Beautiful hands

Woman's hands. How much they can tell about their owner! Hands-wings, created for kissing, forever beautiful and forever young! But, alas, insidious time takes its toll. And now your hands treacherously betray your age (and perhaps a very insignificant one) or, rather, your laziness. It’s laziness, because, forgive the pun, but your hands are in your hands, they require care, they are waiting for your attention.

The most insidious and capricious arm muscle is the triceps. We don't use this muscle much in life, but it's one of the first muscles that catches our eye when we raise our hand and wave goodbye to someone (which is why the triceps is jokingly called the goodbye muscle). Toning your triceps and ensuring that your arms are strong and youthful is not easy. But for those who love themselves, nothing is impossible, and we will tell you how to make your hands beautiful and strong.

One of the best exercises for your arms is push-ups from your knees (flexion and extension of your arms at the elbow joint). We will tell you how to correctly perform this very useful exercise.

Before you begin the exercise, stand up straight, place your hand on your stomach and cough. Under your palm you will feel your abdominal muscles tense. Now tense your buttocks several times in a row. And finally, try to simultaneously (without coughing) tense the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks with moderate tension so that in this state you can breathe and speak freely. You will have to maintain this tension in the abdominal and buttock muscles throughout the entire exercise.

Now lower yourself onto the mat on your stomach, place your hands close to your chest, fingers pointing forward (or slightly to the sides), elbows pressed to your body. It is best at this moment to remember what a grasshopper looks like with its “knees back.”

Take a moderate inhale and as you exhale, try to straighten your arms, resting on your hands and knees. Remember that simple exercise for the abdominal and buttock muscles that you did at the very beginning. You need to apply it right now. Look carefully at the photographs. During the exercise, try to hold your body so that it forms a straight line from your knee to your shoulder. This condition is especially important when performing push-ups.

At the initial stage, try to perform 1-2 approaches with the maximum number of push-ups. The exercise is quite difficult, but your hands are worth it.

It is also important to ensure that your elbows are pressed to your body. Don’t forget about proper breathing: exhale with effort.

In order for your shoulders and arms to acquire a beautiful shape, and your triceps not to show your laziness, perform these push-ups 3 times a week for 2-3 sets, until you get tired. And then you can safely flaunt in open outfits, which is already so important on the eve of summer.

Article kindly provided by the Russian Aerobics Federation