Healthy eating as the basis for a healthy life

“You are what you eat,” this is the popular wisdom. People want and are interested in healthy eating, and some of us have long dreamed of creating a complete nutrition plan for ourselves, but just can’t decide to do it. Nowadays you can see an endless number of products in supermarkets, which only confuse consumers, as new food products, mineral waters and supplements are intensively advertised. In addition, there are frequent cases of sale of expired and low-quality food products.

Everyone has different tastes - children like different dishes than adults. People in adulthood have different energy needs than young people who work a lot physically and play sports. The German nutrition association Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung eV (DGE) in the city of Bonn has developed a three-dimensional nutrition pyramid, which is used, as they say, “in the best houses.” This model is based on scientific findings and takes into account the 10 rules of DGE. This model was developed in collaboration with representatives of the services, the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, as well as experts and practitioners in the field.

Philosophy of healthy eating

The food pyramid shows which foods are more recommended for a person based on their age and physical activity, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, canola oil, drinks and mineral water. Some of the recommended products are successfully used for diseases. Carbonated drinks, lemonade, sweets, butter, eggs or fatty meat are considered less healthy products for a healthy diet, which is actually quite fair and true. Oil, which is also used in the treatment of diseases, is also on the list of not the most desirable products, with the possible exception of olive oil. These foods should be consumed in moderation, as advised by the DGE. As in other areas of life, in nutrition it is necessary to find the right measure that would be suitable for a person’s age, energy needs and health status. So, with a properly selected healthy diet (with or without a calorie table), you can achieve your desired body weight and maintain it for a long time. In addition, you can prevent the occurrence of diseases and have a very positive impact on the course of existing diseases. So eat right, think that you are what you eat, and live a long, healthy life.

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