reactions, diseases, skin condition and health. Before visiting, you must consult a doctor, also consult with the administrator of the solarium.