What is exercise?

Exercise – this is a complex cyclical, repetitive movements with effort; resistance; the load created by the weight of your own body, the weight of your partner, the weight of the weight (barbell, dumbbells, discs, weights, blocks, etc..).

Exercises by type can be divided into two types:

  1. basic,
  2. isolated.

Basic exercise - this is an exercise in which two or more joints are involved in the work; and accordingly, not one muscle group is involved, but several at once. Examples: squats, deadlifts, various presses.

Isolated exercise – on the contrary, it is narrowly targeted, and is focused on a specific muscle, and, if possible, excludes the use of any other muscles, even synergists. Examples: concentrated calf raises, French presses, Scott curls.

Basic exercises in fitness And bodybuilding are used for a comprehensive effect on the entire muscular system in general - for gaining weight, for increasing volume. And isolated ones are for better detailed work, polishing each specific muscle.

Knowledge and correct understanding of the methodology for performing exercises, their combination and alternation greatly facilitates the process of compiling training plan both in the short term and for a serious long term...

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