Antioxidants are substances that

Antioxidants are unique substances necessary for the human body. They have the ability to resist oxidant molecules, neutralizing their negative effects. Contains substances in special preparations or food products.

What are antioxidants for?

Beneficial substances - antioxidants - contribute to the accelerated restoration of cells destroyed as a result of the negative effects of free radicals. Few people know why antioxidants are needed, but they only have a positive effect on the human body:

  1. This is a unique natural and completely natural antioxidant that helps restore tissues and cells damaged by free radicals.
  2. The process of photoaging slows down, cells are reliably protected from damage by ultraviolet rays.
  3. The main positive property is that the inflammatory reaction that appears during prolonged exposure to the sun is minimized.
  4. The activity of aging processes decreases.
  5. The free radical is neutralized and the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes is stopped.
  6. Another useful property is that the risk of developing cancer is minimized.

Impact of free radicals on the body

Free radicals are molecules that have the ability to gain another electron. The molecule has one unpaired electron, so it easily enters into chemical reactions that fill existing voids. As a result of attachment, the molecule becomes completely safe. Chemical reactions provoked by free radicals have a certain effect on the human body.

If the amount of these molecules is within normal limits, the immune system can control them. A substance such as an antioxidant will help prevent oxidation in the body. Free radicals control the following functions:

  1. activation of certain enzymes;
  2. the process of destruction of bacteria and viruses;
  3. hormone production;
  4. energy production.

As the number of free radicals increases, these molecules become more actively produced, which causes serious harm to the body. A change in the structure of proteins begins, a method for encoding genetic information and transmitting it from cell to cell. The human immune system perceives pathologically altered proteins as foreign material and begins to destroy them. With heavy stress, immunity drops, and serious illness (kidney, heart failure) or oncology can develop.

What are antioxidants

Molecules that have a negatively charged electron are antioxidant substances. They have great benefits, because they help prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, help remove toxins from the body, and speed up the healing process. Oxidants and antioxidants must be present in the human body, because they ensure its functioning.

Almost every product includes a unique antioxidant. Doctors advise eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Any natural antioxidant neutralizes the harmful effects of the environment (smoky streets, ultraviolet radiation, frequent stress) and bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse) on the body. They are used to slow down the aging process of the body.

What are antioxidants, their beneficial properties for the body, what these substances contain, how they affect humans - we share all this on the pages of the website

What are antioxidants in simple words

Many have heard the words “antioxidants, antioxidants“... And if you ask me to explain what it is and what it is eaten with, they immediately get lost and remain silent. Well, the most they will say is: “antioxidants have a beneficial effect on human health.”

“Why”, “why” and “how” remain behind the scenes. And in order to explain in simple language the meaning of medical terms, today I am opening a new section on the website — "The ABC of Health". A decoding of scientific names will appear in this section.

Antioxidants are called natural or synthetic chemical compounds that interfere with oxidative processes, slowing them down or stopping them.

These substances are also called antioxidants or preservatives, as they help keep the body young and healthy for many years. This is explained by the fact that the aging process, in a simple understanding, is the slow oxidation of the components of the cells of our body, and only antioxidants consumed in sufficient quantities can slow it down as much as possible.

Mechanism of action of antioxidants

Every second, many chemical reactions occur in the human body, of which oxidation reactions are common.

Such reactions are necessary for our body, as they help maintain a constant internal state (homeostasis). The oxidation of carbohydrates, alcohols, fats and other compounds contributes to vital processes such as tissue regeneration or energy conversion.

These reactions involve free radicals – atoms containing a certain number of unpaired electrons. Free radicals try to replace unpaired electrons; they “select” the desired elementary particle from stable molecules, which, in turn, also become free radicals.

Contrary to misconception, free radicals do not always cause harm to our body. They are involved in hormonal production, energy production processes, and enzyme activation.

In a healthy body, free radicals are produced by the immune system, as they can protect a person from the action of bacteria and viruses, disrupting their structure.

Based on this, we can talk about the dangers of free radicals only by keeping them in mind excess quantity.

When unstable particles impact healthy cells of the body, a chain reaction is formed, which can lead to irreversible damage to the body's structures: aging and various diseases (ischemia, stroke, heart attack, skin diseases, nervous and immune systems, cancer).

It is antioxidants that are able to stop these dangerous processes by finding unstable particles and “donating” their electrons to them. In this case, the original compound itself does not lose stability and does not become a free radical.

But it's not the only one mechanism of action of antioxidants: in addition to direct interaction with free radicals, these compounds can bind to hydroperoxides, thereby destroying them, or block catalysts for oxidation provoked by the action of free radicals.

It should be noted that if you combine antioxidants with synergistic substances, the result will significantly exceed the initial effect. In this case, citric and ascorbic acids can be synergists.

Causes of increased oxidation in the body, the formation of free radicals

Radical oxidation brings a lot of trouble to our body. The body ages quickly, the walls of blood vessels are destroyed, cholesterol levels rise, and cell mutations lead to the development of cancer.

You should be aware of factors that can upset the acidity balance, namely:

  1. Excessive consumption of foods with high acidity (baked goods, alcohol, meat, eggs, fried nuts).
  2. Exceeding the daily volume of “acidic” drinks (coffee, tea, sparkling water, beer, energy drinks).
  3. Decreased acid secretion.

Free radicals in excess quantities primarily oxidize lipids, the main components of cell membranes, and the cell unprotected by the membrane mutates or dies. Aggressive particles can also destruct proteins, damaging their receptors. Such proteins will no longer be able to respond to hormones and signaling molecules; the immune system will attack them as foreign particles, and autoimmune diseases will arise.

Experts often associate excess free radicals with environmental changes:

  1. "Bad" climate.
  2. Harmful production conditions.
  3. Temperature fluctuations.
  4. The action of radiation.
  5. Smoking tobacco.
  6. Living in an area with problematic ecology.
  7. Ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Toxic compounds.
  9. Eating foods rich in fat.
  10. Taking medications.
  11. Wounds and injuries.
  12. Excessive physical activity (considering that moderate exercise has the opposite effect).

Why do humans need antioxidants?

Antioxidants are a kind of protection of cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Depending on the type of action, antioxidants will help cells recover, protect the body from radioactive and electromagnetic radiation, increase overall stress resistance, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risk of a number of diseases (including cancer).

Also, these substances can significantly slow down the aging process; developments based on this theory are very popular among gerontologists.

Studies conducted on mice have proven that with a sufficient amount of antioxidants, the duration and quality of life of rodents significantly increased by 20%. The incidence of age-related and cardiovascular diseases also decreased. Such results provide the basis for further research in this vein on the human body.

Antioxidant Consumption Norms

It is worth understanding that an excess of antioxidants, as well as their deficiency, is harmful to the body.

Signs of excess are headache, rapid breathing, problems with visual perception, frequent cramps, muscle pain, weakness, joint pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disturbances, menstrual problems, skin irritation.

Shortage antioxidants is characterized by apathy, dry skin, bleeding gums, hair and teeth loss, slow growth, the appearance of “goose bumps” in the elbow area, decreased clarity of vision, and weakened sexual function.

In order for all components of the body to function normally and harmoniously, it is recommended to consume antioxidants in the form of vitamins and minerals every day in the following dosages:

  1. Zinc (8-11 mg, vegetarians and raw foodists should increase the dose to 12-16.5 mg)
  2. Copper (2.5 mg)
  3. Vitamin E (15 mg)
  4. Selenium (55 mcg)
  5. Beta-carotene (3-6 mg)
  6. Manganese (3-4 mg)
  7. Vitamin A (1-1.5 mg)
  8. Chromium (100-150 mcg)
  9. Ascorbic acid (75-90 mg, smokers should increase the dose to 110-125 mg)

When calculating an individual dose, it is worth taking into account the health status, age and gender of the person.

Antioxidant properties

The group of antioxidants includes a huge number of substances, and each natural and synthetic antioxidant has unique properties.
Below is a list of the most effective popular antioxidants:

  1. Beta-carotene and vitamin A

Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, they both have an antioxidant effect.
These substances destroy carcinogens, normalize cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes; strengthens the immune system.

The antioxidant in this product is the flavonoid catechin: it prevents the development of cancerous tumors and the formation of blood clots; speeds up metabolism, which is a key factor in losing weight; stabilizes blood sugar levels and insulin activity.

This compound slows down lipid oxidation reactions and thereby controls the permeability of cell membranes.

  1. Vitamin E strengthens the immune system, prevents the risk of cataracts and coronary heart disease.

It should be noted that selenium increases the effect of vitamin E; it is recommended to take these substances simultaneously.

This vitamin is a strong antioxidant, and it is even capable of protecting other antioxidants (for example, vitamin E).

It protects bone marrow cells and neurons from radical damage; neutralizes toxins; plays a large role in the reactions of the immune system.

This element is an integral part of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismustase.

In addition, it helps to activate the activity of vitamins A and E, normalizes the function of the glands, and improves the functioning of the immune system.

Drugs - antioxidants

In some cases, the antioxidants consumed in food are not enough to keep the body healthy. The reasons may be different: from a difficult environmental situation and bad habits to the unavailability of certain products.

In such situations, various drugs come to the rescue:

  1. Lipin is a membrane protector, detoxifier, and increases nonspecific immunity.
  2. Coenzyme Q10 – promotes energy conversion in the body and prevents the accumulation of free radicals.
  3. Dibikor – participates in metabolism, membrane protector, cardiotonic.
  4. Panangin, Asparkam - regulate muscle activity, have a positive effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Tecom, Epadol, Omacor - contain unsaturated fatty acids (which are antioxidants).
  6. Glutargin is a hepatoprotector and has membrane-stabilizing properties.
  7. Vitrum is an antioxidant – protects the body’s structures from the harmful effects of free radicals, improves immunity.
  8. Vitrum-forte Q10 – immunomodulator; normalizes oxidative processes, increases stress resistance; active participant in metabolism.

Antioxidants in products

The main source of antioxidants is food.
But it should be taken into account that heat treatment significantly reduces the amount of antioxidants in food, so it is preferable to consume vegetables and fruits raw or semi-raw; It should also be remembered that vitamins A and E are fat-soluble compounds.

Vitamin C rich foods:

  1. Potato
  2. Citrus
  3. Strawberry
  4. Greenery
  5. Tomato
  6. bell pepper
  7. Broccoli
  8. Cheremsha
  9. Spinach
  10. Currant
  11. Kiwi
  12. Kalina
  13. Sea ​​buckthorn

Foods high in vitamin E:

Products containing vitamin A:

  1. Pumpkin
  2. Carrot
  3. Melon
  4. Apricots
  5. Butter
  6. Cottage cheese
  7. Spinach
  8. Sea kale
  9. Cheremsha
  10. Broccoli
  11. Eggs
  12. Sour cream
  13. Fatty fish
  14. Brynza
  15. Liver
  16. Oysters
  17. Processed cheese

Products containing selenium:

  1. Sunflower seeds
  2. Liver
  3. Cereals
  4. Seafood

Products containing Zinc:

It is probably difficult to find a person who has not heard the word “antioxidants”. Various distributors of anti-aging potions and preparations are very fond of speculating with this term. And most often this word has a magical effect on the consumer. If you mention that a particular product contains antioxidants, then this increases interest in the product significantly, although no one can really explain what kind of “beast” this antioxidant is and why it is needed at all. For most, this definition is associated with incredible benefits, and therefore anything that contains antioxidants should be consumed frequently and in exorbitant quantities. Is this really so and what are the incredible benefits of these same antioxidants, and where can you get them?

Antioxidants: what are they?

Before defining this concept, we should consider a related one - the free radical theory of aging, in connection with which these same antioxidants have gained popularity, the benefits of which everyone knows today. This theory was first put forward by Denham Harman back in the 50s of the last century. The brief essence of the free radical theory of aging is that the cause of aging in the body is cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are particles (atoms or molecules) that in their structure contain unpaired electrons at the outer electronic level. Free radicals cause damage to proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and other types of biomolecules. Damage to cells by free radicals leads to disorders in the body and, as a result, to aging and death. There is an assumption that mitochondria are involved in the formation of free radicals.

What are free radicals? Free radicals are reactive forms of oxygen, which are produced by mitochondria. How to neutralize the effect of free radicals on the body? First of all, you need to follow a low-calorie diet - we will consider this issue below. There is also a version that accelerated metabolism is the cause of oxidation of the body and the formation of free radicals. Versions have already been expressed more than once in scientific and pseudo-scientific circles that life expectancy depends on breathing rate. That is, the more often we breathe, the shorter our life expectancy. And if we consider this theory using the example of animals with different respiratory rates, then it fully justifies itself.

antioxidants, free radicals

For example, a dog that breathes too frequently lives at best for a couple of decades, while a turtle that breathes about two per minute can live over 500 years. Thus, it can be assumed that the respiratory rate actually affects the rate of oxidation of the body, as a result of which it ages. It is also worth paying attention to professional athletes who, due to extreme physical exertion, regularly perform rapid breathing: their career most often ends by the age of 30, and by this time their health in most cases leaves much to be desired. It is possible that the reason for this is an inadequate frequency of respiratory cycles on a regular basis.

How can we neutralize the effect of free radicals on our body and prevent cell oxidation?

  1. First, change your breathing rate. If the theory is that accelerated metabolism, which occurs as a result of high breathing rates, leads to aging, then you should gradually accustom yourself to deeper breathing and thereby reduce its frequency. For this, there is a special breathing practice Apanasati Hinayana, as a result of which we gradually stretch our breathing and thereby slow down our metabolism.
  2. Secondly, the human internal antioxidant system should be launched. The human body has already developed a system for rejuvenation and restoration of damaged cells; you just need to adjust its functioning. The pineal gland in the human brain produces the most important hormone - melatonin, which has a powerful antioxidant effect. The function of the pineal gland is inhibited by an incorrect daily routine (primarily staying awake at night) and an unhealthy diet with a predominance of fatty, fried, flour, sweet, salty and the presence of animal foods in the diet. Inverted asanas will help improve the functioning of the pineal gland and the production of the hormone melatonin.
  3. Thirdly, you should eat natural foods that contain natural antioxidants.

Antioxidant Products

As already mentioned, to neutralize the effects of free radicals on our body, we should follow a low-calorie diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits saturate our body with inhibitors of free radical reactions - antioxidants. Antioxidants can be enzymatic, that is, produced by our body, and non-enzymatic, that is, coming from the outside. In principle, nature designed it so that each cell itself can destroy free radicals entering the body, but if the amount of these free radicals exceeds the norm, then enzymatic antioxidants become insufficient. In this case, non-enzymatic antioxidants, that is, those supplied with food, will come to the rescue. The main non-enzymatic antioxidants are:

fruits vegetables

  1. vitamin C,
  2. vitamin E,
  3. provitamin A,
  4. lycopene,
  5. flavin and flavonoids,
  6. tannins,
  7. anthocyanins.

Vitamin C, vitamin E and provitamin A are found in fresh fruits, and lycopene is found in tomatoes. Flavin and flavonoids are found in fresh vegetables, tannins are found in cocoa, coffee and tea, but given the negative consequences that these drinks have, it is better to exclude them, since there will be more harm than good. Anthocyanins are found in berries, mainly red ones.

Antioxidants in food: table

This table shows the amount of antioxidants per 100 grams of product. Antioxidants are mainly found in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. In canned or heat-treated fruits, their quantity is reduced or absent.

The product's name Product weight Amount of antioxidants
Papaya 100 g 300
Paprika 100 g 21932
White peppers 100 g 40700
Red peppers 100 g 19671
Fresh eggplant 100 g 932
Beans raw 100 g 799
Brazilian nut 100 g 1419
Fresh broccoli 100 g 3083
Vanilla 100 g 122400
Ripe cherries 100 g 3747
Grapes white, green 100 g 1018
Red grapes 100 g 1837
Black grapes 100 g 1746
Fresh blueberries 100 g 4669
Frozen peas 100 g 600
Fresh celery 100 g 552
Fresh plum 100 g 6100
Soybeans 100 g 962
Fresh tomato 100 g 546
Raw pumpkin 100 g 483
Raw pistachios100 100 g 7675
Fresh pineapples 100 g 385
Fresh oranges100 100 g 2103
Raw peanuts100 100 g 3166
Ripe watermelons100 100 g 142
Raw hazelnuts 100 g 9645
Mustard 100 g 29257
Fresh pomegranates 100 g 4479
Fresh grapefruits 100 g 1548
Walnuts raw 100 g 13541
Raw pear 100 g 2201
Fresh strawberries 100 g 4302
Fresh white cabbage 100 g 529
Cardamom 100 g 2764
Curry 100 g 48504
Fresh potatoes 100 g 1098
Fresh kiwi 100 g 862
Fresh cranberries 100 g 9090
Cinnamon 100 g 131420
Fresh gooseberries 100 g 3332
Black peppers 100 g 34053
Sweet peppers 100 g 821
Fresh peach 100 g 1922
Ripe bananas 100 g 795
Fresh basil 100 g 4805
Dried basil 100 g 61063
Fresh corn 100 g 728
Raisin 100 g 4188
Lemons 100 g 1346
Fresh apricots 100 g 1110
Avocado fresh 100 g 1922
Fresh raspberries 100 g 5065
Fresh mandarin 100 g 1627
Fresh carrots 100 g 436
Papaya 100 g 300
Paprika 100 g 21932
Fresh radish 100 g 1750
Fresh salad 100 g 1532
Raw beets 100 g 1776
Artichokes raw 100 g 6552
Olive oil 100 g 372
Fresh cucumbers 100 g 232
Fresh blueberries 100 g 5905
Prunes 100 g 8059
Chile 100 g 23636

fruits vegetables

Foods High in Antioxidants

The leaders in antioxidant content are:

  1. By vitamin C content: Barbados cherries, green sweet peppers, parsley, Brussels sprouts, dill, wild garlic, kiwi, garden strawberries, apples, fresh rose hips, red bell peppers, walnuts, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pine and fir needles .
  2. By vitamin E content: cold-pressed vegetable oils, carrots, potatoes (raw), buckwheat, lettuce, spinach, hazelnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, olives, dried apricots, turnip tops.
  3. According to the content of provitamin A: sorrel, parsley, apricot, red cabbage, peach, turnip, dandelion, carrots, chervil, sea buckthorn, rose hips, celery, wild garlic, mango, melon, lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli.
  4. Lycopene content: tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, watermelon, grapefruit, guava, rose hips, papaya, persimmon.
  5. By anthocyanin content: blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, game, elderberries, black currants, grapes, plums, pomegranates, eggplants, basil, red leaf lettuce, red cabbage.

What foods contain antioxidants?

Antioxidants are found in the following foods: prunes, plums, rowan berries, currants, pomegranate, mangosteen, acai, sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, cranberries, chokeberries, black plums, raisins, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, fresh apples with peel, tangerines, gooseberries , blueberries, grapefruit, raspberries, orange, cherry, cabbage, spinach, Brussels sprouts, fresh tomatoes, fresh cucumbers with peel, raw pumpkin, alfalfa sprouts, rose hips, broccoli, beets, red peppers, eggplant, fresh corn, fresh radishes, cabbage fresh white cabbage, raw potatoes, as well as some legumes: small red beans, regular red beans, artichokes, black beans, peas. Among the nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios.

It should, however, be recalled that no matter what benefits certain natural and fresh products provide, overeating and abusing them will not be beneficial. Any food that is consumed in excess is not adequately digested and becomes poisonous. You should also be careful about mixing different types of products - this leads to fermentation and rotting. Thus, fruits and foods high in protein are best consumed separately from the rest: they are not compatible with other types of foods, as well as with each other. Protein products can only be combined with low-starch vegetables, but they cannot be combined with vegetables that have a high starch content.