Fat and cholesterol levels in the blood

In modern times, almost all nutrition systems for bodybuilders, and other diets, consider fat and cholesterol to be the main competitor to health.
Of course, it is worth closely monitoring the amount of fat and cholesterol consumed, but this vigilance should not develop into psychosis, when a person shakes over every yolk or glass of milk taken in excess. In addition, you cannot outright reject all diets that include a lot of fat and cholesterol. Here everything is much more complicated. We need to think about the influence of various factors.

If you, having started bodybuilding, do not abuse cigarettes, do not inject steroids, at the genetic level you do not have a predisposition to high levels of cholesterol in the blood, and plus, you constantly receive multivitamins, consume the required amount of dairy foods and drinks, eggs, pamper yourself with fresh fruits and herbs, get enough fiber, consume olive oil and do not take large doses of smoked meat or canned meat products, sausage - then you simply do not need to be on a strict low-fat diet. Well, if you are already so keen on reducing the fat content in your diet, then it will be enough to simply reduce the percentage of fat in the milk and cheeses you consume. Nowadays, in any city you can find low-fat milk or diet light cheese. Also, do not forget about well-proven products for removing “excess”: pineapple, grapefruit or freshly squeezed juices from them, Vilena plum, papaya, broccoli, green tea, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and other benefits, about the miraculous properties of which read more right here.

Well, if you behave absolutely opposite to what is written above, i.e. you consume exclusively whole milk, feel free to throw in five dozen eggs, do not deny yourself a kilogram of fatty cheese and smoked meats a day, do not forget about various preservatives and sausages, consume little fiber, but on the contrary, you overdo it with steroids, etc., - Your liver will not say “thank you”, but “goodbye”. Fat and cholesterol are like a sharp knife in the heart.

However, do not forget about the tests. All bodybuilders should periodically have their blood tested for cholesterol. If its level is suddenly elevated, this does not mean that your diet is fatty. You may have some kind of liver disease. In general, take a comprehensive approach to solving problems, consider all options.

If you are no longer so young, and you are about 35 or even older, still replace some animal fats with fish, nuts, seeds, and use olive oil. Perhaps the amount of fat you consume will even increase, but cholesterol will not make you worry.

The main thing is not to panic; An increase in cholesterol levels in the blood will not lead you to a heart attack tomorrow, but still, this is a reason to think about your health. The presence of heart disease is also influenced by other reasons, such as diabetes, smoking, blood pressure or simply bad heredity.

I would also like to add that bodybuilders taking steroids must strictly adhere to low-fat diets. Otherwise, your liver simply won't be able to handle it.

While you are young, eating fatty foods within reasonable limits will not harm your growing body. But if the middle years have already rolled around, don’t get carried away with fats, and also with calories. But make sure that your diet does not develop into insanity and fat phobia.

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