Arthritis Microtraumatic

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Microtraumatic arthritis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in joints and cartilage tissue. The cause of the development of this disease can be various factors - poor nutrition, overexertion, lack of minerals and vitamins, allergic reactions, etc. Treatment of microtraumatic arthritis consists of taking medications, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage. A person with such a diagnosis must carefully monitor his health and lifestyle, since his health depends entirely on self-care. Modern medicine offers effective therapy that is aimed at accelerating recovery and stopping exacerbations of the disease. Among these methods it is worth highlighting: - **Diet and proper nutrition.** A hypoallergenic diet should form the basis of the patient’s diet. It is necessary to limit or completely eliminate foods that can have an irritating effect on the digestive system. The patient should not eat salty, spicy and smoked foods, or sour foods. This diet strengthens blood vessels, joints and maintains the balance of nutrients. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients: easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. You can make your diet more varied with vegetarian dishes, fatty fish and poultry. **- Diversify your diet with vegetable and fruit soups, fish and vegetables. The daily menu should consist of fresh vegetables, chicken and eggs. Nutrition during the treatment of arthritis should help saturate the body with microelements and nutrients that are involved in the regeneration of cartilage in affected joints. You should exclude semolina porridge, potatoes, pasta, legumes, desserts and sweets from your diet.** - If possible, you can sign up for a swimming pool. Healing swimming should completely replace the usual sport that is not associated with physical activity. In this case, contraindications are infectious diseases and tumors. If a person does not have medical contraindications, then going to the pool should be done every day. It is advisable to conduct swimming lessons twice a day for 20–30 minutes. Important advice: it is advisable to splash in the pool in water whose temperature is 25 °C. At low temperatures, blood circulation in the joint slows down. Higher water levels cause skin irritation, and when cooling blood vessels, it disrupts tissue metabolism.