
Ergosterol is a lipophilic isosteroid with antitumor, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Ergosterols make up the bulk of vitamin D, the main biologically active substance of the sun. However, ergostyrene does not enter the blood, and therefore does not cause hypervitaminosis; its absorption by the body, however, is also extremely low. Therefore, excessive consumption, although practically impossible, will not have a noticeable effect on health. The mechanism of action of ergosterone is based on the formation of complexes with proteins of the cell membranes of microorganisms and inhibition of the main enzymes of their metabolism.

In the skin, ergotriol is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays (C). Vitamin D3 is produced in the human body from ergosternum under the influence of the same rays or is formed as a result of the transformation of ergoderm from er