Aerobic exercise to burn fat.

As you know, more than half of the population of our planet suffers from excess weight. People of different ages, religions and social status dream of getting rid of the hated extra pounds forever. How can we confront this pressing and pervasive problem? The best way to combat excess weight is aerobic exercise to burn fat. Scientists have repeatedly studied the effect of this type of physical activity on the bodies of various people, and it has been proven that cardio exercises help you lose weight much faster than classical strength exercises.

The most difficult thing to get rid of is subcutaneous fat, which is hidden deep in the abdominal area. It cannot be burned in the gym, and it is much more dangerous to health because it is located next to vital organs. It can also provoke cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

It is cardio exercises for burning fat that best combat this problem. Strength training, actively used in bodybuilding and fitness, is an excellent way to build muscle mass and make the body more resilient, but only high-intensity aerobic exercise can cope with such a complex problem as subcutaneous fat.

The most popular and effective types of such training are swimming, running, cycling, various types of aerobic programs - shaping, dancing, step aerobics and others. All this can be found in any fitness club. And if in the summer it is possible to run or ride a bike outdoors, then in the winter cardio equipment will come to the rescue.

Today, many people strive to purchase such a simulator for home use in order to be able to engage in aerobic training at any convenient time. For those who do not have the opportunity to buy such a machine or join a fitness club, there is always the option of training at home using video courses. The main thing is to maintain an intense pace throughout the entire workout, then the process of burning excess weight will be more active.

Which cardio equipment is more effective? And how intensely should you exercise?

  1. Exercise bike. The most popular home exercise machine. From a design point of view, they can be either electronic (more advanced) or mechanical (low-cost options). To start the fat burning process, you need to increase your heart rate to 120 beats and stick to this rhythm. You need to start exercising: with five minutes per approach and gradually increase the work time to half an hour. The disadvantages of such a simulator are that it is aimed only at a narrow muscle group - the legs.
  2. Treadmill. Leader in cardio equipment. It is popular both at home and in the hall. This is the most effective simulator available. A very important thing on a treadmill is the ability to change the angle of inclination and increase the load. By increasing the incline, you can easily monitor your heart rate. This exercise machine is suitable for both beginners - you can start with walking, and for professionals - running uphill with weights (bracelets or dumbbells).
  3. Skier. The advantage of such a simulator is that it loads different muscle groups, including legs, buttocks, and arms. It's easy to maintain your heart rate at any level and vary the difficulty.

For cardio exercises to bring the desired results, they must be performed regularly and often - start with twice a week and increase to five. You also need to continuously maintain the selected rhythm and intensity of the workout. Aerobic exercise combined with proper nutrition is the most effective and healthy way to a beautiful figure.

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