Best anti-stress choice

To treat depression, American therapists use a complex technique that includes physical exercise and absolute relaxation. But before you challenge your bad mood, it's important to correctly identify the type of stress you're experiencing. We will show you how to make the right choice.

Moderate pace of life
Do you have chronic lack of sleep and fatigue, do you feel exhausted? Dramatic changes occur at work and at home, which undoubtedly cause stress and anxiety. You urgently need long rest and sports activities that do not take up a lot of time and energy. You will find salvation in yoga, Pilates and swimming. You can do similar exercises at home: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms and upper body like tree branches. The lower part of the body remains motionless, the upper part performs circular movements with the shoulders and head.

Average pace of life
An overly emotional person, who periodically experiences apathy and mental lethargy, needs interesting and rhythmic exercises. The best stress therapy in this case is fiery dancing and aerobics. Exercises at home: stand up straight, rest your hands on the back of a chair and straighten your shoulders. Then do squats, swing your legs forward, to the side, back.

Active pace of life
Stressful days and sleepless nights? Are you no longer able to cope with the stress that is rapidly destroying your life? Energetic and active aerobics and exercise on an exercise bike will help you overcome depression and depression. At home (after stretching), jump rope for at least 20 minutes at a fast pace.